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This page contains a series of animated maps (utilizing Microsoft Power Point) developed by the Military History Instructional Support Team of CSI.

These maps provide the educator a visual tool to illustrate sequential and complicated movements of armies, navies and air forces throughout American Military History.

Embedded in the presentations are brief explanations of the opposing forces, their movements, and battle or campaign outcomes.

Further, separate documents contain in-depth analyses which discuss insights that are relevant to military leaders and historians.

Instructions on how to use the battle maps

American Revolution Documents Download all these files in zip format

1777 Saratoga Analysis
Southern Campaign Map
Southern Campaign Analysis

Mexican-American Documents Download all these files in zip format

Mexican American War Map
Mexican American War Analysis

American Civil War Documents Download all these files in zip format

Civil War Prelude
Civil War Prelude Analysis
Civil War Overview 1861-1865
Civil War Overview Analysis
Eastern Campaign 1862
Eastern Campaign 1862 Analysis
Antietam and Analysis
Chancellorsville Analysis

Frontier Wars 1865-1890 Documents Download all these files in zip format

Frontier Wars Analysis

Spanish-American and Philippine Wars Documents Download all these files in zip format

Spanish-American and Philippine Wars
Spanish-American and Philippine Wars Analysis
European Theater
Pacific Theater-US Defense (January-June 1942)
Pacific Theater-US Offense (July 1942-August 1945)
Leyte Gulf-Luzon
World War II Analysis

Battle Analysis (Kasserine Pass) Documents Download all these files in zip format

Battle Analysis Slides
Battle Analysis Instructor Notes
Student Handout No. 1
Student Handout No. 1

Principles of War (Chancellorsville) Documents Download all these files in zip format

POW Slides - Chancellorsville
POW Instructor Notes - Chancellorsville