Is the Next Global Conflict Imminent?
By Dr. Mahir J. Ibrahimov; Mr. Gustav A. Otto; COL Lee G. Gentile, Jr.
232 Pages
Published: 2017
Marking the anniversary of the Ukraine Revolution of 2014, the Army University Press is pleased to announce the publishing of "Cultural Perspectives, Geopolitics & Energy Security of Eurasia: Is the Next Global Conflict Imminent?" This anthology was written under the auspice of CREL Management Office (CRELMO), and provides insight and observations on the importance of the Eurasia region, including Russia and other countries of the former USSR. The articles that make up this work provide a detailed description of regional realities, including a contextual discussion of the current Ukraine situation, viewed through the prism of Russia’s traditional military-strategic culture. As with all countries in the Eurasian region, Russia’s traditional strategic interests play a critical role in the geopolitical and socio-cultural situation in that region. The observations and insights in this volume are important for Army professionals who lead Soldiers in a variety of missions across the globe. The anthology goes beyond the obvious military strategic nexus and seeks to identify new spaces for consideration by planners and policymakers alike. (From introduction by MG John S. Kem, Provost, Army University.) This and all other Army University Press publications can be accessed here.
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ByCol. Nick Ducich, U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Nathan Minami, U.S. Army
Maj. Ryan Riggin, U.S. Army
Capt. Jacob Austin, U.S. Army
This case study suggests that action learning and the andragogy model can assist in changing cultural norms in the Ukrainian army, and possibly with other forces in Eastern Europe, while rapidly producing modernized and NATO-interoperable formations.
Published as a Military Review November-December 2016 Edition, p. 44.
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The Tyranny of Means
By Maj. Michael Cohen
The purpose of this opinion piece is to spur discussion and offer recommendations on what strategic stance the United States should take towards the Russian Federation. Initially, I will present some facts to frame the status quo and offer those not familiar with Russia, Europe, or Eurasia some background on which to base the discussion.
Published as a Military Review online exclusive article, June 10, 2016.
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By Army University and Dr. Ibrahimov (CRELMO/OSCE/CGSC)
Observations from the Russian-Ukranian Border Video
Published by the USA Combined Arms Center, 1 February 2018.