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2019 General William E. DePuy Special Topics Writing Competition Winner!
Suggested Themes and Topics for Future Editions
Reinvigorating the Army’s Approach to Command and Control: Training for Mission Command (Part III)
Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, U.S. Army
Maj. Gen. Douglas C. Crissman, U.S. Army
Col. Jason C. Slider, U.S. Army
Col. Keith Nightingale, U.S. Army, Retired
In this third and final article in a series on mission command, the former commander of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command and his fellow authors discuss the importance of training to instill disciplined initiative and enable mission command, and ultimately, to build ready and lethal combat units.
Three Perspectives on Consolidating Gains
Lt. Gen. Mike Lundy, U.S. Army
Col. Richard Creed, U.S. Army
Col. Nate Springer, U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Scott Pence, U.S. Army
The commander of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and his fellow authors demonstrate how, by considering the perspective of each level of warfare—tactical, operational, and strategic—one may better understand how echelons and their subordinate formations consolidate gains in mutually supporting and interdependent ways.
China's New Style Warfare Special Section: Call for Papers Submissions
Extract from “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2019”
Office of the Secretary of Defense
An extract from the most recent Department of Defense report on the diverse security threats posed by China.
Competing with China for a Free and Open Indo-Pacific
Gen. Robert B. Brown, U.S. Army
Lt. Col. R. Blake Lackey, U.S. Army
Maj. Brian G. Forester, U.S. Army
The commander of U.S. Army Pacific discusses China and the role of the Army in dealing with Chinese activities in the Pacific theater.
Contemporary China: In Conflict, Not Competition
Timothy L. Faulkner
We must not misunderstand the Chinese approach to warfare, according to this senior intelligence officer. The conflict China is waging with the United States has put it in a positional advantage that, if left unchecked, will allow it to dominate in terms of diplomatic, intelligence, military, and economic power by 2050.
Extract from “China’s Impact on the U.S. Education System” Staff Report
United States Senate, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
A U.S. Senate subcommittee investigates the real purposes of Chinese government investment in establishing “Confucius Institutes,” which appear to be instruments aimed at promoting Chinese cultural, economic, and political influence in the United States.
A Chinese Fox against an American Hedgehog in Cyberspace?
Kimberly Orinx
Tanguy Struye de Swielande, PhD
Two scholars contrast the differences in the use of cyber power between the United States and China.
Identifying Windows of Opportunity within China’s Rise: Problematizing China’s Hundred-Year Strategy toward Great-Power Status
Axel Dessein
A critique of Michael Pillsbury’s thesis as developed in the book Hundred Year Marathon regarding the assertion that China is conducting a full-scale effort (across all elements of power to include the military) to assert dominance over the United States and Western powers and achieve the status of unipolar hegemonic power of the globe.
Extract from “The FBI and the National Security Threat Landscape”
Christopher Wray, Director, FBI
An extract from an FBI transcript where Wray discusses how China has pioneered a societal approach to stealing innovations using Chinese intelligence services, state-owned enterprises, private companies, graduate students and researchers at U.S. universities, through a wide variety of actors working on behalf of China.
Pivot Out of the Pacific: Oil and the Creation of a Chinese Empire in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
Capt. Philip Murray, U.S. Army
The author argues that in China’s rise to economic and political influence, it is behaving in a manner little different from any other historical example of a great power’s expansion of economic power and influence.
China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative and Its International Arms Sales: An Overlooked Aspect of Connectivity and Cooperation?
Capt. James Daniel, U.S. Army
The author discusses China’s efforts to rebuild international trade routes, establish a global network of ports, and proceed with other initiatives aimed at making China the centrifugal economic power of the world. He details the linkages between those activities and China’s parallel involvement in the international weapons trade.
Précis: Unrestricted Warfare
In 1999, Chinese Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui published this work outlining proposed Chinese strategy for defeating enemies that were technologically more advanced than China. This book is believed by many to reflect the core underpinnings of the strategy China is employing to assert hegemony Asia and the Pacific.
Young Army Movement: Winning the Hearts and Minds of Russian Youth
Maj. Ray Finch, U.S. Army, Retired
A Russian expert details one program initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin to increase patriotism among Russian youth, and make service in the Russian military more attractive and respected.
Potential for Army Integration of Autonomous Systems by Warfighting Function
Maj. Thomas Ryan, U.S. Army
Vikram Mittal, PhD
Two systems engineering experts provide results of a research project exploring concepts for the future employment of autonomous systems in combat operations.
Do Large-Scale Combat Operations Require a New Type of Leader?
Maj. Dana M. Gingrich, U.S. Army
Using well-known Army leaders as examples, the author shows how leaders who lead by example, develop others, and prepare themselves are primed to fight and win in large-scale combat operations. This article is the winner of the 2019 MacArthur Writing Contest.
Don’t Get Wounded: Military Health System Consolidation and the Risk to Readiness
Lt. Col. F. Cameron Jackson, U.S. Army
A medical service officer critiques the latest restructuring of the military’s medical service system, asserting that such restructuring and realignment of resources has degraded the level of support the medical services can provide in the event of large-scale combat operations.
2020 General William E. DePuy Special Topics Writing Competition
Contest opens 1 January 2020 and closes 20 July 2020.
War on Russia?: From Putin and Ukraine to Trump and Russiagate
Robert F. Baumann, PhD
The author critiques a book by Stephen F. Cohen that challenges conventional wisdom regarding Russian behavior.
Remembering 9/11
This year marks the eighteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by al-Qaida extremists that killed nearly three thousand people and injured over six thousand more and the United States responded by initiating the Global War on Terrorism.