2022 Index
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“The 442nd as a Fighting Unit,” David F. Bonner (July-August): 129
“Advanced Strategic Leadership Studies Program,” Barry M. Stentiford (March-April): 116
“The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. John H. Modinger, PhD, U.S. Air Force, Retired (July-August): 139
“The All-Volunteer Armed Forces: Status, Prospects and Alternatives,” William R. King (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 85
“The Arctic Cold War: Competition and Deterrence at Our Northern Doorstep,” Maj. Gen. Brian Eifler, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
“Army Medicine’s Critical Role in Large-Scale Combat Operations: Enable the Force,” Lt. Col. Matthew K. Marsh, U.S. Army; and Capt. Ryan L. Hampton, U.S. Army (July-August): 106
“Assessing Mars: A Holistic Framework for Land Forces Analysis,” Chief Warrant Officer 2 Andrew L. Chadwick, PhD, U.S. Army National Guard (May-June): 68
“Attack on America: The First War of the 21st Century,” David J. Shaughnessy and Lieutentant Colonel Thomas M. Cowan (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 194
“A Balancing Game of Janus: Turkish Armed Forces’ Border Security Measures,” Col. Özgür Körpe, PhD, Turkish Army (November-December): 116
“British and German Approaches to Tactical Officer Training during the Late Interwar Period,” Ashley Arensdorf, DPhil (December 2021 online exclusive)
“Building the Russian Concept of Operations in the Baltic Sea Region: An Experimental Approach,” Maj. Frederik Wintermans, Royal Netherlands Army; and Dan G. Cox, PhD (May-June): 6
“Centers of Gravity and Strategic Planning,” Steven Metz and Lieutenant Colonel Frederick M. Downey, US Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 136
“Cohesion in the Army: A Primary Group Analysis,” Col. J. Todd Burroughs, U.S. Army; and Col. Stephen G. Ruth, U.S. Army (February online exclusive)
“Combat in Cities,” Anthony Harrigan (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 80
“Command Post Automation,” Col. Harry D. Tunnell IV, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 79
“Competition in Order and Progress: Criminal Insurgencies and Governance in Brazil” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. James J. Torrence, U.S. Army (September-October): 133
“Conceptualizing Information Advantage: Using Boyd’s OODA Loop,” Maj Christopher Kean, U.S. Air Force (November-December): 109
“Concerted Alliance Building: The Solution to Ensuring 'A Free and Open Indo-Pacific' in a Multipolar World,” 2nd Lt. Jose R. Aguilar, U.S. Army Reserve (April online exclusive)
“Conflict, Chaos, and Auftragstaktik: Modern Insight on Mission Command Pitfalls from German Leadership at the First Battle of the Marne,” Capt. Clayton B. Jaksha, U.S. Army (March-April): 31
“The Congressional Delegation: A Great Opportunity to Build Trust and Inform Strategic Decisions,” Col. Nathan Cook, U.S. Army; and Maj. Patrick W. Naughton, U.S. Army Reserve (March-April): 109
“Cultivating a Coaching Culture,” Maj. Christine S. Chang, U.S. Army (November-December): 22
“Cultural Engineering,” Theodore R. Vallance and Charles D. Windle (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 64
“Decentralized Deterrence: Reinvigorating the Army’s Deterrence Impact in the Face of a Modernized People’s Liberation Army,” Frank Hoffman (March-April): 14
“The Development of Airfield Seizure Operations in the United States Army,” R. F. M. Williams (November 2021 online exclusive)
“Does China Have Enough Food to Go to War? Practical Indicators for U.S. Military and Policy Makers,” Maj. Jamie Critelli, U.S. Army Reserve; and Capt. Gustavo Ferreira, PhD, U.S. Army Reserve (July-August): 84
“Duty Should Not Be an Army Value,” Charles J. Duncan (September-October): 110
“Economic Sanctions,” Dr. Mark Duckenfield (September-October): 6
“Eliminating Micromanagement and Embracing Mission Command,” Maj. Justin T. DeLeon, U.S. Army; and Dr. Paolo G. Tripodi (September-October): 88
“Embracing the Need for Command Climate Change,” Maj. Gen. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Jaron S. Wharton, PhD, U.S. Army (November-December): 10
“Emerging U.S. Army Doctrine: Dislocated with Nuclear-Armed Adversaries and Limited War,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 240
“Enhancing Situational Understanding through Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Tactical Headquarters,” Maj. Benjamin Scott, U.S. Army; and Capt. André Michell, U.S. Army (November-December): 74
“Foreign Disaster Response: Joint Task Force-Haiti Observations,” Lieutenant General P.K. (Ken) Keen, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Matthew G. Elledge, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Nolan, U.S. Army; and Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Kimmey, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 219
“Four-Dimensional Planning at the Speed of Relevance: Artificial-Intelligence-Enabled Military Decision-Making Process,” Col. Michael S. Farmer, U.S. Army (November-December): 64
“Gaining the Advantage: How Patton’s Unique Information Forces and Competitive Approach to Information Enabled Operational-Level Success in August 1944,” Maj. Spencer L. French, U.S. Army (March-April): 54
“Haunted by Clausewitz’s Ghost: Moral Forces in the Collapse of the Afghan Military,” J. B. Potter (November-December): 42
“Hints for Combat,” Lieutenant Colonel E. H. Burba, Field Artillery (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 26
“History, Mission Command, and the Auftragstaktik Infatuation,” Ricardo A. Herrera (July-August): 53
“History While It’s Hot: How a Group of U.S. Army Combat Historians Helped Preserve the GI’s Perspective in Europe during World War II,” Carson Teuscher (May-June): 114
“How China Sees the World: And How We Should See China,” Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, U.S. Army, Retired (March-April): 6
“How to Keep Changing an Army: Adjusting Modernization in the Age of Loitering Munitions,” Maj. Ryan Orsini, U.S. Army (May-June): 98
“The Impact of Weapons of Mass Destruction on Battlefield Operations,” Major General Robert D. Orton, US Army; and Major Robert C. Neumann, US Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 175
“An Impeccable Spy: Richard Sorge, Stalin’s Master Agent” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. John H. Modinger, PhD, U.S. Air Force, Retired (March-April): 123
“The Individual Replacement Process: Will It Work?,” Brig. Gen. Hope Rampy, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. William C. Latham Jr., U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 42
“Intratheater Logistics Proficiency: Preparing for the Modern Contested Fight,” Maj. Bryan J. Quinn, U.S. Army (July-August): 74
“Irregular Competition: Conceptualizing a Whole-of-Government Approach for the United States to Indirectly Confront and Deter State and Nonstate Adversaries,” Lt. Col. Jeremiah C. Lumbaca, U.S. Army, Retired (July-August): 44
“JUST CAUSE and the Principles of War,” Lieutenant Colonel William C. Bennett, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 163
“Key to a Crisis,” Lt. Col. Wallace J. Moulis, United States Army; and Maj. Richard M. Brown, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 75
“Kicking the Beehive: Reimagining Manned-Unmanned Teaming in Multi-Domain Operations,” Capt. Clayton B. Jaksha, U.S. Army (May-June): 90
“The Lesson of the Security Force Assistance Brigade in Africa: Find the Authority to Compete and Win,” Maj. Spencer D. Propst, U.S. Army (March-April): 81
“Lessons from ‘A Team of Teams’ CSF-536 and Tsunami Relief,” Lt. Col. John M. Curatola, PhD, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired (May online exclusive)
“Let the Women Do It,” Colonel John W. Davis, Artillery Instructor, Army War College (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 33
“Maximizing Engagement Area Lethality: A Tale of Two Doctrines,” Maj. Justin K. Bateman, U.S. Air Force (March-April): 21
“Meeting the Challenge of Large-Scale Ground Combat Operations Today and Tomorrow,” Lt. Gen. Michael D. Lundy, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 232
“A Military Solution to a Military Problem: Personal Finance Issues in the United States Armed Forces,” Brendan Duebner (March 2022)
“Mission Essential: Digital Interoperability during Multi-National Joint All-Domain Operations,” Col. John Bonin, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Mark Balboni, U.S. Army (November-December): 84
“A Mission of Mercy amidst Terror, Death, and Despair: The Story of the National Relief Boat in the Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878,” Maj. James D. Campbell Jr., U.S. Army, Retired (May-June): 38
“Modernizing Tactical Military Microgrids to Keep Pace with the Electrification of Warfare,” Maj. Nicholas Barry, U.S. Army; and Surya Santoso, PhD (November-December): 95
