Journal of Military Learning

Call for Papers

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Submit to the Journal of Military Learning

The Journal of Military Learning (JML) is a peer-reviewed semiannual publication that supports efforts to improve education and training for the U.S. Army and the overall Profession of Arms.

We are now accepting manuscripts for the April 2018 edition and subsequent editions. The JML invites practitioners, researchers, academics, and military professionals to submit manuscripts that address the issues and challenges of adult education and training, such as education technology, adult learning models and theory, distance learning, training development, and other subjects relevant to the field. Submissions related to competency-based learning will be given special consideration.

Submissions should be between 3,500 and 5,000 words and supported by research, evident through the citation of sources. Scholarship must conform to commonly accepted research standards such as described in The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.

Do you have a “best practice” to share on how to optimize learning outcomes for military learners? Please submit a one- to two-page summary of the practice to share with the military learning enterprise. Book reviews of published relevant works are also encouraged.

Manuscripts should be submitted to by 1 December 2017. See below for detailed author submission guidelines. For additional information call 913-684-9331 or send an email to the address above.

Journal of Military Learning Author Submission Guidelines

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Submit to the Journal of Military Learning

Manuscripts should contain between 3,500 to 5,000 words in the body text and be double-spaced in a standard font. Documentation must conform to the endnotes style in The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, chapter 14, but no bibliography is needed. Because of complications with layout software, papers are not to contain any automatic endnotes; replace all coded endnotes with manually formatted notes before submission.

Manuscripts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file. They must include a one-paragraph abstract.

Do not submit manuscripts that have been published elsewhere or are under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The Journal of Military Learning (JML) will not consider for publication a manuscript failing to conform to the guidelines above.

The editors may suggest changes in the interest of clarity and economy of expression; such changes will be made in consultation with the author. The editors are the final arbiters of usage, grammar, and length of article.

Authors are encouraged to supply relevant artwork with their essays (e.g., maps, charts, line drawings, and photographs). Artwork is limited to that which supports the major points of the manuscript. Illustrations may be submitted in the following formats: PDF, PNG, EPS, SVG, JPEG, PowerPoint, or TIFF. The author must obtain permission to use any copyrighted material.

As a U.S. government publication, the JML does not have copyright protection; articles become public domain. Other Army publications could republished manuscripts published in the JML.