DePuy Writing Competition
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2019 General William E. DePuy
Special Topics Writing Competition
This year’s theme: “What role do unofficial transnational and criminal organizations play in the global adversarial competition among nations occurring today? How specifically do China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, or other specifically named adversary employ unofficial transnational or criminal organizations in their strategic efforts to undermine the United States or its allies?”
Articles will be comparatively judged by a panel of senior Army leaders on how well they have clearly identified issues requiring solutions relevant to the Army in general, or to a significant portion of the Army; how effectively detailed and feasible the solutions to the identified problem are; and the level of writing excellence achieved. Writing must be logically developed and well organized, demonstrate professional-level grammar and usage, provide original insights, and be thoroughly researched as manifest in pertinent sources.
Contest closes 15 July 2019
1st Place | $1,000 and publication in Military Review |
2nd Place | $750 and publication in Military Review |
3rd Place | $500 and publication in Military Review |
For information on how to submit an entry, please visit