LTG (Ret) James M. Dubik Writing Fellows Program
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In support of the chief of staff of the Army’s efforts to revitalize and reinvigorate professional writing in the military, Army University Press (AUP) established a voluntary, nonresident writing fellowship program to encourage military professional writing and discourse on topics that contribute to a community of military and national security professionals.
The fellowship is named to honor the scholarship, writing, and professional contributions of Lt. Gen. (Ret.) James M. Dubik. His professional contributions to the military over the past several decades, on active duty, as well as in retirement, are exceptional and internationally recognized. He represents an ideal of a warrior-scholar that understands the importance of intellectual engagement in the community of military and national security professionals.
Purpose and Expectations
The objective of the fellowship is to help achieve improved scholarship and writing by authors by contributing a minimum of one article, one book review, and/or other equivalent product contribution to AUP, branch journals, or other military and professional platforms, as well as to serve as peer reviewers for articles by other Fellows on important national security and defense topics.
Fellows will be appointed for one academic year with the option of extension based on the quality of an individual’s contributions. Fellows can be company or field-grade officers, NCOs, or civilians from across the services, allied/partner nations, the interagency, and academia. Senior Fellows can be senior field-grade or flag-level leaders, civilians, or nationally recognized scholars from academia. Senior advisors to the program will assist the director, AUP, in the administration of the program.
Additional Information
A detailed volunteer agreement will be signed before beginning the appointment. Generally, AUP will coordinate and provide recognition to Fellows at the conclusion of their appointments. Fellows are encouraged to state their affiliation with AUP on bylines and curricula vitae.
Important Dates
The window for applying for the Dubik Fellowship in Academic Year 2025-2026 will open on 1 January 2025. All application materials are due to AUP on 3 February 2025. Notification of selection will be on 28 February 2025.
For more details or to apply, email
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