During ‘Military Saves Week,’ Army Reminds Soldiers of Year-Round Financial Education
C. Todd Lopez
NCO Journal
February 26, 2014
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As the Department of Defense embarks on “Military Saves Week,” Feb. 24 through March 1, the Army wants Soldiers, civilians and their families to know that it provides financial education year-round — including information on how to save — at installations across the force.
As part of “Military Saves Week 2014,” service members and their families can point their web browser to militarysaves.org to take the pledge to save money. This is the eighth year of Military Saves Week, which is cosponsored by the Consumer Federation of America. The week focuses on helping military families find the tools needed to reduce their debt and save for the future.
“It’s a social campaign where we collaborate with the Office of the Secretary of Defense and our Military Saves partners, under the umbrella of America Saves. The intent is to get folks to save as much as possible. The Army had the most pledges last year,” said Gale Johnson, financial readiness and Army Emergency Relief program manager at Installation Management Command.
Johnson said service members’, civilians’ and family members’ finances are keys to successful service and a satisfactory lifestyle while in the Army.
Michael A. Wood, chief of transition support services at U. S. Army Installation Management Command, or IMCOM, agreed. He said when a Soldier has his or her finances in order, that translates to increased personal readiness. And that means increased mission readiness for the Army and increased personal satisfaction for service and family members.
“If a Soldier doesn’t have to worry about their finances, that’s one less thing to think about as they go downrange to deploy, while they build an Army career,” he said. “If you are financially secure, you will be more resilient and more ready to help defend the country.”
Through Army Community Services, or ACS, IMCOM provides personal financial managers to Soldiers, civilians and their families to counsel, train and mentor them on the financial issues and challenges that life brings, Wood said.
Read more here → https://www.army.mil/article/120602/during_military_saves_week_army_reminds_soldiers_of_year_round_financial_education
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