“Multi-Domain Warfighting in NATO: The 1 German-Netherlands Corps View,” Lt. Gen. Andreas Marlow, German Army; and Lt. Col. Wilson C. Blythe Jr., U.S. Army (May-June): 16
“New U.S. Army Human Resources System Is the Change the Army and Its Soldiers Need,” Col. Rebecca L. Eggers, U.S. Army (September-October): 48
“Nuclear Weapons Employment Training,” Major DeBow Freed, Infantry (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 57
“On Biological War,” Al Mauroni (May-June): 28
“Operation Urgent Fury and Its Critics,” Captain Daniel P. Bolger, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 120
“The Other Face of Battle: America’s Forgotten Wars and the Experience of Combat” (Review Essay), Donald P. Wright, PhD (May-June): 126
“Perception Is Reality: Redefining Capacity to Influence,” Maj. Chris Adams, British Army (November-December): 34
“Preventative Conservation of Military Artifacts at the Frontier Army Museum,” Megan Hunter (April online exclusive)
“Preventing a Short Jump across a Wide Ditch: Fully Embracing Mission Command to Avoid a Multi-Domain Disaster,” Maj. Robert Rose, U.S. Army (March-April): 41
“Principled Empathy: Perspectives of an Afghanistan Veteran,” Maj. Mark Kloiber, U.S. Army (November 2021 online exclusive)
“A Private’s Viewpoint on AirLand Battle,” Private First Class Mark T. Schmidt, Army National Guard (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 132
“Protecting Posterity: Women and the Military Selective Service Act,” Maj. Kelly M. Dickerson, U.S. Air Force (September-October): 52
“Protection of Civilians in Robust Peacekeeping Operations: The Role of United Nations Special Operations Units,” Maj. Josias Marcos de Resende Silva, Brazilian Army (May-June): 47
“The Ratio of Troops to Space,” B. H. Liddell Hart (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 47
“Realize the Future,” L. Lance Boothe (September-October): 99
“Rediscovering Leadership as an Antidote to Adjustment Problems in the Army,” Maj. Karl Umbrasas, PsyD, ABPP, U.S. Army (July-August): 97
“Reorganizing Around Combat Casualty Care: Can Army Medicine Negate the Peacetime Effect?,” Col. Michael J. Tarpey, MD, U.S. Army (March-April): 67
“Rethinking Combat Medic Training: The Critical Changes Needed to Prevent Death in Future Conflicts,” Lt. Col. Manuel Menendez, U.S. Army (July-August): 123
“Retooling the Factory: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command for Multi-Domain Operations,” Lt. Col. Matthew R. Arrol, U.S. Army (May online exclusive)
“The Role of Expeditionary Dentistry in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Andres Mendoza, DDS, U.S. Army; and Maj. Ross Cook, DMD, U.S. Army (September-October): 36
“Russian Logistics and Forward Urban Defense in the Baltic States,” Lukas Milevski (November-December): 130
“Russian Preinvasion Influence Activities in the War with Ukraine,” Ian J. Courter (September-October): 16
“Russian Public Opinion and the Ukraine War: Applying the American Experience,” John Mueller, PhD (September-October): 28
“Situational Triage: Redefining Medical Decision-Making for Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Brian C. Beldowicz, MD, U.S. Army Reserve; Maj. Robert Modlin, U.S. Army; Maj. Michael Bellamy, DO, U.S. Army; and Maj. Hugh Hiller, MD, U.S. Army (July-August): 114
“Some Vagrant Thoughts on Doctrine,” Jay Luvaas (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 114
“Space Power Is Land Power: The Army’s Role in Space,” Major Linas A. Roe, US Army; and Major Douglas H. Wise, US Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 102
“Speed versus Quality: A Cautionary Tale of the M-16 in Vietnam,” Maj. Dallas Durham, U.S. Army (March-April): 99
“The Strategic Competition for Partnership: Inside Views from the Backbench: An Aide’s Observations of Senior Leader Engagements,” Capt. Sarah Melville, U.S. Army (May-June): 58
“Strategic Sepsis” (Future Warfare Writing Program), Maj. Timothy M. Dwyer, U.S. Army (September-October): 120
“Supplying United Nations Troops in Korea,” Major Pierre P. Kirby, Transportation Corps, Student, The Transportation School, Fort Eustis, Virginia (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 41
“Support the Fight! The U.S. Army, the Joint Force, and the Indo-Pacific,” 1st Lt. Joshua Ratta, U.S. Army (March-April): 90
“Tactical and Strategical Effects of the Development of the Fast Tank,” Major L. S. Hobbs, Infantry (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 17
“The Tactical Considerations of Augmented and Mixed Reality Implementation,” Dr. Jan Kallberg; Maj. Victor Beitelman, U.S. Army; Maj. Victor Mitsuoka, U.S. Army; Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jeremiah Pittman, U.S. Army; Dr. Michael W. Boyce; and Lt. Col. Todd W. Arnold, U.S. Army (May-June): 105
“Tactical TikTok for Great Power Competition: Applying the Lessons of Ukraine’s IO Campaign to Future Large-Scale Conventional Operations,” Col. Theodore W. Kleisner, U.S. Army; and Trevor T. Garmey (July-August): 23
“Teach as They Fight: Why Preparing Students for America’s Future Operational Environment Requires Studying Britain’s Military Past,” Dr. Jacob Stoil and Dr. Daniel Whittingham (November-December): 50
“The Theater Army’s Central Role in Integrated Deterrence,” Maj. Justin Magula, U.S. Army (May-June): 77
“To Change An Army,” General Donn A. Starry, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 95
“To Risk It All: Nine Conflicts and the Crucible of Decision” (Review Essay), Mark Montesclaros (November-December): 140
“Ukraine Is Just the Beginning: The Geopolitical Consequences of the Special Operation Will Change the Entire View of the World,” Konstantin Sivkov (July-August): 4
“Understanding Mission Command,” Lt. Col. Lee Robinson, U.S. Army (July-August): 67
“US Army: Doctrinal Influence On the War in Bosnia,” Mark Edmond Clark (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 186
“Using Occam’s Razor to Connect the Dots: The Ba’ath Party and the Insurgency in Tal Afar,” Captain Travis Patriquin, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 200
“VII Corps in the Gulf War: Deployment and Preparation for Desert Storm,” Lieutenant Colonel Peter S. Kindsvatter, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 147
“Warfighting: A Function of Combat Power,” Maj. Thomas R. Ryan Jr., U.S. Army (September-October): 61
“We Don’t Run with Scissors: Why the U.S. Army Struggles with Risk Acceptance,” Maj. Michael J. Rasak, U.S. Army (September-October): 72
“Why They Fight,” Lieutenant Colonel George S. Patton, United States Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 68
“Winning by Outlasting: The United States and Ukrainian Resistance to Russia,” Marc R. DeVore; Andrew Orr, PhD; and Ash Rossiter, PhD (July-August): 11
Adams, Chris, Maj., British Army, “Perception Is Reality: Redefining Capacity to Influence” (November-December): 34
Aguilar, Jose R., 2nd Lt., U.S. Army Reserve, “Concerted Alliance Building: The Solution to Ensuring 'A Free and Open Indo-Pacific' in a Multipolar World” (April online exclusive)
Arensdorf, Ashley, DPhil, “British and German Approaches to Tactical Officer Training during the Late Interwar Period” (December 2021 online exclusive)
Arnold, Todd W., Lt. Col., U.S. Army; Dr. Jan Kallberg; Maj. Victor Beitelman, U.S. Army; Maj. Victor Mitsuoka, U.S. Army; Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jeremiah Pittman, U.S. Army; and Dr. Michael W. Boyce, “The Tactical Considerations of Augmented and Mixed Reality Implementation” (May-June): 105
Arrol, Matthew R., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “Retooling the Factory: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command for Multi-Domain Operations” (May online exclusive)
Balboni, Mark, Lt. Col., U.S. Army; and Col. John Bonin, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired, “Mission Essential: Digital Interoperability during Multi-National Joint All-Domain Operations” (November-December): 84
Barry, Nicholas, Maj., U.S. Army; and Surya Santoso, PhD, “Modernizing Tactical Military Microgrids to Keep Pace with the Electrification of Warfare” (November-December): 95
Bateman, Justin K., Maj., U.S. Air Force, “Maximizing Engagement Area Lethality: A Tale of Two Doctrines” (March-April): 21
Beitelman, Victor, Maj., U.S. Army; Dr. Jan Kallberg; Maj. Victor Mitsuoka, U.S. Army; Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jeremiah Pittman, U.S. Army; Dr. Michael W. Boyce; and Lt. Col. Todd W. Arnold, U.S. Army, “The Tactical Considerations of Augmented and Mixed Reality Implementation” (May-June): 105
Beldowicz, Brian C., Lt. Col., MD, U.S. Army Reserve; Maj. Robert Modlin, U.S. Army; Maj. Michael Bellamy, DO, U.S. Army; and Maj. Hugh Hiller, MD, U.S. Army, “Situational Triage: Redefining Medical Decision-Making for Large-Scale Combat Operations” (July-August): 114
