2016 Online Exclusive Articles

Online Exclusive articles are published only online to support timely discussion on emerging time-sensitive issues. Online publication also allows us to publish more articles than before due to the unconstrained nature of the website. To view online exclusive articles from previous years, see https://www.armyupress.army.mil/journals/military-review/online-exclusive-archives/.

October 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

The Resonance of History: The Influence of Soviet-Era Mujahidin Networks in Eastern Afghanistan

By Dr. Brian R. Price

The author discusses the current situation regarding human terrain tools for working with local populations, providing two case studies on successful use of investigating local histories towards acquiring a comprehensive picture of social dynamics.

Article published on: October 25, 2016

“Dance With the One Who Brung Ya”: Using Informational Interviews to Enable Career Transition

Col. John Buckley, U.S. Army, Retired

The author uses strategic planning methods to explain how to leverage informational interviews as part of a successful transition to the civilian sector.

Article published on: October 21, 2016

Strategic Command: General David Petraeus and the Execution of Strategic Leadership

Maj. William J. Denn, U.S. Army

The author examines Gen. Petraeus’s career in order to show how Petraeus’s development and implementation created organizational change that the Army can continue to study and learn from.

Article published on: October 7, 2016

Big Data War Games Necessary for Winning Future Wars

Maj. Mark Van Horn, U.S. Army

The author argues that innovations in the information and cognitive sciences will pull war games into the era of big data and revolutionize how the Army prepares itself to win future wars.

Article published on: October 4, 2016

September 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

Mandatory Education: A New Paradigm to Improve the NCO Corps

Staff Sergeant Timothy D. Couchman, U.S. Army

The author argues that making higher education mandatory for the NCO Corps will improve professionalism, career stability, moral behavior, and enhance national security preparedness.

Article published on: September 23, 2016

The Ironic Hindrances of Slaughter: A Case Study in Mission Command and Moral Autonomy

Lieutenant Colonel Peter D. Fromm, U.S. Army, Retired

The author argues that mission command must include an ongoing education in the principles of right action.

Article published on: September 23, 2016

Taking the Surge Global in the Age of Facebook

Capt. Robert Cohen

The author argues that in order to avoid continual repeats of recent disappointments in the Middle East, the U.S. and its allies must adopt a global counterinsurgency approach.

Article published on: September 16, 2016

Improving While Operating: The Paradox of Learning

Prof. Carey W. Walker and Professor Matthew J. Bonnot, Command and General Staff College

Organizations must master innovation and adaptability while simultaneously staying on top of day to day tasks. The authors walk through how to navigate organizational leadership and stay focused on success.

Article published on: September 2, 2016

August 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

Embracing Complexity: Adjusting Processes to Meet the Challenges of the Contemporary Operating Environment

Lt. Col. Thomas Kopsch, German Army, and Maj. Amos Fox, U.S. Army

The authors argue that current planning processes under-develop their characterizations of problems. They suggest a framework to mitigate operational problems occurring from ill-structured problems.

Article published on: August 22, 2016

Muddling Leadership and Management in the United States Army

Capt. Charles R. Gallagher, U.S. Army

The author contends that too often the Army seeks to solve complex problems through management processes while underutilizing leadership due to the muddied overlap of the terms leadership and management.

Article published on: August 12, 2016

Managing Talent Before it Manages You—How Leaders Can Influence Performance at the Company Level

Capt. Daniel R. Reynolds and Capt. Thomas E. Meyer, U.S. Army

The authors argue that battalion and company-level leaders need to build intentional and dynamic talent management processes. They outline a strategy for recognizing and developing leaders.

Article published on: August 12, 2016

July 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

Future Technology, Impending Security Threats

Lt. Col. John Nolan, U.S. Army Reserve

As the U.S. prepares to deal with terrorism and the rise of non-state actors, a need arises for understanding of the double-edged sword of rapid technological advancement. The author outlines trends and risks.

Article published on: July 22, 2016

Attritional War: The Neglected Phase of Modern Warfare

Thomas Neely

Having lost three modern wars due to inability to categorize and understand the phase of war that begins after conventional war is over, it is imperative that this be remedied. The author argues that conventional wars spin into attritional war, and attritional war cannot be won.

Article published on: July 22, 2016

Understanding Organizational Climate and Culture

Prof. Carey W. Walker and Professor Matthew J. Bonnot, Command and General Staff College

Organizations strive to solve problems and manage internal anxiety. Understanding how these challenges are affected by leader choices and collective understanding of why and how an organization does what it does provides leaders more options for overcoming internal stressors and meeting organizational goals. The authors analyze organizational climate and culture in easy to understand and practical terms.

