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Letter from the Editor
Army University Learning Symposium 2022
Dr. Keith R. Beurskens
Leader Presence and Its Impact on Organizational Climate
Janetta Harris, Mounir Bouchareb, and Bernard F. Harris Jr.
Modernizing the U.S. Army’s Captains Career Course
Elvin J. Fortuna
iFEST 2022 Summary
Investigating the Impact of Mobile Microlearning and Self-Regulated Learning Support on Soldiers’ Self-Efficacy and Retention within an Army Schoolhouse
Scotty D. Craig, Dawn L. Riddle, Shanda Lauer, Gregory I. Hughes, Wade R. Elmore, Chad E. Udell, Jennifer S. Murphy, and Laura M. Milham
Learning Engineering at a Glance: Based on the iFEST Poster (Winner of Best Poster Design)
Jim Goodell, Aaron Kessler, and Sae Schatz
Learning Ecosystems: Forging Stakeholder Partnerships to Fuel Optimal Advanced Distributed Learning Practices
David A. Rude
The Holy Grail of Developing Partnerships for DL in Military Education: The Keys to Success
Dina Kurzweil, Linda Macaulay, and Karen Marcellas
Call for Papers
Author Submission Guidelines