Bellamy, Michael, Maj., DO, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Brian C. Beldowicz, MD, U.S. Army Reserve; Maj. Robert Modlin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Hugh Hiller, MD, U.S. Army, “Situational Triage: Redefining Medical Decision-Making for Large-Scale Combat Operations” (July-August): 114
Bennett, William C., Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, “JUST CAUSE and the Principles of War” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 163
Blythe, Wilson C., Jr., Lt. Col., U.S. Army; and Lt. Gen. Andreas Marlow, German Army, “Multi-Domain Warfighting in NATO: The 1 German-Netherlands Corps View” (May-June): 16
Bolger, Daniel P., Captain, US Army, “Operation Urgent Fury and Its Critics” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 120
Bonin, John, Col., PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Mark Balboni, U.S. Army, “Mission Essential: Digital Interoperability during Multi-National Joint All-Domain Operations” (November-December): 84
Bonner, David F., “The 442nd as a Fighting Unit” (July-August): 129
Boothe, L. Lance, “Realize the Future” (September-October): 99
Boyce, Michael W., Dr.; Dr. Jan Kallberg; Maj. Victor Beitelman, U.S. Army; Maj. Victor Mitsuoka, U.S. Army; Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jeremiah Pittman, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Todd W. Arnold, U.S. Army, “The Tactical Considerations of Augmented and Mixed Reality Implementation” (May-June): 105
Brown, Richard M., Maj., United States Army; and Lt. Col. Wallace J. Moulis, United States Army, “Key to a Crisis” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 75
Burba, E. H., Lieutenant Colonel, Field Artillery, “Hints for Combat” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 26
Burroughs, J. Todd, Col., U.S. Army; and Col. Stephen G. Ruth, U.S. Army, “Cohesion in the Army: A Primary Group Analysis” (February online exclusive)
Campbell, James D., Jr., Maj., U.S. Army, Retired, “A Mission of Mercy amidst Terror, Death, and Despair: The Story of the National Relief Boat in the Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878” (May-June): 38
Chadwick, Andrew L., Chief Warrant Officer 2, PhD, U.S. Army National Guard, “Assessing Mars: A Holistic Framework for Land Forces Analysis” (May-June): 68
Chang, Christine S., Maj., U.S. Army, “Cultivating a Coaching Culture” (November-December): 22
Cook, Nathan, Col., U.S. Army; and Maj. Patrick W. Naughton, U.S. Army Reserve, “The Congressional Delegation: A Great Opportunity to Build Trust and Inform Strategic Decisions” (March-April): 109
Cook, Ross, Maj., DMD, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Andres Mendoza, DDS, U.S. Army, “The Role of Expeditionary Dentistry in Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 36
Courter, Ian J., “Russian Preinvasion Influence Activities in the War with Ukraine” (September-October): 16
Cowan, Thomas M., Lieutenant Colonel; and David J. Shaughnessy, “Attack on America: The First War of the 21st Century” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 194
Cox, Dan G., PhD; and Maj. Frederik Wintermans, Royal Netherlands Army, “Building the Russian Concept of Operations in the Baltic Sea Region: An Experimental Approach” (May-June): 6
Critelli, Jamie, Maj., U.S. Army Reserve; and Capt. Gustavo Ferreira, PhD, U.S. Army Reserve, “Does China Have Enough Food to Go to War? Practical Indicators for U.S. Military and Policy Makers” (July-August): 84
Curatola, John M., Lt. Col., PhD, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired, “Lessons from ‘A Team of Teams’ CSF-536 and Tsunami Relief” (May online exclusive)
Davis, John W., Colonel, Artillery Instructor, Army War College, “Let the Women Do It” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 33
DeLeon, Justin T., Maj., U.S. Army; and Dr. Paolo G. Tripodi, “Eliminating Micromanagement and Embracing Mission Command” (September-October): 88
DeVore, Marc R.; Andrew Orr, PhD; and Ash Rossiter, PhD, “Winning by Outlasting: The United States and Ukrainian Resistance to Russia” (July-August): 11
Dickerson, Kelly M., Maj., U.S. Air Force, “Protecting Posterity: Women and the Military Selective Service Act” (September-October): 52
Downey, Frederick M., Lieutenant Colonel, US Army; and Steven Metz, “Centers of Gravity and Strategic Planning” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 136
Duckenfield, Mark, Dr., “Economic Sanctions” (September-October): 6
Duebner, Brendan, “A Military Solution to a Military Problem: Personal Finance Issues in the United States Armed Forces” (March 2022)
Duncan, Charles J., “Duty Should Not Be an Army Value” (September-October): 110
Durham, Dallas, Maj., U.S. Army, “Speed versus Quality: A Cautionary Tale of the M-16 in Vietnam” (March-April): 99
Dwyer, Timothy M., Maj., U.S. Army, “Strategic Sepsis” (Future Warfare Writing Program) (September-October): 120
Eggers, Rebecca L., Col., U.S. Army, “New U.S. Army Human Resources System Is the Change the Army and Its Soldiers Need” (September-October): 48
Eifler, Brian, Maj. Gen., U.S. Army, “The Arctic Cold War: Competition and Deterrence at Our Northern Doorstep” (March online exclusive)
Elledge, Matthew G., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army; Lieutenant General P.K. (Ken) Keen, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Nolan, U.S. Army; and Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Kimmey, U.S. Army, “Foreign Disaster Response: Joint Task Force-Haiti Observations” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 219
Farmer, Michael S., Col., U.S. Army, “Four-Dimensional Planning at the Speed of Relevance: Artificial-Intelligence-Enabled Military Decision-Making Process” (November-December): 64
Ferreira, Gustavo, Capt., PhD, U.S. Army Reserve; and Maj. Jamie Critelli, U.S. Army Reserve, “Does China Have Enough Food to Go to War? Practical Indicators for U.S. Military and Policy Makers” (July-August): 84
Freed, DeBow, Major, Infantry, “Nuclear Weapons Employment Training” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 57
French, Spencer L., Maj., U.S. Army, “Gaining the Advantage: How Patton’s Unique Information Forces and Competitive Approach to Information Enabled Operational-Level Success in August 1944” (March-April): 54
Garmey, Trevor T.; and Col. Theodore W. Kleisner, U.S. Army, “Tactical TikTok for Great Power Competition: Applying the Lessons of Ukraine’s IO Campaign to Future Large-Scale Conventional Operations” (July-August): 23
Hampton, Ryan L., Capt., U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Matthew K. Marsh, U.S. Army, “Army Medicine’s Critical Role in Large-Scale Combat Operations: Enable the Force” (July-August): 106
Harrigan, Anthony, “Combat in Cities” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 80
Hart, B. H. Liddell, “The Ratio of Troops to Space” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 47
Herrera, Ricardo A., “History, Mission Command, and the Auftragstaktik Infatuation” (July-August): 53
Hiller, Hugh, Maj., MD, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Brian C. Beldowicz, MD, U.S. Army Reserve; Maj. Robert Modlin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Michael Bellamy, DO, U.S. Army, “Situational Triage: Redefining Medical Decision-Making for Large-Scale Combat Operations” (July-August): 114
Hobbs, L. S., Major, Infantry, “Tactical and Strategical Effects of the Development of the Fast Tank” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 17
Hoffman, Frank, “Decentralized Deterrence: Reinvigorating the Army’s Deterrence Impact in the Face of a Modernized People’s Liberation Army” (March-April): 14
Hunter, Megan, “Preventative Conservation of Military Artifacts at the Frontier Army Museum” (April online exclusive)
Jaksha, Clayton B., Capt., U.S. Army, “Conflict, Chaos, and Auftragstaktik: Modern Insight on Mission Command Pitfalls from German Leadership at the First Battle of the Marne” (March-April): 31
Jaksha, Clayton B., Capt., U.S. Army, “Kicking the Beehive: Reimagining Manned-Unmanned Teaming in Multi-Domain Operations” (May-June): 90
Kallberg, Jan, Dr.; Maj. Victor Beitelman, U.S. Army; Maj. Victor Mitsuoka, U.S. Army; Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jeremiah Pittman, U.S. Army; Dr. Michael W. Boyce; and Lt. Col. Todd W. Arnold, U.S. Army, “The Tactical Considerations of Augmented and Mixed Reality Implementation” (May-June): 105
Kean, Christopher, Maj., U.S. Air Force, “Conceptualizing Information Advantage: Using Boyd’s OODA Loop” (November-December): 109
Keen, P.K. (Ken), Lieutenant General, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Matthew G. Elledge, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Nolan, U.S. Army; and Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Kimmey, U.S. Army, “Foreign Disaster Response: Joint Task Force-Haiti Observations” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 219