Article published on: July 8, 2016

The Warrior Way for Building Partnerships

Lt. Col. Archambault, U.S. Army

As the U.S. continues to prioritize partnerships, it is important for those in the Army to discuss best practices for making the most out of working with other military entities. The author covers principles for partnership at the unit level.

Article published on: July 8, 2016

June 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

Mission Command: Evolution of a WfF applied to Recruiting Operations

Sgt. 1st Class Alex Joy and Capt. Joseph Harmon, U.S. Army

Recruiting Command suffers a range of organizational issues as it strives to meet its commander’s intent. The authors explain how mission command can be used to improve recruiting efforts.

Article published on: June 24, 2016

Assessing the Decisive Action Fight

Col. Joe Roach and Maj. Clay White, U.S. Army

As the Army transitions away from COIN and continues training for the decisive action fight, assessment processes must follow suit. Currently, adapting the assessment procedure is not where it needs to be. The authors address some of the key issues.

Article published on: June 24, 2016

How Do We Deal with Russia?: The Status Quo and a Strategically Pragmatic Approach Forward

Lt. Col. Klaudius Robinson

As NATO prepared for its 2016 Summit, the U.S. needed to carefully consider their way forward in dealing with Russia. The author outlines priorities and key factors to ensure practical trumps paranoia in strategic planning.

Article published on: June 10, 2016

Ukraine’s Battle at Ilovaisk, August 2014: The Tyranny of Means

Maj. Michael Cohen, U.S. Army

The author sifts through the various, conflicting information on Ukraine’s military, militia, and government to paint a clearer picture of how, exactly, Ukraine directly contributed to the destruction at Ilovaisk.

Article published on: June 10, 2016

May 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

Digital Natives, Media, and Learning: Implications for the Future of Army Training

Dr. Liston Bailey, Chief of the Learning Innovations and Initiatives Division

As the Army undergoes a generational shift, educators and trainers need to give greater attention to the digital capabilities of soldiers. Whatever their capability, what is most important is recognizing that learning is interactive and social in nature. The author argues for a cultural shift in the way that training is conducted.

Article published on: May 27, 2016

The Reality and Myths of Distance Learning

Lt. Col. Jack Judy, U.S. Army, Retired

Despite the rampant resistance to distance learning being an effective teaching method, it continues to exist and gain traction. The author lays out, in objective terms, the good, the bady, and the ugly of distance learning, in order to show it is going to be the most effective method of ensuring quality education across the Force.

Article published on: May 27, 2016

Bureaucracy and Mission Command: Reform the Army Personnel System to Embrace Mission Command

Maj. John Q. Bolton and Capt. Derek Merkler, U.S. Army

As the Army works to further integrate mission command, the authors note that a top priority needs to be reforming the personnel system. Talent management is fundamental to maintaining a strong fighting force.

Article published on: May 13, 2016

“Führen mit Auftrag”— Mission Command from a German Point of View

Lt. Col. Jens Küster, German Army

Mission command has continued to evolve in German military doctrine, in particular the doctrinal concept “Innere Fuehrung.” The author explores the differences in evolution of the concept in U.S. and German doctrine, in order to highlight salient features for U.S. military professionals to address as the concept continues to evolve in ADP 6-0.

Article published on: May 13, 2016

April 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

Periodic Financial Assessment

Maj. Karl Ludeman, U.S. Army

Current Army systems that work with soldiers and their finances do not solve the underlying problems. Soldiers continue to amass unhealthy debt. The author explains what is broken and provides a workable solution.

Article published on: April 29, 2016

Corbett and Air Sea Battle: How the Joint Force can Maintain Access using the “Fleet in Being” Concept

Maj. Matthew Prescott, U.S. Army

In order to protect American and allied interests, the author argues access to the global commons must be maintained.

Article published on: April 29, 2016

A Better Approach to Developing Leaders

Prof. Carey W. Walker and Professor Matthew J. Bonnot, Command and General Staff College

“Develops others” routinely received the lowest rating in CASAL surveys. The authors give a straightforward explanation of what is broken with leader development in the Army, and actionable steps on how to resolve the issue.

Article published on: April 15, 2016

CGSOC at a Distance

Prof. Dave Pierson, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College

Many believe that non-residential CGSOC can’t hold a candle to learning on post in Fort Leavenworth. The author counters this assumption.

Article published on: April 15, 2016

A New Theory to Avoid Operational Level Stagnation

Maj. James Schultz and Lt. Col. Michael Buchanan, U.S. Army

Changes to the operational environment are not always properly accounted for, particularly after tactical success. The authors offer new insights into effectively dealing with the rapidly changing operational environment of modern warfare.

