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NCO Journal July 2023 Articles

The official magazine of noncommissioned officer professional development

Irregular and Hybrid Warfare

By Master Sgt. Jacob A. Kirk

Our adversaries are training on this method to defeat U.S. forces (DA, 2019a). Irregular or hybrid threats provide ill-defined challenges requiring adaptive, capable forces. Through leadership, preparation and the best-educated noncommissioned officer (NCO) corps on Earth, the U.S. Army is ready to meet these challenges.

Article published on: July 24, 2023

Future Weapons Technology of 2040

By Master Sgt. Christopher L. Hartzell

The U.S.’s ability to fight and win future wars will depend heavily upon technological advancements in weapons and technology. Advancements in next-generation weapons will allow our safety and security while deterring adversaries worldwide. These advancements will ultimately give U.S. Army Soldiers an edge against adversaries on future battlefields.

Article published on: July 10, 2023