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NCO Journal April 2024 Articles

The official magazine of noncommissioned officer professional development

Why You Should Reinvent the Wheel

By Col. Todd A. Schmidt, Ph.D.

Despite the transient nature of our assignments, we need to be aggressive and progressive in our leadership approach and philosophy. And it needs to be more than PowerPoint deep, more than something we sketch on whiteboards, napkins, or scratch paper.

Article published on: April 22, 2024

Aligning Recruiting Standards with Evolving Health Trends

By Master Sgt. Robert E. Eichelberger

Marijuana use or an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis can impede Army entry. Those policies must change, MSG Robert E. Eichelberger writes. Presenting a nuanced view, he argues that aligning medical fitness standards with societal trends will widen the recruiting pool without sacrificing force quality.

Article published on: April 15, 2024

The Drone Patrol

By Chago Zapata

After a deadly ambush, coin-sized drones investigate – but on the ground, tensions flare. In the first entry in our NCO Creative Domain, Managing Editor Chago Zapata uses fiction to imagine future tech and explore age-old prejudices.

Article published on: April 8, 2024

Promoting Self-Development Through Unit Training

By Sgt. 1st Class Andrew R. Roland

There are many significant assignment opportunities available for both officers and enlisted Soldiers. However, the U.S. Army lacks broadening assignments for NCOs, to develop them as strategic-level thinkers.

Article published on: April 5, 2024