Congratulations on Retirement,
Col. Katherine Guttormsen
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We sadly bid farewell to Col. Kate Guttormsen, the director of the Army University Press and the editor in chief of Military Review, as she retires from the Army after twenty-four years of exceptional military service. For two and a half years, Col. Guttormsen provided great vision and leadership to this dynamic organization. She spearheaded astute changes—to include the additions of a social/multimedia team and a historical documentary team—to ensure the continued high level of support expected from the media arm of the Army University. Moreover, her emphasis on social media has allowed Military Review to reach out to younger generations of soldiers while maintaining the relevant content that makes it popular with those more senior.
We will miss Col. Guttormsen’s professional yet personable, caring, and approachable leadership style. We wish her great happiness as a civilian and a veteran, and success in all future endeavors!
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