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NCO Journal March 2024 Articles

The official magazine of noncommissioned officer professional development

More Than Promotion Points

By 1st Sgt. Wolfgang O. McLachlan

The Army must take advantage of this lull between major wartime engagements to develop its enlisted Soldiers properly and realize their potential in all domains. As we prepare for the next war which will inevitably call us to action, we will either set the conditions for success or find ourselves on the back foot. Prudence calls us to action. The choice is ours.

Article published on: March 29, 2024

Needs-Based Approach to Holistic Health and Fitness

By Singapore Warrant Officer 1 Cheng Qiao Feng

The data’s clear: Covering physical and mental well-being, the Army’s holistic health and fitness program improves Soldiers’ combat readiness. And vital to its success are senior NCOs.

Article published on: March 22, 2024

Shaping an NCO’s Career Through Mission Command

By Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Richard B. Adams Jr.

A battalion command team exercises tremendous influence over the lives and careers of NCOs. Ret. CSM Richard B. Adams Jr. illustrates how through a real-life example from Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Article published on: March 15, 2024

Leadership Lessons from a General’s Memoirs

By Sgt. Maj. Tyson Crosby

Leaders of all levels should read Grant’s work and use its lessons to strengthen their leadership style and develop junior leaders.

Article published on: March 8, 2024

Operational Design During the Tet Offensive

By Master Sgt. Brenden C. Shannon

This article analyzes how Giap used ways, means, and ends during the Tet Offensive, giving NCOs valuable insights for future military planning.

Article published on: March 1, 2024