Letter from the Editor
Dr. Keith R. Beurskens
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Dr. Keith R. Beurskens
Journal of Military Learning
Editor in Chief
Welcome to the October 2023 edition of the Journal of Military Learning (JML). This edition includes manuscripts from the U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Air Force University, U.S. Naval War College, and the University of Southern Mississippi. The topics cover the Civilian Military Experience, developed to provide civilian faculty an immersive military and academic training experience; a new leadership development learning method called leadergogy; how to employ peer coaching in leadership courses; and an investigation of the application of interactive multimedia instruction products in military classrooms. I hope you enjoy this selection of articles, and I encourage all our readers to submit manuscripts to be considered for publication in future editions.
I’d also like to announce the Army University Learning Symposium 2024 will again be a hybrid conference. The intent of this biennial symposium is to develop partnerships among military, government, academic, and industry partners that advances the art and science of learning. The virtual session will occur 18–21 June 2024 hosting presentations of papers and Q&A with the authors. The hybrid session will occur 25–27 June 2024 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and will host panels, presentations, breakouts, booths, posters, and activities. Unpublished professional papers may also be submitted for presentation and possible publication in a JML special conference edition.
Finally, starting with the April 2024 JML, Dr. Steve Petersen, Army University, will be assuming the role as editor in chief. It has been my great pleasure serving in that capacity, and I thank all who have contributed manuscripts and those who served on the editorial board or as an associate editor, as well as the staff of the Army University Press for making the JML successful.
The JML brings current adult-learning discussions and educational research from the military and civilian fields for continuous improvements in learning. Only through critical thinking and challenging our education paradigms can we as a learning organization fully reexamine and assess opportunities to improve our military education. The JML is published each April and October. A detailed call for papers and manuscript submission guidelines are found at https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Journal-of-Military-Learning.
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