SR Page  

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The Battle of Hamburger Hill Virtual Staff Ride

Hamburger Hill VSR
Hamburger Hill VSR

This staff ride examines the actions of 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division at the Battle of Dong Ap Bia. Most of the tactical discussion focuses on the efforts of Lieutenant Colonel Weldon Honeycutt’s 3-187th Infantry (the Rakkasans) to defeat the 29th North Vietnamese Infantry Regiment and seize Hill 937 (Hamburger Hill).

The Hamburger Hill VSR is fully exportable to any organization that has access to the Army-licensed gaming software, Virtual Battlespace 3 (VBS3). The exportable package includes full instructor support materials, student readings, and instructions on how to use everything. Please see below.

The Battle of Hamburger Hill Virtual Staff Ride Materials

Hamburger Hill VSR Introduction

Hamburger Hill VSR Introduction

This file provides an overview of the VSR, what products comprise the VSR, how to download the products, and how they are used to conduct the VSR. The exportable VSR contains all the elements of a “ground” staff ride, but with the terrain being presented with a computer in a classroom environment.

Download the VSR Introduction

Virtual Battlespace 3 Instructions

Virtual Terrain for Hamburger Hill

The Hamburger Hill VSR runs off the Army’s games-for-training platform, Virtual Battlespace 3 (VBS3). Only a government employee on a CAC enabled computer can download the program. New VBS3 users must request authorization to download the program through Milgaming. Use this link to access Milgaming. New download authorizations may not be available due to contract restrictions with the software manufacturer. Authorized users of VBS3 must then upload our Hamburger Hill terrain and model files into VBS3. To request those data files please use this link. The Staff Ride Team will e-mail the files to the requestor over DoD SAFE along with detailed instructions on how to complete the process. For technical questions or issues relating to VBS3, contact customer support at Bohemia Interactive Simulations at (866) 755-5127.

Army Milgaming Site

Preliminary Study Materials

Preliminary Study Materials

These materials help prepare staff ride participants for their virtual visit to the campaign area. AUP based the Hamburger Hill reading on various government publications.

Download the Read Ahead

Field Phase and Materials

Field Phase and Materials

These resources are for the staff ride facilitator or instructor. The notes are the materials the instructor uses to tie the terrain, the historical narrative, and the visual aids together. The visual aids help keep the participants oriented to the virtual terrain and to the historical context of the operation.

Download the Instructor Notes

Download the Visual Aids