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NCO Journal November 2022 Articles

The official magazine of noncommissioned officer professional development

The Filthy 13: Exploring the Principles of Mission Command

By Robert Shawlinski (Sgt. Maj.-R), Sgt. Maj. John Enstrom, Thomas Gibbons (Sgt. Maj.-R), Cregg Cannon (Sgt. Maj.-R), & James Perdue (Sgt. Maj.-R)

All Soldiers, regardless of era, are key enablers on the ground by building cohesive teams, reinforcing standards, exercising initiative, and enabling mission success.

Article published on: November 29, 2022

Project Athena in Action: Coaching and the IDP (Part 2)

By Sgt. Maj. Craig A. Collins

The IDP gives Soldiers a guide and timeline to achieve their goals and a way to track career progression. This article will cover how to fill out the Goals, Insight, and Immediate Action areas, as well as give tips for a smooth coaching session.

Article published on: November 18, 2022

Project Athena in Action

By Sgt. Maj. Craig A. Collins

The professional and personal demands placed upon Soldiers require balance, and Project Athena and its focus on personal development can help provide that balance.

Article published on: November 15, 2022