Space Operations Special Edition—2001


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Military Review

The November-December 2001 issue of Military Review provided articles outlining the increasing importance of the space domain to the U.S. Army of the time. It focused on advances in technology that had been made up to that date in the employment of space assets. The edition’s foreword stated, “Perhaps the most important aspect of space operations is the role space plays in communications and information management. In fact, space operations entail getting the right information to the right user at the right time.”

It has been more than twenty years since publication, but many of the articles are still relevant to the continuing evolution of Army space operations. As the edition’s foreword also asserted, “The best thinking about the future comes from those who have an appreciation for the past, a solid grasp of the present, and an enthusiasm for the future.”

Of particular interest, the editor in chief of Military Review invites your attention to two articles that reflect prescient observations concerning the importance of space to the future development of the Army as seen two decades ago: “U.S. Space Command: Warfighters Supporting Warfighters in the 21st Century” by Lt. Gen. Edward G. Anderson III (pages 11–17); and “Space: Enabling Army Transformation” by Lt. Col. Brad Baehr, Lt. Col. Thomas D. Houston, and Maj. J. G. Byrum (pages 35–41).

The purpose of this 2024 special edition of Military Review is to continue its legacy of promoting awareness of the Army advancements in space technology and application as well as to further stimulate the best thinking among military professionals on the future Army exploitation of space to attain national security objectives. The 2001 edition of Military Review, “Space Operations,” can be found online at



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