Kimmey, Jennifer L., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army; Lieutenant General P.K. (Ken) Keen, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Matthew G. Elledge, U.S. Army; and Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Nolan, U.S. Army, “Foreign Disaster Response: Joint Task Force-Haiti Observations” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 219
Kindsvatter, Peter S., Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, “VII Corps in the Gulf War: Deployment and Preparation for Desert Storm” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 147
King, William R., “The All-Volunteer Armed Forces: Status, Prospects and Alternatives” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 85
Kirby, Pierre P., Major, Transportation Corps, Student, The Transportation School, Fort Eustis, Virginia “Supplying United Nations Troops in Korea,” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 41
Kleisner, Theodore W., Col., U.S. Army; and Trevor T. Garmey, “Tactical TikTok for Great Power Competition: Applying the Lessons of Ukraine’s IO Campaign to Future Large-Scale Conventional Operations” (July-August): 23
Kloiber, Mark, Maj., U.S. Army, “Principled Empathy: Perspectives of an Afghanistan Veteran” (November 2021 online exclusive)
Körpe, Özgür, Col., PhD, Turkish Army, “A Balancing Game of Janus: Turkish Armed Forces’ Border Security Measures” (November-December): 116
Latham, William C., Jr., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, Retired; and Brig. Gen. Hope Rampy, U.S. Army, “The Individual Replacement Process: Will It Work?” (September-October): 42
Lumbaca, Jeremiah C., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, Retired, “Irregular Competition: Conceptualizing a Whole-of-Government Approach for the United States to Indirectly Confront and Deter State and Nonstate Adversaries” (July-August): 44
Lundy, Michael D., Lt. Gen., U.S. Army, “Meeting the Challenge of Large-Scale Ground Combat Operations Today and Tomorrow” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 232
Luvaas, Jay, “Some Vagrant Thoughts on Doctrine” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 114
Magula, Justin, Maj., U.S. Army, “The Theater Army’s Central Role in Integrated Deterrence” (May-June): 77
Marlow, Andreas, Lt. Gen., German Army; and Lt. Col. Wilson C. Blythe Jr., U.S. Army, “Multi-Domain Warfighting in NATO: The 1 German-Netherlands Corps View” (May-June): 16
Marsh, Matthew K., Lt. Col., U.S. Army; and Capt. Ryan L. Hampton, U.S. Army, “Army Medicine’s Critical Role in Large-Scale Combat Operations: Enable the Force” (July-August): 106
Mauroni, Al, “On Biological War” (May-June): 28
McMaster, H. R., Lt. Gen., U.S. Army, Retired, “How China Sees the World: And How We Should See China” (March-April): 6
Melville, Sarah, Capt., U.S. Army, “The Strategic Competition for Partnership: Inside Views from the Backbench: An Aide’s Observations of Senior Leader Engagements” (May-June): 58
Mendoza, Andres, Lt. Col., DDS, U.S. Army; and Maj. Ross Cook, DMD, U.S. Army “The Role of Expeditionary Dentistry in Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 36
Menendez, Manuel, Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “Rethinking Combat Medic Training: The Critical Changes Needed to Prevent Death in Future Conflicts” (July-August): 123
Metz, Steven; and Lieutenant Colonel Frederick M. Downey, US Army, “Centers of Gravity and Strategic Planning” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 136
Michell, André, Capt., U.S. Army; and Maj. Benjamin Scott, U.S. Army, “Enhancing Situational Understanding through Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Tactical Headquarters” (November-December): 74
Milevski, Lukas, “Russian Logistics and Forward Urban Defense in the Baltic States” (November-December): 130
Mitsuoka, Victor, Maj., U.S. Army; Dr. Jan Kallberg; Maj. Victor Beitelman, U.S. Army; Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jeremiah Pittman, U.S. Army; Dr. Michael W. Boyce; and Lt. Col. Todd W. Arnold, U.S. Army, “The Tactical Considerations of Augmented and Mixed Reality Implementation” (May-June): 105
Modinger, John H., Lt. Col., PhD, U.S. Air Force, Retired, “The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War” (Review Essay) (July-August): 139
Modinger, John H., Lt. Col., PhD, U.S. Air Force, Retired, “An Impeccable Spy: Richard Sorge, Stalin’s Master Agent” (Review Essay) (March-April): 123
Modlin, Robert, Maj., U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Brian C. Beldowicz, MD, U.S. Army Reserve; Maj. Michael Bellamy, DO, U.S. Army; and Maj. Hugh Hiller, MD, U.S. Army, “Situational Triage: Redefining Medical Decision-Making for Large-Scale Combat Operations” (July-August): 114
Montesclaros, Mark, “To Risk It All: Nine Conflicts and the Crucible of Decision” (Review Essay) (November-December): 140
Morris, Zachary L., Maj., U.S. Army, “Emerging U.S. Army Doctrine: Dislocated with Nuclear-Armed Adversaries and Limited War” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 240
Moulis, Wallace J., Lt. Col., U.S. Army; and Maj. Richard M. Brown, U.S. Army, “Key to a Crisis” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 75
Mueller, John, PhD, “Russian Public Opinion and the Ukraine War: Applying the American Experience” (September-October): 28
Naughton, Patrick W., Maj., U.S. Army Reserve; and Col. Nathan Cook, U.S. Army, “The Congressional Delegation: A Great Opportunity to Build Trust and Inform Strategic Decisions” (March-April): 109
Neumann, Robert C., Major, U.S. Army; and Major General Robert D. Orton, U.S. Army, “The Impact of Weapons of Mass Destruction on Battlefield Operations” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 175
Nolan, Charles W., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army; Lieutenant General P.K. (Ken) Keen, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Matthew G. Elledge, U.S. Army; and Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Kimmey, U.S. Army, “Foreign Disaster Response: Joint Task Force-Haiti Observations” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 219
Norrie, Christopher R., Maj. Gen., U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Jaron S. Wharton, PhD, U.S. Army, “Embracing the Need for Command Climate Change” (November-December): 10
Orr, Andrew, PhD; Marc R. DeVore; and Ash Rossiter, PhD, “Winning by Outlasting: The United States and Ukrainian Resistance to Russia” (July-August): 11
Orsini, Ryan, Maj., U.S. Army, “How to Keep Changing an Army: Adjusting Modernization in the Age of Loitering Munitions” (May-June): 98
Orton, Robert D., Major General, U.S. Army; and Major Robert C. Neumann, U.S. Army, “The Impact of Weapons of Mass Destruction on Battlefield Operations” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 175
Patriquin, Travis, Captain, U.S. Army, “Using Occam’s Razor to Connect the Dots: The Ba’ath Party and the Insurgency in Tal Afar” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 200
Patton, George S., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, “Why They Fight” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 68
Pittman, Jeremiah, Chief Warrant Officer 3, U.S. Army; Dr. Jan Kallberg; Maj. Victor Beitelman, U.S. Army; Maj. Victor Mitsuoka, U.S. Army; Dr. Michael W. Boyce; and Lt. Col. Todd W. Arnold, U.S. Army, “The Tactical Considerations of Augmented and Mixed Reality Implementation” (May-June): 105
Potter, J. B., “Haunted by Clausewitz’s Ghost: Moral Forces in the Collapse of the Afghan Military” (November-December): 42
Propst, Spencer D., Maj., U.S. Army, “The Lesson of the Security Force Assistance Brigade in Africa: Find the Authority to Compete and Win” (March-April): 81
Quinn, Bryan J., Maj., U.S. Army, “Intratheater Logistics Proficiency: Preparing for the Modern Contested Fight” (July-August): 74
Rampy, Hope, Brig. Gen., U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. William C. Latham Jr., U.S. Army, Retired, “The Individual Replacement Process: Will It Work?” (September-October): 42
Rasak, Michael J., Maj., U.S. Army, “We Don’t Run with Scissors: Why the U.S. Army Struggles with Risk Acceptance” (September-October): 72
Ratta, Joshua, 1st Lt., U.S. Army, “Support the Fight! The U.S. Army, the Joint Force, and the Indo-Pacific” (March-April): 90
Robinson, Lee, Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “Understanding Mission Command” (July-August): 67
Roe, Linas A., Major, U.S. Army; and Major Douglas H. Wise, U.S. Army, “Space Power Is Land Power: The Army’s Role in Space” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 102
Rose, Robert, Maj., U.S. Army, “Preventing a Short Jump across a Wide Ditch: Fully Embracing Mission Command to Avoid a Multi-Domain Disaster” (March-April): 41