Article published on: April 1, 2016

Incorporating the Law of Armed Conflict Training into Afghanistan’s Special Forces’ Curriculum

Lt. Col. Todd Burkhardt and Maj. Rob Williamson, U.S. Army

One of the U.S. Army’s greatest assets is international law. The authors discuss some recent history of working with Afghan National Army Special Operations Command towards their development as a professional fighting force.

Article published on: April 1, 2016

March 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

How to Win a Counterinsurgency Campaign

Michael J. Gurney, U.S. Army, Retired

Counterinsurgency success might need to be defined as “managing the condition.” The author outlines how to think through defining and assessing a counterinsurgency campaign.

Article published on: March 18, 2016

German Mission Orders—Their Doctrinal and Operational Development from 1866-1940 and Mission Order Combat Illustrations from the 187—71, 1914-18, and 1929-1945 Wars

David Shunk, U.S. Air Force, Retired

The author outlines key historical moments in order to provide insight into mission command’s historical and philosophical origins.

Article published on: March 18, 2016

Mission Command in Education

Paul Sanders, U.S. Army, Retired

The author explains how the adult education concept Andragogik as applied in Army Distance Education programs provides students with the foundations of the six principles of Mission Command.

Article published on: March 4, 2016

The 131A Talent Management Gap: An Example of Re-Thinking Promotion and Assignment Structure

CW3 Jesse Crifasi, U.S. Army

The author details how to re-organize the promotion and assignment process for Field Artillery Warrant Officers, providing an example for any officer thinking through holes and gaps in the talent management system.

Article published on: March 4, 2016

February 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

The Collapse of the Iraqi Army’s Will to Fight: A Lack of Motivation, Training, or Force Generation?

Maj. Adam Scher, U.S. Army

The author analyzes how the limits of conventional wisdom inhibit understanding of the Iraqi Army’s collapse in 2014 in order to provide a foundation for ensuring similar disaster does not happen again.

Article published on: February 19, 2016

The Army’s Mobility Solution to the Joint Forcible Entry Problem

Capt. Kyle Wolfley, U.S. Army

The author examines the issue of airborne forces successfully assaulting A2/AD environments. He argues that the Light Tactical All Terrain Vehicle offers the Joint Force the ability to conduct an operational envelopment, avoid the enemy’s principle air defenses, and seize ground objectives.

Article published on: February 19, 2016

The Challenge of the Paradoxical Vision: Innovating Where No Solution Seems Possible

Thomas P. Galvin and Prof. Charles D. Allen, U.S. Army War College

When leadership has a goal—a plan, a vision—in mind, it runs into inherent difficulties between opposing forces such as control/flexibility, continuity/change, and individual/collective. The authors explore these paradoxes in terms of fostering innovation in the Army.

Article published on: February 5, 2016

Realigning the Army’s Ethical Compass

Col. Michael B. Siegl, U.S. Army

The Army continues to re-evaluate its ethical boundaries. The author reminds readers that many decisions are not consciously made, and explores the implications in the domain of Army ethics.

Article published on: February 5, 2016

Leadership and Decontaminating a Toxic Team

Keith H. Ferguson

Toxic Teams harm a work place but they can be fixed. Effective leadership recognizes problems as they start and can make change to prevent this serious challenge.

Article published on: February 2, 2016

January 2016 Online Exclusive Articles

The Nature of War: Implications for the Debate on America’s Strategy Against ISIS

Maj. Ben Weakley, U.S. Army

The author argues that policy-makers need to be mindful of the nature of war before promising the American public quick, decisive solutions that come without cost, tradeoffs, or risk.

Article published on: January 28, 2016

Measuring the Immeasurable: Assessing the Effectiveness of Engineering Civic Assistance Projects

Maj. Orlando Craig

The Army has a long history of helping the infrastructure of underdeveloped regions. The author describes needed steps to improve assessment of infrastructure programs.

Article published on: January 22, 2016

Security Force Assistance and the Concept of Sustainable Training as a Role for the U.S. Military in Today’s World

Maj. Adam Brady and Capt. Terence L. Satchell, U.S. Army

Sustainable training programs are crucial for work with partner nations. The authors provide some lessons learned in this regard from the Joint Task Force—Horn of Africa.

Article published on: January 22, 2016

Overlooked Implementation Issues with Autonomous Operations

Maj. Scott E. Bruck, U.S. Army

The author calls attention to the need for the Army to determine how to handle accountability for when Army robots break or make mistakes.

Article published on: January 1, 2016

Atrocity Prevention and Response During Armed Conflict: Closing the Capability Gap

Maj. Alison F. Atkins, U.S. Army

Atrocity crimes happen most frequently during armed conflict. The author argues the military needs to re-organize to better minimize such unnecessary deaths.

Article published on: January 1, 2016