Letter from the Editor
Dr. Keith R. Beurskens
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Dr. Keith R. Beurskens Journal of Military Learning Editor in Chief
Welcome to the Conference Edition of the Journal of Military Learning (JML). This special edition includes papers presented to two conferences in the summer of 2022: the Army University (ArmyU) Learning Symposium and the iFEST (Innovation, Instruction, Implementation, Federal E-learning Science & Technology). The ArmyU Learning Symposium is a biennial conference to inform and further develop partnerships between military, government, academic, and industry partners to advance the learning sciences. iFEST is an annual conference hosted by the Department of Defense Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative to support the development and adoption of a data-driven DOD-wide digital learning ecosystem.
This edition of the JML is organized into two sections. The first section provides my overview of the 2022 ArmyU Learning Symposium and two articles on topics presented at the conference. The second section provides an overview of the 2022 iFEST conference by Dr. Scotty Craig of Arizona State University and four articles on topics presented at the conference. The edition complements the JML’s core purpose to discuss current adult-learning and educational research from the military and civilian fields for continuous improvements in learning. The JML is published each April and October. There is an open call for papers; the submission guidelines are found at https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Journal-of-Military-Learning. Only through critical thinking and challenging our education paradigms can we as a learning organization fully reexamine and assess opportunities to improve our military education.
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