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NCO Journal August 2020 Articles

The official magazine of noncommissioned officer professional development

The Battle of Cowpens

By Sgt. Maj. Katelyn J. Ventura

The tensions following the French and Indian War and the suppressive nature of Great Britain, led to the start of the American Revolution. The purpose of this article is to provide a tactical overview of the Battle of Cowpens and the strategic importance of the outcome.

Article published on: August 28, 2020

Mission Command in Megacities

By Sgt. Maj. Donald S. Collier

Even with an emphasis on virtues and morality, Army leaders still face the ethical dilemma of reporting the facts accurately and truthfully. This article examines problems leaders face in unit reporting, its causes, impact on the force, and offers a solution that reflects accurate Army readiness while also improving unit morale and encouraging honest reporting.

Article published on: August 21, 2020

The Army's Ethical Dilemma in Unit Reporting

By Sgt. Maj. Mark A. Kirchoff

Even with an emphasis on virtues and morality, Army leaders still face the ethical dilemma of reporting the facts accurately and truthfully. This article examines problems leaders face in unit reporting, its causes, impact on the force, and offers a solution that reflects accurate Army readiness while also improving unit morale and encouraging honest reporting.

Article published on: August 19, 2020

Purpose, Direction, and Motivation

By Sgt. Maj. Sean M. Horval

Motivation is arguably the hardest leadership principle to master. It requires a relationship of trust throughout the unit and a positive environment to draw the best performance out of the team.

Article published on: August 14, 2020

Confronting Racism and Discrimination in the U.S. Army

By Sgt. Maj. Jason L. Barton

The U.S. Army is not just built for combat. It's also an organization of dignity, respect, equality, opportunity, and professionalism. It's an institution where diversity and inclusion are shared values regardless of location.

Article published on: August 10, 2020

From Talent Developer to Talent Manager

By Sgt. Maj. Jason M. Payne

The U.S. Army's Vision requires Soldiers to Recruit, Retain, Organize, Train, Equip, and Lead in order to successfully navigate the dynamic and evolving operating environments of the future. This is only possible through cultivating a technically and tactically proficient Army force through experienced and efficient talent managers.

Article published on: August 7, 2020

Optimizing Learning Outcomes and Development

By Evelyn Hollis, Barbara Yancy-Tooks, & Sgt. Maj. Uhuru C. Salmon

Future operating domains will require leaders who can translate and apply their learning and experience in different environments to achieve optimal results.

Article published on: August 3, 2020