Journal of Military Learning

Letter from the Editor

Dr. Keith R. Beurskens

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Dr. Keith R. Beurskens

Dr. Keith R. Beurskens
Journal of Military Learning
Editor in Chief

Welcome to the October 2020 edition of the Journal of Military Learning (JML). I am the new and third editor of the journal, and I am humbled to be trusted with its stewardship for the next three years. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Col. Paul Berg for his leadership while serving as the previous editor. Paul took over for the second publishing of the JML in October 2017 and successfully established it as an Army University institution. I would also like to recognize charter members on the editorial board Dr. Jay Brimston and Dr. David Quisenberry, and associate editors Dr. John Persyn and Pamela Hicks for their continuing dedication to the journal. There have been a host of other board members and associate editors as well as the professionals of the Army University Press production staff that make the publication of this journal possible.

This edition of the JML has been a unique challenge because of the pandemic. Special thanks to the authors of the articles who persevered in order to contribute to the profession. This edition of the JML includes three peer-reviewed articles, two articles of interest, and two special topic articles that specifically focus on innovations driven by the pandemic.

The JML brings current adult-learning discussions and educational research from the military and civilian fields for continuous improvements in learning. Only through critical thinking and challenging our education paradigms can we as a learning organization fully reexamine and assess opportunities to improve our military education.

A detailed call for papers and the submission guidelines can be found at

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October 2021