Rossiter, Ash, PhD; Marc R. DeVore; and Andrew Orr, PhD, “Winning by Outlasting: The United States and Ukrainian Resistance to Russia” (July-August): 11
Ruth, Stephen G., Col., U.S. Army; and Col. J. Todd Burroughs, U.S. Army, “Cohesion in the Army: A Primary Group Analysis” (February online exclusive)
Ryan, Thomas R., Jr., Maj., U.S. Army, “Warfighting: A Function of Combat Power” (September-October): 61
Santoso, Surya, PhD; and Maj. Nicholas Barry, U.S. Army, “Modernizing Tactical Military Microgrids to Keep Pace with the Electrification of Warfare” (November-December): 95
Schmidt, Mark T., Private First Class, Army National Guard, “A Private’s Viewpoint on AirLand Battle” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 132
Scott, Benjamin, Maj., U.S. Army; and Capt. André Michell, U.S. Army, “Enhancing Situational Understanding through Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Tactical Headquarters” (November-December): 74
Shaughnessy, David J.; and Lieutentant Colonel Thomas M. Cowan, “Attack on America: The First War of the 21st Century” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 194
Silva, Josias Marcos de Resende, Maj., Brazilian Army, “Protection of Civilians in Robust Peacekeeping Operations: The Role of United Nations Special Operations Units” (May-June): 47
Sivkov, Konstantin, “Ukraine Is Just the Beginning: The Geopolitical Consequences of the Special Operation Will Change the Entire View of the World” (July-August): 4
Starry, Donn A., General, U.S. Army, “To Change An Army” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 95
Stentiford, Barry M., “Advanced Strategic Leadership Studies Program” (March-April): 116
Stoil, Jacob, Dr.; and Dr. Daniel Whittingham, “Teach as They Fight: Why Preparing Students for America’s Future Operational Environment Requires Studying Britain’s Military Past” (November-December): 50
Tarpey, Michael J., Col., MD, U.S. Army, “Reorganizing Around Combat Casualty Care: Can Army Medicine Negate the Peacetime Effect?” (March-April): 67
Teuscher, Carson, “History While It’s Hot: How a Group of U.S. Army Combat Historians Helped Preserve the GI’s Perspective in Europe during World War II” (May-June): 114
Torrence, James J., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “Competition in Order and Progress: Criminal Insurgencies and Governance in Brazil” (Review Essay) (September-October): 133
Tripodi, Paulo G., Dr.; and Maj. Justin T. DeLeon, U.S. Army, “Eliminating Micromanagement and Embracing Mission Command” (September-October): 88
Tunnell, Harry D., IV, Col., PhD, U.S. Army, Retired, “Command Post Automation” (September-October): 79
Umbrasas, Karl, Maj., PsyD, ABPP, U.S. Army, “Rediscovering Leadership as an Antidote to Adjustment Problems in the Army” (July-August): 97
Vallance, Theodore R., and Charles D. Windle, “Cultural Engineering” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 64
Wharton, Jaron S., Lt. Col., PhD, U.S. Army; and Maj. Gen. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army, “Embracing the Need for Command Climate Change” (November-December): 10
Whittingham, Daniel, Dr.; and Dr. Jacob Stoil, “Teach as They Fight: Why Preparing Students for America’s Future Operational Environment Requires Studying Britain’s Military Past” (November-December): 50
Williams, R. F. M., “The Development of Airfield Seizure Operations in the United States Army” (November 2021 online exclusive)
Windle, Charles D., and Theodore R. Vallance, “Cultural Engineering” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 64
Wintermans, Frederik, Maj., Royal Netherlands Army; and Dan G. Cox, PhD, “Building the Russian Concept of Operations in the Baltic Sea Region: An Experimental Approach” (May-June): 6
Wise, Douglas H., Major, US Army; and Major Linas A. Roe, U.S. Army, “Space Power Is Land Power: The Army’s Role in Space” (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 102
Wright, Donald P., PhD, “The Other Face of Battle: America’s Forgotten Wars and the Experience of Combat” (Review Essay) (May-June): 126
“Attack on America: The First War of the 21st Century,” David J. Shaughnessy and Lieutentant Colonel Thomas M. Cowan (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 194
100th Anniversary Special Edition
“The All-Volunteer Armed Forces: Status, Prospects and Alternatives,” William R. King (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 85
“Attack on America: The First War of the 21st Century,” David J. Shaughnessy and Lieutentant Colonel Thomas M. Cowan (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 194
“Centers of Gravity and Strategic Planning,” Steven Metz and Lieutenant Colonel Frederick M. Downey, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 136
“Combat in Cities,” Anthony Harrigan (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 80
“Cultural Engineering,” Theodore R. Vallance and Charles D. Windle (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 64
“Emerging U.S. Army Doctrine: Dislocated with Nuclear-Armed Adversaries and Limited War,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 240
“Foreign Disaster Response: Joint Task Force-Haiti Observations,” Lieutenant General P.K. (Ken) Keen, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Matthew G. Elledge, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Nolan, U.S. Army; and Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Kimmey, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 219
“Hints for Combat,” Lieutenant Colonel E. H. Burba, Field Artillery (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 26
“The Impact of Weapons of Mass Destruction on Battlefield Operations,” Major General Robert D. Orton, U.S. Army; and Major Robert C. Neumann, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 175
“JUST CAUSE and the Principles of War,” Lieutenant Colonel William C. Bennett, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 163
“Key to a Crisis,” Lt. Col. Wallace J. Moulis, U.S. Army; and Maj. Richard M. Brown, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 75
“Let the Women Do It,” Colonel John W. Davis, Artillery Instructor, Army War College (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 33
“Meeting the Challenge of Large-Scale Ground Combat Operations Today and Tomorrow,” Lt. Gen. Michael D. Lundy, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 232
“Nuclear Weapons Employment Training,” Major DeBow Freed, Infantry (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 57
“Operation Urgent Fury and Its Critics,” Captain Daniel P. Bolger, U.S, Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 120
“A Private’s Viewpoint on AirLand Battle,” Private First Class Mark T. Schmidt, Army National Guard (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 132
“The Ratio of Troops to Space,” B. H. Liddell Hart (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 47
“Some Vagrant Thoughts on Doctrine,” Jay Luvaas (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 114
“Space Power Is Land Power: The Army’s Role in Space,” Major Linas A. Roe, U.S. Army; and Major Douglas H. Wise, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 102
“Supplying United Nations Troops in Korea,” Major Pierre P. Kirby, Transportation Corps, Student, The Transportation School, Fort Eustis, Virginia (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 41
“Tactical and Strategical Effects of the Development of the Fast Tank,” Major L. S. Hobbs, Infantry (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 17
“To Change An Army,” General Donn A. Starry, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 95
“US Army: Doctrinal Influence On the War in Bosnia,” Mark Edmond Clark (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 186
“Using Occam’s Razor to Connect the Dots: The Ba’ath Party and the Insurgency in Tal Afar,” Captain Travis Patriquin, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 200
“VII Corps in the Gulf War: Deployment and Preparation for Desert Storm,” Lieutenant Colonel Peter S. Kindsvatter, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 147
“Why They Fight,” Lieutenant Colonel George S. Patton, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 68
“The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. John H. Modinger, PhD, U.S. Air Force, Retired (July-August): 139
“Haunted by Clausewitz’s Ghost: Moral Forces in the Collapse of the Afghan Military,” J. B. Potter (November-December): 42
“The Other Face of Battle: America’s Forgotten Wars and the Experience of Combat” (Review Essay), Donald P. Wright, PhD (May-June): 126
“Principled Empathy: Perspectives of an Afghanistan Veteran,” Maj. Mark Kloiber, U.S. Army (November 2021 online exclusive)
“The Lesson of the Security Force Assistance Brigade in Africa: Find the Authority to Compete and Win,” Maj. Spencer D. Propst, U.S. Army (March-April): 81
Airfield Seizure Operations
