Journal of Military Learning

Upcoming Conferences of Note


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January 9–11, 2025: Lilly National Conferences, Teaching and Learning

San Diego, CA

This conference provides opportunities for the presentation of the scholarship of teaching and learning. Faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education.


January 14–17, 2025: Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC)

Orlando, FL

FETC 2025 will host hundreds of sessions across eight distinct tracks that will spark ideas and inspire motivation. Tracks include district leaders, school leaders, classroom leaders, IT leaders, coach leaders, inclusion leaders, sports leaders, and library leaders.


April 5–8, 2025: Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference

Chicago, IL

Held annually in the spring in Chicago, the conference offers learning, professional development, and networking opportunities for Higher Learning Commission members.


May 18–21, 2025: The American Council on Education’s Annual Convention and Legislative Summit

Washington, D.C.

This conference takes place every spring with over 1,600 attendees participating in educational sessions, congressional appointments, and networking events.


June 4–5, 2025: EduData Summit


The EduData Summit is a premier forum for data-driven educators. Learn and share best practices regarding big data, predictive analytics, learning analytics, and education.


June 6–8, 2025: The Teaching Professor Conference

Washington, D.C.

This conference focuses upon practical, evidence-based tools and practices to help instructors excel in the classroom. The Teaching Professor Conference is your opportunity to dive into effective teaching practices, enhance student learning, and join a supportive community of fellow faculty members who share your same challenges.


July 22–25, 2025: Hybrid, Faculty Development Forum

Fort Leavenworth, KS

This conference is a biennial symposium to enhance the Army’s faculty development enterprise.

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