Answering the Village Elder in Qandahar Province
We’ll get It done, although I don’t know how.
I know we promised stuff to eat and wear.
Remind him that we’re working on It now—
What generators we said we’d repair
I know we promised stuff to eat and wear,
But half our unit’s fighting In the hills—
What water pumps did we say we’d repair?
He has to wait until the fighting stills,
‘Cause half our unit’s busy in the hills.
One truck can’t bring both mortar rounds and seeds.
He has to wait until the fighting stills.
I understand his problems and his needs—
One truck can’t bring both mortar rounds and seeds!
Tell him again: our trucks can’t risk that road,
I understand his problems and his needs—
Christ, how did they manage before we showed?
Tell him again! Our trucks can’t risk that road—
He repeats himself, It’s all In my notes.
Christ, how did they manage before we showed?
Apologize again for those dead goats.
—He repeats himself, It’s all In my notes.
Remind him that we’re working on It now,
Apologize again for those dead goats,
We’ll get It done. Although I don’t know how.
—Dr. Stephen Sossaman, New York University professor/
embedded civilian journalist with the 34th Infantry
“Red Bull” Division, Iowa National Guard
September 2009
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