“The Development of Airfield Seizure Operations in the United States Army,” R. F. M. Williams (November 2021 online exclusive)
Airland Battle
“A Private’s Viewpoint on AirLand Battle,” Private First Class Mark T. Schmidt, Army National Guard (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 132
“The Arctic Cold War: Competition and Deterrence at Our Northern Doorstep,” Maj. Gen. Brian Eifler, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
Alliance Building
“Concerted Alliance Building: The Solution to Ensuring 'A Free and Open Indo-Pacific' in a Multipolar World,” 2nd Lt. Jose R. Aguilar, U.S. Army Reserve (April online exclusive)
All-Volunteer Force
“The All-Volunteer Armed Forces: Status, Prospects and Alternatives,” William R. King (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 85
“The Arctic Cold War: Competition and Deterrence at Our Northern Doorstep,” Maj. Gen. Brian Eifler, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
“Tactical and Strategical Effects of the Development of the Fast Tank,” Major L. S. Hobbs, Infantry (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 17
Army Aviation
“Kicking the Beehive: Reimagining Manned-Unmanned Teaming in Multi-Domain Operations,” Capt. Clayton B. Jaksha, U.S. Army (May-June): 90
Army Dentistry
“The Role of Expeditionary Dentistry in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Andres Mendoza, DDS, U.S. Army; and Maj. Ross Cook, DMD, U.S. Army (September-October): 36
Army Medicine
“Army Medicine’s Critical Role in Large-Scale Combat Operations: Enable the Force,” Lt. Col. Matthew K. Marsh, U.S. Army; and Capt. Ryan L. Hampton, U.S. Army (July-August): 106
“Rethinking Combat Medic Training: The Critical Changes Needed to Prevent Death in Future Conflicts,” Lt. Col. Manuel Menendez, U.S. Army (July-August): 123
“Situational Triage: Redefining Medical Decision-Making for Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Brian C. Beldowicz, MD, U.S. Army Reserve; Maj. Robert Modlin, U.S. Army; Maj. Michael Bellamy, DO, U.S. Army; and Maj. Hugh Hiller, MD, U.S. Army (July-August): 114
Army Values
“Duty Should Not Be an Army Value,” Charles J. Duncan (September-October): 110
Artificial Intelligence
“Enhancing Situational Understanding through Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Tactical Headquarters,” Maj. Benjamin Scott, U.S. Army; and Capt. André Michell, U.S. Army (November-December): 74
“Four-Dimensional Planning at the Speed of Relevance: Artificial-Intelligence-Enabled Military Decision-Making Process,” Col. Michael S. Farmer, U.S. Army (November-December): 64
“Realize the Future,” L. Lance Boothe (September-October): 99
Augmented and Mixed Reality
“The Tactical Considerations of Augmented and Mixed Reality Implementation,” Dr. Jan Kallberg; Maj. Victor Beitelman, U.S. Army; Maj. Victor Mitsuoka, U.S. Army; Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jeremiah Pittman, U.S. Army; Dr. Michael W. Boyce; and Lt. Col. Todd W. Arnold, U.S. Army (May-June): 105
Autonomous Systems
“Realize the Future,” L. Lance Boothe (September-October): 99
Baltic Region
“Building the Russian Concept of Operations in the Baltic Sea Region: An Experimental Approach,” Maj. Frederik Wintermans, Royal Netherlands Army; and Dan G. Cox, PhD (May-June): 6
“Russian Logistics and Forward Urban Defense in the Baltic States,” Lukas Milevski (November-December): 130
Biological Warfare
“On Biological War,” Al Mauroni (May-June): 28
“U.S. Army: Doctrinal Influence on the War in Bosnia,” Mark Edmond Clark (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 186
“Competition in Order and Progress: Criminal Insurgencies and Governance in Brazil” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. James J. Torrence, U.S. Army (September-October): 133
“On Biological War,” Al Mauroni (May-June): 28
Center of Gravity
“Centers of Gravity and Strategic Planning,” Steven Metz and Lieutenant Colonel Frederick M. Downey, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 136
“Decentralized Deterrence: Reinvigorating the Army’s Deterrence Impact in the Face of a Modernized People’s Liberation Army,” Frank Hoffman (March-April): 14
“Does China Have Enough Food to Go to War? Practical Indicators for U.S. Military and Policy Makers,” Maj. Jamie Critelli, U.S. Army Reserve; and Capt. Gustavo Ferreira, PhD, U.S. Army Reserve (July-August): 84
“How China Sees the World: And How We Should See China,” Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, U.S. Army, Retired (March-April): 6
Civil Affairs
“Using Occam’s Razor to Connect the Dots: The Ba’ath Party and the Insurgency in Tal Afar,” Captain Travis Patriquin, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 200
“Cohesion in the Army: A Primary Group Analysis,” Col. J. Todd Burroughs, U.S. Army; and Col. Stephen G. Ruth, U.S. Army (February online exclusive)
Cold War
“Key to a Crisis,” Lt. Col. Wallace J. Moulis, U.S. Army; and Maj. Richard M. Brown, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 75
“Nuclear Weapons Employment Training,” Major DeBow Freed, Infantry (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 57
“The Ratio of Troops to Space,” B. H. Liddell Hart (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 47
“To Change An Army,” General Donn A. Starry, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 95
Combat Historians
“History While It’s Hot: How a Group of U.S. Army Combat Historians Helped Preserve the GI’s Perspective in Europe during World War II,” Carson Teuscher (May-June): 114
Combat Power
“Mission Essential: Digital Interoperability during Multi-National Joint All-Domain Operations,” Col. John Bonin, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Mark Balboni, U.S. Army (November-December): 84
“Warfighting: A Function of Combat Power,” Maj. Thomas R. Ryan Jr., U.S. Army (September-October): 61
Command Climate
“Embracing the Need for Command Climate Change,” Maj. Gen. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Jaron S. Wharton, PhD, U.S. Army (November-December): 10
“Command Post Automation,” Col. Harry D. Tunnell IV, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 79
Congressional Delegation
“The Congressional Delegation: A Great Opportunity to Build Trust and Inform Strategic Decisions,” Col. Nathan Cook, U.S. Army; and Maj. Patrick W. Naughton, U.S. Army Reserve (March-April): 109
“Competition in Order and Progress: Criminal Insurgencies and Governance in Brazil” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. James J. Torrence, U.S. Army (September-October): 133
Criminal Networks
“Competition in Order and Progress: Criminal Insurgencies and Governance in Brazil” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. James J. Torrence, U.S. Army (September-October): 133
“Cultural Engineering,” Theodore R. Vallance and Charles D. Windle (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 64
Desert Storm
“VII Corps in the Gulf War: Deployment and Preparation for Desert Storm,” Lieutenant Colonel Peter S. Kindsvatter, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 147
Disaster Response
“Foreign Disaster Response: Joint Task Force-Haiti Observations,” Lieutenant General P.K. (Ken) Keen, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Matthew G. Elledge, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Nolan, U.S. Army; and Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Kimmey, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 219
“Lessons from ‘A Team of Teams’ CSF-536 and Tsunami Relief,” Lt. Col. John M. Curatola, PhD, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired (May online exclusive)
“A Mission of Mercy amidst Terror, Death, and Despair: The Story of the National Relief Boat in the Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878,” Maj. James D. Campbell Jr., U.S. Army, Retired (May-June): 38
“Emerging U.S. Army Doctrine: Dislocated with Nuclear-Armed Adversaries and Limited War,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 240
“Maximizing Engagement Area Lethality: A Tale of Two Doctrines,” Maj. Justin K. Bateman, U.S. Air Force (March-April): 21
“A Private’s Viewpoint on AirLand Battle,” Private First Class Mark T. Schmidt, Army National Guard (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 132
“Some Vagrant Thoughts on Doctrine,” Jay Luvaas (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 114
“U.S. Army: Doctrinal Influence on the War in Bosnia,” Mark Edmond Clark (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 186
Dominican Republic
“Key to a Crisis,” Lt. Col. Wallace J. Moulis, U.S. Army; and Maj. Richard M. Brown, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 75
“Duty Should Not Be an Army Value,” Charles J. Duncan (September-October): 110
Economic Sanctions
“Economic Sanctions,” Dr. Mark Duckenfield (September-October): 6
Engagement Area Development
