SMA Chandler: ADRP 1 Outlines the Army Profession
By Sgt. Maj. Of The Army Raymond F. Chandler III
14th Sergeant Major of the Army
June 14, 2013
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ADRP 1, “‘The Army Profession”, has been approved for distribution and use in professional development programs throughout the Army and is available from the Center for the Army Profession and Ethic.The official launch of ADRP 1 coincides with the 238th anniversary of the Army Birthday, June 14, 2013.
This is the first doctrinal publication in the Army’s long history solely dedicated to establishing a common understanding of our profession. The manual comprehensively explains the Army Profession membership, its five essential characteristics, the certification requirements for individual Army professionals, and the content of the Army Ethic. The material applies to all Soldiers — active, Guard and Reserve — and Department of the Army Civilians.
ADRP 1 is the doctrinal basis for the ongoing “America’s Army — Our Profession” education and training program for CY13. This program is designed to teach and inspire understanding of the Army Profession and to enhance commitment to our professional obligations and opportunities. The program is based around four quarterly themes: Standards and Discipline; Customs, Courtesies, and Traditions; Military Expertise; and Trust. Each enduring theme has a support package on the above-cited website, and they should be used during that quarter and again any time afterward.
An entire suite of readily available resources that all leaders can use in their professional development programs can also be found on that website. The resources, embedded in each quarter’s theme support package, can be accessed without a Common Access Card on any personal computing device. It takes less than 45 minutes to prepare an engaging one-hour session for an interactive small-group discussion.
If you have questions about the “America’s Army-Our Profession” program, doctrine or resources, contact Sgt. Maj. David Stewart, senior enlisted advisor for CAPE. Additionally, if you would like to host an Army Profession seminar at your location, CAPE leadership can present the Army Profession material to any audience.
The future of our organization will be shaped by your efforts to educate our Army Team on this critically important topic.