Table of Contents
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Letter from the Editor
Metacognition and the Military Student: Pedagogical Considerations for Teaching Senior Officers in Professional Military Education
Angelle A. Khachadoorian, Susan L. Steen, and Lauren B. Mackenzie
Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Competencies and Training Pertinent to the Military Health System
Capt. Paul Reed, Maj. Jaimie Laib, Kandra Strauss-Riggs, and Thomas D. Kirsch
Learning Challenges Faced by Transitioning Military Service Members: Voices of Military Transition Counselors
Faith Stull, Ann Herd, and Michael Kirchner
An Evidence-Based Approach to Unit-Level Teaching and Learning
Col. Thomas Williams, Retired
Instructional Strategies for the Future
Brenda Bannan, Nada Dabbagh, and J. J. Walcutt
The Importance of Teaching Followership in Professional Military Education
Col. Paul Berg
Career Courses’ Cognitive Assessment Battery Administered at the Captains Career Course
From the Editor
Upcoming Conferences of Note
Call for Papers
Journal of Military Learning Author Submission Guideliness