“Maximizing Engagement Area Lethality: A Tale of Two Doctrines,” Maj. Justin K. Bateman, U.S. Air Force (March-April): 21
“A Military Solution to a Military Problem: Personal Finance Issues in the United States Armed Forces,” Brendan Duebner (March 2022)
French and Indian War
“The Other Face of Battle: America’s Forgotten Wars and the Experience of Combat” (Review Essay), Donald P. Wright, PhD (May-June): 126
Future Warfare Writing Program
“Strategic Sepsis” (Future Warfare Writing Program), Maj. Timothy M. Dwyer, U.S. Army (September-October): 120
“Operation Urgent Fury and Its Critics,” Captain Daniel P. Bolger, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 120
“Foreign Disaster Response: Joint Task Force-Haiti Observations,” Lieutenant General P.K. (Ken) Keen, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Matthew G. Elledge, U.S. Army; Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Nolan, U.S. Army; and Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer L. Kimmey, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 219
Historical Preservation
“Preventative Conservation of Military Artifacts at the Frontier Army Museum,” Megan Hunter (April online exclusive)
Humanitarian Operations
“A Mission of Mercy amidst Terror, Death, and Despair: The Story of the National Relief Boat in the Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878,” Maj. James D. Campbell Jr., U.S. Army, Retired (May-June): 38
Human Resources System
“New U.S. Army Human Resources System Is the Change the Army and Its Soldiers Need,” Col. Rebecca L. Eggers, U.S. Army (September-October): 48
Individual Replacement System
“The Individual Replacement Process: Will It Work?,” Brig. Gen. Hope Rampy, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. William C. Latham Jr., U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 42
Indo-Pacific Command
“Concerted Alliance Building: The Solution to Ensuring 'A Free and Open Indo-Pacific' in a Multipolar World,” 2nd Lt. Jose R. Aguilar, U.S. Army Reserve (April online exclusive)
“Decentralized Deterrence: Reinvigorating the Army’s Deterrence Impact in the Face of a Modernized People’s Liberation Army,” Frank Hoffman (March-April): 14
“How China Sees the World: And How We Should See China,” Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, U.S. Army, Retired (March-April): 6
“Support the Fight! The U.S. Army, the Joint Force, and the Indo-Pacific,” 1st Lt. Joshua Ratta, U.S. Army (March-April): 90
Influence Activities
“Russian Preinvasion Influence Activities in the War with Ukraine,” Ian J. Courter (September-October): 16
“Gaining the Advantage: How Patton’s Unique Information Forces and Competitive Approach to Information Enabled Operational-Level Success in August 1944,” Maj. Spencer L. French, U.S. Army (March-April): 54
Information Advantage
“Conceptualizing Information Advantage: Using Boyd’s OODA Loop,” Maj Christopher Kean, U.S. Air Force (November-December): 109
Information Operations
“Tactical TikTok for Great Power Competition: Applying the Lessons of Ukraine’s IO Campaign to Future Large-Scale Conventional Operations,” Col. Theodore W. Kleisner, U.S. Army; and Trevor T. Garmey (July-August): 23
Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
“Assessing Mars: A Holistic Framework for Land Forces Analysis,” Chief Warrant Officer 2 Andrew L. Chadwick, PhD, U.S. Army National Guard (May-June): 68
“Mission Essential: Digital Interoperability during Multi-National Joint All-Domain Operations,” Col. John Bonin, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Mark Balboni, U.S. Army (November-December): 84
“Using Occam’s Razor to Connect the Dots: The Ba’ath Party and the Insurgency in Tal Afar,” Captain Travis Patriquin, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 200
Irregular Competition
“Irregular Competition: Conceptualizing a Whole-of-Government Approach for the United States to Indirectly Confront and Deter State and Nonstate Adversaries,” Lt. Col. Jeremiah C. Lumbaca, U.S. Army, Retired (July-August): 44
Joint Operations
“Support the Fight! The U.S. Army, the Joint Force, and the Indo-Pacific,” 1st Lt. Joshua Ratta, U.S. Army (March-April): 90
Just Cause
“JUST CAUSE and the Principles of War,” Lieutenant Colonel William C. Bennett, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 163
“Supplying United Nations Troops in Korea,” Major Pierre P. Kirby, Transportation Corps, Student, The Transportation School, Fort Eustis, Virginia (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 41
Land Forces Analysis
“Assessing Mars: A Holistic Framework for Land Forces Analysis,” Chief Warrant Officer 2 Andrew L. Chadwick, PhD, U.S. Army National Guard (May-June): 68
Large-Scale Combat Operations
“Army Medicine’s Critical Role in Large-Scale Combat Operations: Enable the Force,” Lt. Col. Matthew K. Marsh, U.S. Army; and Capt. Ryan L. Hampton, U.S. Army (July-August): 106
“Intratheater Logistics Proficiency: Preparing for the Modern Contested Fight,” Maj. Bryan J. Quinn, U.S. Army (July-August): 74
“Meeting the Challenge of Large-Scale Ground Combat Operations Today and Tomorrow,” Lt. Gen. Michael D. Lundy, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 232
“The Role of Expeditionary Dentistry in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Andres Mendoza, DDS, U.S. Army; and Maj. Ross Cook, DMD, U.S. Army (September-October): 36
“Situational Triage: Redefining Medical Decision-Making for Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Brian C. Beldowicz, MD, U.S. Army Reserve; Maj. Robert Modlin, U.S. Army; Maj. Michael Bellamy, DO, U.S. Army; and Maj. Hugh Hiller, MD, U.S. Army (July-August): 114
“Cohesion in the Army: A Primary Group Analysis,” Col. J. Todd Burroughs, U.S. Army; and Col. Stephen G. Ruth, U.S. Army (February online exclusive)
“Conflict, Chaos, and Auftragstaktik: Modern Insight on Mission Command Pitfalls from German Leadership at the First Battle of the Marne,” Capt. Clayton B. Jaksha, U.S. Army (March-April): 31
“Cultivating a Coaching Culture,” Maj. Christine S. Chang, U.S. Army (November-December): 22
“Eliminating Micromanagement and Embracing Mission Command,” Maj. Justin T. DeLeon, U.S. Army; and Dr. Paolo G. Tripodi (September-October): 88
“Embracing the Need for Command Climate Change,” Maj. Gen. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Jaron S. Wharton, PhD, U.S. Army (November-December): 10
“A Military Solution to a Military Problem: Personal Finance Issues in the United States Armed Forces,” Brendan Duebner (March 2022)
“Perception Is Reality: Redefining Capacity to Influence,” Maj. Chris Adams, British Army (November-December): 34
“Rediscovering Leadership as an Antidote to Adjustment Problems in the Army,” Maj. Karl Umbrasas, PsyD, ABPP, U.S. Army (July-August): 97
“The Strategic Competition for Partnership: Inside Views from the Backbench: An Aide’s Observations of Senior Leader Engagements,” Capt. Sarah Melville, U.S. Army (May-June): 58
“To Risk It All: Nine Conflicts and the Crucible of Decision” (Review Essay), Mark Montesclaros (November-December): 140
“Intratheater Logistics Proficiency: Preparing for the Modern Contested Fight,” Maj. Bryan J. Quinn, U.S. Army (July-August): 74
“Russian Logistics and Forward Urban Defense in the Baltic States,” Lukas Milevski (November-December): 130
“Supplying United Nations Troops in Korea,” Major Pierre P. Kirby, Transportation Corps, Student, The Transportation School, Fort Eustis, Virginia (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 41
Loitering Munitions
“How to Keep Changing an Army: Adjusting Modernization in the Age of Loitering Munitions,” Maj. Ryan Orsini, U.S. Army (May-June): 98
M-16 Rifle
“Speed versus Quality: A Cautionary Tale of the M-16 in Vietnam,” Maj. Dallas Durham, U.S. Army (March-April): 99
Manned-Unmanned Teaming
“Kicking the Beehive: Reimagining Manned-Unmanned Teaming in Multi-Domain Operations,” Capt. Clayton B. Jaksha, U.S. Army (May-June): 90
Medical Operations
“Reorganizing Around Combat Casualty Care: Can Army Medicine Negate the Peacetime Effect?,” Col. Michael J. Tarpey, MD, U.S. Army (March-April): 67
“Modernizing Tactical Military Microgrids to Keep Pace with the Electrification of Warfare,” Maj. Nicholas Barry, U.S. Army; and Surya Santoso, PhD (November-December): 95
“A Balancing Game of Janus: Turkish Armed Forces’ Border Security Measures,” Col. Özgür Körpe, PhD, Turkish Army (November-December): 116
Military Decision-Making Process
“Four-Dimensional Planning at the Speed of Relevance: Artificial-Intelligence-Enabled Military Decision-Making Process,” Col. Michael S. Farmer, U.S. Army (November-December): 64
Military History
“The Other Face of Battle: America’s Forgotten Wars and the Experience of Combat” (Review Essay), Donald P. Wright, PhD (May-June): 126
Mission Command
“Eliminating Micromanagement and Embracing Mission Command,” Maj. Justin T. DeLeon, U.S. Army; and Dr. Paolo G. Tripodi (September-October): 88
