June 2024 Articles

Setting the Conditions: Teaching Companies and Battalions how to “Lead with HE”

By CW3 Tanner Port and Capt. Jared Rooney

The article describes how leading up to its Joint Readiness Center (JRTC) rotation, Falcon Brigade deliberately focused its training cycle on setting the conditions at echelon by leading with fires. The design behind this training methodology focused on coaching and mentoring company commanders and battalion staffs on how to incorporate fires to maximize their effectiveness.

Link to the article | More from Field Artillery

Notable Quote

“Falcon Brigade’s deliberate focus on setting the conditions at echelon fostered a culture of violence through leading with fires. The most significant lesson learned was the importance of determining what conditions need to be set to continue movement and whether the fire missions achieved its desired effect.”

Leaping Ahead in Projecting Combat Power: The View From the 267th Theater Movement Control Element

By Lt. Col. Scott Gum

This article discusses the efforts of the 267th Theater Movement Control Element (TMCE) in enhancing military logistics and deployment operations across Europe. Highlighting the implementation of the Joint Enterprise Data Interoperability (JEDI) Movement Center – Europe (JMCE), it underscores the innovative use of technology to improve coordination, tracking, and transportation of critical resources.

Link to the article | More from Army Sustainment Journal

Notable Quote

“The safe and secure movement of resources through a multinational environment is imperative.”

The Coming Military AI Revolution

By Col. Joshua Glonek

This article argues that the U.S. military must embrace the transformative technology in artificial intelligence (AI) and accelerate the development of innovative applications of AI to preserve its technological edge, deter adversary aggression, and, if necessary, prevail in armed conflict.

Link to the article | More from Military Review

Notable Quote

“The potential of AI is limitless but only if we have the foresight to understand it and the fortitude to embrace the challenge.”


Tools for Strengthening the Profession

How to Write a Book Review

By Lt. Col. Zachary Griffiths

This article provides guidelines for writing effective book reviews, particularly for works relevant to the security community. It outlines key elements to consider, such as the book’s main arguments, the author’s credentials, and the work’s contribution to the field, as well as tips on structuring the review and providing balanced critiques.

Link to the article | More from the Military Review

Notable Quote

“Book reviews benefit both the Army professional and the Army profession. For the Army professional, book reviews improve critical thinking skills needed for success at places like the Command Assessment Program and provide a way to start professional writing with a low barrier to entry.”