NCOJ Writing Excellence Contest Winners
Congratulations to the winning submissions in the Army University Press NCO Writing Excellence Program competition.
April 2017 Winner
Take care of Soldiers by providing early developmental opportunities
By Master Sgt. Alejandro J. Licea and Sgt. 1st Class Harlan D. Kefalas
For United States Army leaders and especially noncommissioned officers, the phrase “Taking care of Soldiers” is a widely heard common expression. These words are often uttered by senior enlisted leaders including Sergeant Major of the Army Dan Dailey during many of his town halls across Army installations. But what does that eponymous phrase mean?
January 2017 Winner
Recruit the Selfish: Stressing Individual Opportunity in Army Recruiting
By Staff Sgt. Oren Hammerquist
The Army should reconsider its target market and implement a campaign emphasizing mutual benefits for both the Army and the recruit. Since its formation, the Army has relied on one medium for Army recruitment above all others: the recruiting poster.
October 2016 Winner
Toward a Leaner, More Agile Force: The Army in a Time of Fiscal Austerity
Staff Sgt. Darling
As the Department of Defense seeks to cut its budget, the overall force structure of the Army will continue to shrink. The United States military has already attempted to shift its operational focus from the Middle East to the Pacific, to deal with the rising military and economic ambitions of China.
July 2016 Winner
Educational Shifts within the United States Army: Changing the Perception of Education at the Unit Level
Staff Sgt. Wahl
The United States Army is on the doorstep of many significant changes as we transform from a large force, operating at a high tempo, to a smaller force that is prepared to fight on the battlefields of tomorrow; a critical aspect to how we make this transition will find its roots in education.
May 2016 Winner
Achieving Leader Development through Strategic Broadening Seminars: The Red Team NCO Education Experience
Master Sgt. Jorge A. Rivera and Sgt. 1st Class Edrena R. Roberts
According to the Army Operating Concept (TRADOC Publication 525-3-1)[1], the Army must “develop agile, adaptive, and innovative leaders who thrive in conditions of uncertainty and chaos, and are capable of visualizing, describing, directing, leading, and assessing operations in complex environments and against adaptive enemies.”
Commander, May I Engage?
Staff Sgt. Christopher M. Rance
In stability operations, there are no enemy lines to speak of. The enemy blends in with the general population.