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TRADOC Reassesses NCO Education with Eye to Adaptation

From the Army News Service

April 17, 2014

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Gen. David G. Perkins, commander of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

The Army is conducting a complete re-assessment of its NCO education system for the first time since 1976, according to Gen. David G. Perkins, Training and Doctrine Command’s new commander.

Perkins, who assumed command of TRADOC on March 14, spoke at the Army’s Brain Health Consortium on April 10 at the Defense Health Headquarters in Falls Church, Va.

The ultimate weapon of the U.S. Army in the future must be the brains of its Soldiers, Perkins said.

“We’re banking on our cognitive capability,” Perkins said, describing that as the Army’s “ace in the hole” potential enemies.

“We think kinetically, they can probably buy the same weapons we have,” he said, at least in small numbers. He added there are also armies out there larger than the U.S. Army.

In the past, the U.S. Army has relied upon superior technology, he said, but that “technology gap” is closing fast.

Being able to adapt quickly will be the key in the future, he said. One reason is the uncertainty of today’s operational environment.


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