Letter from the Editor
Dr. Keith R. Beurskens
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Dr. Keith R. Beurskens
Journal of Military Learning
Editor in Chief
Welcome to the October 2021 edition of the Journal of Military Learning (JML). This edition of the JML includes a peer-reviewed manuscript from the Columbian Army, an article of interest from U.S. Army ROTC, and two best practices from the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Army War College. The topics cover trait development, student expectations and motivation, the influence of social factors, metacognitive reflection, and learning styles. This edition also premiers a new “Insights” category for an article that reviews one of the recommended conferences from our conference list. The featured conference in this edition is the iFEST: Learning and Thriving in the New Normal. The iFEST is a Department of Defense Advanced Distributed Learning and National Training and Simulation Association hosted event that focuses on learning technologies. I hope you enjoy this selection of articles and encourage all of our readers to submit manuscripts for consideration in a future edition.
The JML brings current adult-learning discussions and educational research from the military and civilian fields for continuous improvements in learning. Only through critical thinking and challenging our education paradigms can we as a learning organization fully reexamine and assess opportunities to improve our military education. A detailed call for papers and manuscript submission guidelines can be found at https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Journal-of-Military-Learning.
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