Letter from the Editor
Col. Paul E. Berg, PhD, U.S. Army
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Col. Paul E. Berg, PhD, U.S. Army
Journal of Military Learning
Welcome to the Journal of Military Learning (JML). As the editor of the JML, I am proud of the tremendous professionalism and dedication that our authors, editors, and reviewers have demonstrated in bringing this issue to you and also proud that we have started our third year of publication. As Army University continues to academically succeed, we strive to achieve the highest educational writing standards as a peer-reviewed semiannual publication that continues to improve education and training for the U.S. Army, our professional military education (PME) system, and the overall profession of arms. The JML is the Army University’s professional educational journal, bringing current adult learning discussions and current educational research from the field for the development of our current and future leaders, current PME faculty, and all levels of Army staffs.
Thus, the peer-reviewed articles in this edition include “Tacit Knowledge Cultivation as an Essential Component of Developing Experts,” “Military Education as a Dimension of Security in the Western Hemisphere,” “Motivating and Educating Millennials,” and “Impacting Student Veteran Success Through Military Credit Articulation.” Our articles of interest include discussions on the Learning Enterprise Assistance Program and the Institutional Research and Assessment Division. We have also included a best practice article regarding school leaders as educators in the Army.
I continue to encourage soldiers, instructors, researchers, and military professors, both uniformed and civilian, to submit articles to this educational peer-reviewed journal. Only through critical thinking and challenging our education paradigms can we as a learning organization fully reexamine and assess opportunities to improve our military education. A detailed call for papers and the submission guidelines can be found at http://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Journal-of-Military-Learning.
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