“History, Mission Command, and the Auftragstaktik Infatuation,” Ricardo A. Herrera (July-August): 53
“Preventing a Short Jump across a Wide Ditch: Fully Embracing Mission Command to Avoid a Multi-Domain Disaster,” Maj. Robert Rose, U.S. Army (March-April): 41
“Understanding Mission Command,” Lt. Col. Lee Robinson, U.S. Army (July-August): 67
“Modernizing Tactical Military Microgrids to Keep Pace with the Electrification of Warfare,” Maj. Nicholas Barry, U.S. Army; and Surya Santoso, PhD (November-December): 95
Multi-Domain Operations
“Kicking the Beehive: Reimagining Manned-Unmanned Teaming in Multi-Domain Operations,” Capt. Clayton B. Jaksha, U.S. Army (May-June): 90
“Multi-Domain Warfighting in NATO: The 1 German-Netherlands Corps View,” Lt. Gen. Andreas Marlow, German Army; and Lt. Col. Wilson C. Blythe Jr., U.S. Army (May-June): 16
“Retooling the Factory: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command for Multi-Domain Operations,” Lt. Col. Matthew R. Arrol, U.S. Army (May online exclusive)
“Multi-Domain Warfighting in NATO: The 1 German-Netherlands Corps View,” Lt. Gen. Andreas Marlow, German Army; and Lt. Col. Wilson C. Blythe Jr., U.S. Army (May-June): 16
Nuclear Weapons
“Nuclear Weapons Employment Training,” Major DeBow Freed, Infantry (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 57
“JUST CAUSE and the Principles of War,” Lieutenant Colonel William C. Bennett, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 163
Peacekeeping Operations
“Protection of Civilians in Robust Peacekeeping Operations: The Role of United Nations Special Operations Units,” Maj. Josias Marcos de Resende Silva, Brazilian Army (May-June): 47
“The Other Face of Battle: America’s Forgotten Wars and the Experience of Combat” (Review Essay), Donald P. Wright, PhD (May-June): 126
Risk Acceptance
“We Don’t Run with Scissors: Why the U.S. Army Struggles with Risk Acceptance,” Maj. Michael J. Rasak, U.S. Army (September-October): 72
“Building the Russian Concept of Operations in the Baltic Sea Region: An Experimental Approach,” Maj. Frederik Wintermans, Royal Netherlands Army; and Dan G. Cox, PhD (May-June): 6
“An Impeccable Spy: Richard Sorge, Stalin’s Master Agent” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. John H. Modinger, PhD, U.S. Air Force, Retired (March-April): 123
“Russian Logistics and Forward Urban Defense in the Baltic States,” Lukas Milevski (November-December): 130
“Russian Preinvasion Influence Activities in the War with Ukraine,” Ian J. Courter (September-October): 16
“Russian Public Opinion and the Ukraine War: Applying the American Experience,” John Mueller, PhD (September-October): 28
“Ukraine Is Just the Beginning: The Geopolitical Consequences of the Special Operation Will Change the Entire View of the World,” Konstantin Sivkov (July-August): 4
“Winning by Outlasting: The United States and Ukrainian Resistance to Russia,” Marc R. DeVore; Andrew Orr, PhD; and Ash Rossiter, PhD (July-August): 11
Security Force Assistance Brigades
“The Lesson of the Security Force Assistance Brigade in Africa: Find the Authority to Compete and Win,” Maj. Spencer D. Propst, U.S. Army (March-April): 81
Selective Service
“Protecting Posterity: Women and the Military Selective Service Act,” Maj. Kelly M. Dickerson, U.S. Air Force (September-October): 52
Senior Leader Engagements
“The Strategic Competition for Partnership: Inside Views from the Backbench: An Aide’s Observations of Senior Leader Engagements,” Capt. Sarah Melville, U.S. Army (May-June): 58
Space Operations
“Space Power Is Land Power: The Army’s Role in Space,” Major Linas A. Roe, U.S. Army; and Major Douglas H. Wise, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 102
Special Operations
“Protection of Civilians in Robust Peacekeeping Operations: The Role of United Nations Special Operations Units,” Maj. Josias Marcos de Resende Silva, Brazilian Army (May-June): 47
Strategic-Level Planning
“Centers of Gravity and Strategic Planning,” Steven Metz and Lieutenant Colonel Frederick M. Downey, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 136
“Tactical and Strategical Effects of the Development of the Fast Tank,” Major L. S. Hobbs, Infantry (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 17
“The Tactical Considerations of Augmented and Mixed Reality Implementation,” Dr. Jan Kallberg; Maj. Victor Beitelman, U.S. Army; Maj. Victor Mitsuoka, U.S. Army; Chief Warrant Officer 3 Jeremiah Pittman, U.S. Army; Dr. Michael W. Boyce; and Lt. Col. Todd W. Arnold, U.S. Army (May-June): 105
Theater Army
“The Theater Army’s Central Role in Integrated Deterrence,” Maj. Justin Magula, U.S. Army (May-June): 77
Training and Doctrine Command
“Retooling the Factory: U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command for Multi-Domain Operations,” Lt. Col. Matthew R. Arrol, U.S. Army (May online exclusive)
Training and Education
“Advanced Strategic Leadership Studies Program,” Barry M. Stentiford (March-April): 116
“British and German Approaches to Tactical Officer Training during the Late Interwar Period,” Ashley Arensdorf, DPhil (December 2021 online exclusive)
“Rethinking Combat Medic Training: The Critical Changes Needed to Prevent Death in Future Conflicts,” Lt. Col. Manuel Menendez, U.S. Army (July-August): 123
“Teach as They Fight: Why Preparing Students for America’s Future Operational Environment Requires Studying Britain’s Military Past,” Dr. Jacob Stoil and Dr. Daniel Whittingham (November-December): 50
“A Balancing Game of Janus: Turkish Armed Forces’ Border Security Measures,” Col. Özgür Körpe, PhD, Turkish Army (November-December): 116
“Russian Preinvasion Influence Activities in the War with Ukraine,” Ian J. Courter (September-October): 16
“Russian Public Opinion and the Ukraine War: Applying the American Experience,” John Mueller, PhD (September-October): 28
“Tactical TikTok for Great Power Competition: Applying the Lessons of Ukraine’s IO Campaign to Future Large-Scale Conventional Operations,” Col. Theodore W. Kleisner, U.S. Army; and Trevor T. Garmey (July-August): 23
“Ukraine Is Just the Beginning: The Geopolitical Consequences of the Special Operation Will Change the Entire View of the World,” Konstantin Sivkov (July-August): 4
“Winning by Outlasting: The United States and Ukrainian Resistance to Russia,” Marc R. DeVore; Andrew Orr, PhD; and Ash Rossiter, PhD (July-August): 11
United Nations
“Protection of Civilians in Robust Peacekeeping Operations: The Role of United Nations Special Operations Units,” Maj. Josias Marcos de Resende Silva, Brazilian Army (May-June): 47
Urban Environments
“Combat in Cities,” Anthony Harrigan (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 80
Urgent Fury
“Operation Urgent Fury and Its Critics,” Captain Daniel P. Bolger, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 120
“Speed versus Quality: A Cautionary Tale of the M-16 in Vietnam,” Maj. Dallas Durham, U.S. Army (March-April): 99
“Why They Fight,” Lieutenant Colonel George S. Patton, United States Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 68
“Irregular Competition: Conceptualizing a Whole-of-Government Approach for the United States to Indirectly Confront and Deter State and Nonstate Adversaries,” Lt. Col. Jeremiah C. Lumbaca, U.S. Army, Retired (July-August): 44
“The Impact of Weapons of Mass Destruction on Battlefield Operations,” Major General Robert D. Orton, US Army; and Major Robert C. Neumann, U.S. Army (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 175
Women in Combat
“Let the Women Do It,” Colonel John W. Davis, Artillery Instructor, Army War College (January-February, 100th Anniversary Special Edition): 33
“Protecting Posterity: Women and the Military Selective Service Act,” Maj. Kelly M. Dickerson, U.S. Air Force (September-October): 52
World War I
“Conflict, Chaos, and Auftragstaktik: Modern Insight on Mission Command Pitfalls from German Leadership at the First Battle of the Marne,” Capt. Clayton B. Jaksha, U.S. Army (March-April): 31
World War II
“The 442nd as a Fighting Unit,” David F. Bonner (July-August): 129
“Gaining the Advantage: How Patton’s Unique Information Forces and Competitive Approach to Information Enabled Operational-Level Success in August 1944,” Maj. Spencer L. French, U.S. Army (March-April): 54
“Hints for Combat,” Lieutenant Colonel E. H. Burba, Field Artillery (January-February, 100th Annivesary Special Edition): 26
“History While It’s Hot: How a Group of U.S. Army Combat Historians Helped Preserve the GI’s Perspective in Europe during World War II,” Carson Teuscher (May-June): 114
Yellow Fever Epidemic
“A Mission of Mercy amidst Terror, Death, and Despair: The Story of the National Relief Boat in the Great Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1878,” Maj. James D. Campbell Jr., U.S. Army, Retired (May-June): 38
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