Magazines Received in Library During Month
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Military Magazines
United States
Army and Navy Journal. Current weekly issues.
Army & Navy Register. Current weekly issues.
Cavalry Journal. 1st Quarter 1922. Includes the following articles worthy of mention: Cavalry on the Flank and Rear; Cavalry Charge (French) at Collezy; The Second Cavalry in the Meuse-Argonne.
Chemical Warfare. Jan. 15, 1922. Includes: Chemical Warfare Service Materials Used by Air Service; The Measure of Humanity in War.
Field Artillery Journal. Nov.-Dec., 1921. Contains the following articles of interest: Some Observations concerning the Use of Accompanying Batteries; Test March of 1st Battalion, 83d Field Artillery (5-Ton Tractor Drawn 75-mm. Gun Battalion); Defensive Employment of the French Artillery (21st Corps) in 1918; Some Important and Timely Problems for the Field Artilleryman.
Infantry Journal. Jan., 1922. Includes the following articles worthy of mention: A Continuation of the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe (German viewpoint) ; a continuation of The Champagne-Marne Defensive; Doctrines and Principles of War.
Journal of the U. S. Artillery. Jan.,1922. This is a special National Guard Number, and is devoted almost entirely to articles concerning the National Guard, most of which deal with the Coast Artillery National Guard. The leading articles, which concern the National Guard in general, are The National Guard Officer, and Problems of the National Guard. Maj. Gen. G. C. Rickards, Chief of Militia Bureau, has written a short article (2 pages) on The Development of the National Guard Coast Artillery.
Military Engineer. Jan.-Feb., 1922. Articles worthy of mention are: The Organized Reserves—Their Relation to the Military Policy of the United States; Engineer Supply in War (discussion by various officers of an earlier article on this subject); Peacetime Development of Light or Combat Railways; Engineer Supply Depots.
Military Surgeon. Jan., 1922. Articles worthy of mention are: Notes on the History of Military Medicine (Rome, Republic and Empire); and Critique of the Army Ration, Past and Present.
U. S. Naval Institution Proceedings. Jan., 1922. Contains serial article on Principles of Command, by Rear Admiral Lloyd H. Chandler.
Bulletin Belge des Sciences Militaires. Dec., 1921, Jan., 1922. French text. Noteworthy articles: Operations of the Belgian Army during the War of 1914-18; The German Enveloping Maneuver of August, 1914; Role of the Belgian and French Aviation on the Western Front during the World War; Artillery Barrages; The Evolution of Field Fortification in France and Germany; Apropos of Outposts; Security on the March; The Grenade (role during World War and future role); The Mobilization of the Nation for War Organization of Science and the Laboratories as Factors in War.
Canadian Military Gazette. Jan., 1922. Nothing of special interest.
Boletín del Ejercito. Dec., 1921. Nothing of special interest. Leading articles are translations from United States sources.
Revue de Cavalerie. Back numbers for July-Aug., Sept.-Oct., and Nov.-Dec., 1921, have been received. These include among others the following articles: Views on the Cavalry, by General Bregard; Evolution in the Organization of the German Cavalry During the War; From Poitiers to Our Day; Motorized Machine Guns for Cavalry; French Cavalry in the Pursuit in Macedonia; The German Cavalry in the Romanian Campaign; Study of the Bolshevik Cavalry; Effort of the Polish Cavalry during the Campaign of the Summer of 1920.
Revue d’Infanterie. Dec., 1921. Includes: Evolution of the Methods and Conduct of Infantry Combat from 1870 to Date; A Study of the Employment of Tanks; Liaison and Transmission Between Artillery and Infantry; The New Regulations for Maneuver of the Japanese Infantry.
Revue Militaire Générale. Back numbers have been received for July to Dec., 1921, inclusive. These include the following articles of interest, many of which are in the form of serial articles: The Recasting of the Regulations and Our Doctrines of War; The Staff Officer; Information and Liaison; Comparison of the Fire Tactics of Infantry Before and After the World War; Employment of Artillery; Strategy and Operations in the East (Alsace-Lorraine); The 22d French Cavalry Corps in Flanders (April-May, 1918); The 22d French Division at the Chemin des Dames, 27th May, 1918; The Operation of Koum-Kale (Dardanelles), April, 1915; The Role of the High Command from the Economic Viewpoint; The Relations between the Army and the Economic Organizations of the Nation.
Militar Wochenblatt. Dec. 3, 10, and 17, 1921. The December 17th number includes a short article on The Crisis of the Italian Army in 1917.
Memorial de Artillería. Nov., 1921. Nothing of special interest.
Miscellaneous Magazines
United States
American Historical Review. Jan., 1922. Includes: Europe, Spanish America, and the Monroe Doctrine; Garibaldi’s Sicilian Campaign as Reported by an American Diplomat.
Arms and the Man. Current semi-monthly issues. Nothing of special interest.
Current History. Jan., 1922. Includes Complete Proceedings of Washington Arms Conference from Nov. 21 to Dec. 20, 1921; The Greek Campaign of 1921; Report of the Wood-Forbes Commission on the Philippines; a study of the demand for Porto Rican independence; the treaty forming the Irish Free State; American Treaty of Peace with Austria.
Engineering News-Record. Current weekly issues. Nothing of special interest.
Journal of American History. 1st Quarter, 1922. Nothing of special interest.
Literary Digest. Current weekly issues. The January 7th and January 21st numbers are special Japan and China numbers, respectively, and contain valuable series of articles regarding those countries. The January 28th number includes a description of the important Muscle Shoals Nitrate project.
National Geographic Magazine. Feb., 1922. Contains a new map of the countries of the Caribbean, and travel articles concerning Central American and West Indian countries.
North American Review. Jan., 1922. Includes an article on Mexican Agrarianism.
Panama Canal Record. Current weekly issues.
Review of Reviews. Feb., 1922. Includes an article by Frank H. Simonds on the Washington Arms Conference.
Scientific American. Feb., 1922. Nothing of special interest.
World’s Work. Feb., 1922. Contains Germany’s. First Peace Drives (Life and Letters of former ambassador Walter H. Page).
Archives de la Grande Guerre. Back numbers have been received from July to October, 1921, inclusive. The July number is a special Upper Silesia Number. Other articles of interest concern the Role of The 5th French Army (August, 1914); The Responsibility for the War (extracted from the memoirs of M. de Schoen, German ambassador to France in 1914); and British and American Propaganda in the Enemy Countries.
Revue de Deux Mondes. Jan. 1, 1922. Nothing of special interest.
Revue de Paris. Jan. 1, 1922. Contains an article on the war, by the former French Minister of War (How I Appointed Foch and Petain.)
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