New from Army Doctrine

Among other important changes, the most recently updated Field Manual (FM) 3-0, Operations, published in October 2022, focuses on upgrading Army capabilities to employ speed, range, and convergence of cutting-edge technologies to achieve land dominance against future enemies. It stresses the role the Army plays in holding critical terrain, providing assurances to allies and partners, defeating all enemies in close combat, and consolidating gains to achieve enduring strategic outcomes. FM 3-0 is rooted in the principles of war and reinforces an offensive mindset but also provides a simple definition of multidomain operations intended to help leaders at all echelons visualize and understand the interrelationship among the physical, information, and human dimensions. It also provides an operational framework that helps echelons better organize forces in terms of time, space, and purpose. Notably, it addresses the unique challenges of applying landpower in maritime environments and the unique requirements for combat leadership in complex modern warfare.
The new FM 3-0 can be downloaded from the Army Publishing Directorate at