Farewell to Col. Todd Schmidt
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The staff of Military Review bids farewell to Col. Todd Schmidt, the director of the Army University Press and the editor in chief of Military Review, as he retires from military service after twenty-nine years. For nearly two and a half years, Col. Schmidt’s vision and his unwavering focus on restoring professional writing in the U.S. Army ensured Military Review’s continued relevance as the premier professional journal in the Army. Although he effectively managed multiple teams in Army University Press and their corresponding initiatives, he still found time to spearhead multiple special themed Military Review issues, coordinate for numerous high-level writers, elevate the DePuy writing contest to national prominence, and write several articles for our publication.
Col. Schmidt will be missed by everyone in the organization, and his influence will be felt long after his departure. We wish him good luck and continued success in the next chapter of his life as a civilian and Army veteran.
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