Congratulations on your retirement, Linda
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Mrs. Linda Darnell, editorial assistant for Military Review, is retiring in May 2020 from the Army Civilian Corps after serving on Fort Leavenworth for more than twenty-five years. She previously worked in the Civilian Personnel Office; Combat Training Center Directorate; Combined Arms Services Staff School (CAS3); the Army Knowledge Network Directorate; and the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobility, and Security.
While serving at Military Review, Mrs. Darnell was relentless not only in her pursuit of excellence in the discharge of her assigned duties as a key staff figure but also in promoting a warm, congenial, and professional work environment that was second to none. In May 2014, she was awarded the prestigious U.S. Federal Government Excellence in Public Service award for her many contributions. However, when asked what she would wish to be remembered as her legacy, she confided that she does not wish to be remembered merely as an efficient and supportive staff colleague but rather as a “mother” figure who diligently sought to ensure that everyone within the circumference of her influence was remembered, loved, and cared for.
She departs as a treasured and respected member of the Military Review team who has been regarded for the last eleven years as truly indispensable. We will miss Linda very much, and we wish her and her husband, Tom, a long and happy retirement.
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