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NCO Journal May 2020 Articles

The official magazine of noncommissioned officer professional development

Leading Generation Z

By Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Mascia

As Army demographics shift, and millennials become senior NCOs, Gen Z Soldiers will continue to fill the junior ranks. Millennials must provide effective leadership by embracing the principles of mission command, accepting prudent risk, and abandoning the zero defect mentality of the early 2000s in order to prepare the force for the future fight.

Article published on: May 29, 2020

Warfare: 2050

By Master Sgt. David M. Smith

Technology has integrated itself into the daily lives of humans across the globe. It is influencing new generations, shaping the culture of civilizations, and even dictating how nations wage war.

Article published on: May 22, 2020

Applicable Team Building in the Army: Past and Present

By 1st Sgt. Brian Baumgartner

Keeping individual Soldiers physically and emotionally strong is important to the success of the mission, but keeping the teams that make up our Army strong will create a lasting bond which will outlast us all.

Article published on: May 20, 2020

Mission Command: A Senior Enlisted Leader's Perspective

By Master Sgt. Fred N. Tolman

Mission command does not happen by accident. Like any other skill, it has to be practiced consistently and often.

Article published on: May 15, 2020

Shaping the Enlisted Force for the Joint All-Domain Task Force

By Master Sgt. Demetris A. Prewitt

This article examines streamlining the NCO Professional Development System process by aligning training and educational goals to achieve a more efficient education system.

Article published on: May 8, 2020

Restructuring NCO PME

By Sgt. Maj. Charles L. Burrow

The future of armed conflict against a near-peer competitor will involve military operations throughout all domains. With the JADTF as a boundaryless organization, joint forces will require enlisted service members to make national and theater-level decisions in near-real-time, across each domain.

Article published on: May 1, 2020