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NCO Journal November 2023 Articles

The official magazine of noncommissioned officer professional development

The Empathy Challenge: Empathy-Informed Leadership in a Doctrine-Shaped Army

By Command Sgt. Maj. Daniel A. Tilghman & Chaplain (Captain) Anna S. Page

Leadership is hard. Honing leader skills, attributes, competencies and behaviors takes demanding work, practice and intentionality. Leading well—influencing others by providing purpose, direction and motivation—necessitates attention to leadership as both an art and a science.

Article published on: November 28, 2023

Ten Things

By Command Sgt. Maj. David Vowell

Having the privilege to serve as a sergeant major proves humbling every single day. I see constant reminders about things I could have done better or behaviors that were within my power to correct earlier in my career. No one is perfect and we should all strive to be better every single day.

Article published on: November 17, 2023

Project Maximo

By Command Sgt. Maj. Shaun D. Curry & Sgt. Darbi Colson

To instill a culture of resilience, U.S. Army leaders must epitomize servant leadership in all they do. That much, according to the research, is clear.

Article published on: November 13, 2023