3. The requesting organization is required to fund our temporary duty (TDY) travel with a DTS cross organization line of accounting. Our TDY travel consists of the standard costs: airfare, lodging, mileage, per diem, rental car, rental car fuel, etc. Traditional staff rides require a minimum of two historians. Depending on the size of the audience the team may send more than two instructors. Staff rides rely heavily on individual participation, so small group instruction is an effective means to enable discussion. The VSR requires a minimum of one instructor and one computer operator. Depending on the length of the virtual staff ride, the team sometimes sends more than one instructor.
Because of COVID travel restrictions, we developed a means to conduct our virtual staff rides over MS Teams. Though not as effective as having everyone together in the same room, we have had considerable success with this alternate means. Please refer to our virtual staff ride page for more detailed information on remote MS Teams VSRs.