2015 Online Exclusive Articles

Online Exclusive articles are published only online to support timely discussion on emerging time-sensitive issues. Online publication also allows us to publish more articles than before due to the unconstrained nature of the website. To view online exclusive articles from previous years, see https://www.armyupress.army.mil/journals/military-review/online-exclusive-archives/.

November 2015 Online Exclusive Articles

Terrorism Gone Viral: The Burgeoning Media War Between ISIS and the U.S.

Capt. Kevin Sandell, U.S. Army

A PAO Officer overviews recent developments in the media war, and outlines what the U.S. needs to do to be successful.

Article published on: November 6, 2015

Complexities of Cultural Identity in Urban Future Operating Environments

Maj. Scott LeBlanc, Canadian Army

The author explains why it is important to gain a comprehensive and early understanding of the multitude of cultural identities in an urban environment.

Article published on: November 6, 2015

Building the New NCO Professional

Dr. Liston Bailey

The Chief of the Learning Innovations and Initiatives Division for the Army’s Institute for Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development explains major changes to the NCO training system, how the changes are vital to future success, and the goals of the new education process as a new emphasis is placed on knowledge and skills.

Article published on: November 20, 2015

Leader Presence in Future Warfare

Capt. T. Jordan Terry

The author calls for open dialogue on leadership values and culture, as well as discusses the impact of leadership style on warfare as the Army prepares for 2025 and beyond. He draws attention to key elements of leadership concepts as a starting point for this open discussion.

Article published on: November 20, 2015

December 2015 Online Exclusive Articles

Integrating a Tactical-Level Staff into an Operational-Level Headquarters

Maj. Adam Brady, U.S. Army, and Lt. Cmdr. Johnathan D. Powell, U.S. Navy

The authors examine the integration of Task Force Steel Tiger into Combined Joint Task Force—Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA). They explore lessons learned for successful integration of a tactical battalion into an operational or strategic-level joint task force.

Article published on: December 4, 2015

Global Demographic Trends and Security: Implications for the U.S. Army PT 1

Lt. Col. Shavce, U.S. Army

(Part 1) The author articulates why the Department of Defense should start soon on reviewing and improving the way it trains and develops leaders for operations in heavily populated, urban environments.

Article published on: December 14, 2015

Global Demographic Trends and Security: Implications for the U.S. Army PT 2

Lt. Col. Shavce, U.S. Army

(Part 2) The author articulates why the Department of Defense should start soon on reviewing and improving the way it trains and develops leaders for operations in heavily populated, urban environments.

Article published on: December 14, 2015

Adapting the Army to Win Decisively in Megacities

Capt. John P. Hartrich, U.S. Army

To conduct expeditionary urban operations within the megacity operational environment, the author argues the Army must make certain organizational changes.

Article published on: December 18, 2015

The Human Dimension and the Future of Unit-Level Leader Development

Capt. James M. Perkins, U.S. Army

Leadership development has been undermined by the training model. The author believes it is time to explore changes in the wake of the new Officer Evaluation Report.

Article published on: December 18, 2015