Letter from the Editor
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Dr. Donald Wright
As the deputy director of the Army University Press, I am sometimes required to perform the duties of interim editor in chief of Military Review. This is one of those times. Lt. Col. Erica Cameron, our former director, has been called away on an operational assignment, leaving me to fill the gap between her departure and the arrival of Col. Katherine Guttormsen, the next director of our journal, who is also fulfilling an operational assignment.
Although Lt. Col. Cameron was only with us for a year, she oversaw huge changes in the Army University Press. As a strategic planner, she brought a very different mindset to our organization that will positively affect the way we do business for a long time. On behalf of all of us at Military Review, I’d like to thank Lt. Col. Cameron for her leadership and friendship.
This issue of Military Review covers a wide range of topics. There are several insightful articles concerning countries with significant potential impacts on the United States: Russia, Venezuela, Japan, and North Korea. And, in the first in a series of three articles, TRADOC commander Gen. David Perkins discusses the multi-domain battle concept. We also have an interesting comparison of the U.S. Army Stryker medium-force concept and Soviet motorized rifle equipment and organization, and we have the winning submission to the 2016 Douglas MacArthur Military Leadership Writing Competition with a discussion on “helicopter” commanders.
Finally, in our last issue, we ran a tribute to Spc. Hilda Clayton on our inside back cover. Clayton, an Army photojournalist, was killed during a training accident in Afghanistan. The story and Clayton’s photograph struck a nerve; major print, television, and online media outlets picked up the story, many expounded on it, and all provided tremendously positive coverage that was viewed by millions. Thanks to all the journalists who covered the story with the respect and consideration due to one of our fallen soldiers.
Thank you also to all our readers and contributors for supporting the Army University Press and its flagship publication, Military Review. Find us online at http://www.armyupress.army.mil/, like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ArmyUniversityPress/, and follow us on Twitter @ArmyUPress.