Table of Contents
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Letter from the Editor
Foundational Theories and Approaches to Ethics Education within the U.S. Military: A Literature Review
Stephanie K. Erwin
Leslie Kirsch
Using Digital Textbooks to Improve Student Learning: Lessons for Military Educators
Col. Liam Collins, PhD, U.S. Army
Maj. Jake A. Miraldi, U.S. Army
Maj. John Spencer, U.S. Army, Retired
What Our Professional Military Leaders Need to Know: Enhancing the Professional Military Educational Structure
Jonathan E. Czarnecki, PhD
Incorporating Reflection Exercises to Identify Soft Skills in Army Education
Michael Kirchner, PhD
Kimberly O’Connor, JD
U.S. Air Force Military Training Instructor and Instructor Trainer Competencies: Training the Instructors of the Next Generation of Airmen
Laura Barron, PhD
Lt. Col. James Young, PhD, U.S. Air Force
Mark Rose, PhD
James Johnson, PhD
The Intersection of Leadership and Emotions Lessons and Actions Leading to Change
Wes Smith, EdD
Troy Messer, EdD
Jeffrey C. Sun, PhD
Meghan J. Pifer, PhD
Educating Soldiers in a Virtual Environment
Thomas E. Hennefer, PhD
The Army Learning Coordination Council as a Change Catalyst: Exportable Educational Change Management for the Twenty-First Century
Col. Thomas Bolen, U.S. Army
Vince Carlisle, PhD
Organization and Administration of Adult Education Programs: A Guide for Practitioners
Harold A. Laurence, PhD
Army University Update: Faculty and Staff Learning Forum
Upcoming Conferences of Note
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