At the clinic of Ibrahim Higer

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At the clinic of Ibrahim Higer
an American Colonel and minions
avoid tea, eye cracked catheters,
the crowd

Inquire about vaccinations,
His schooling in Basra, little joke
over good times gone, come again,
the crowd

ask where water and power are
made, he doesn’t understand, for it must
be by God, surely, or jest?,
the crowd

what diseases does he see what
pestilences, shingles?, can they bring
medicine?, would he like help, training?
the crowd

about the pharmacy, where is it?,
how do drugs arrive?, does he
have black-market issues?, of course,
the crowd

waste?, sharps?, is there an
incinerator?, where are your dead
buried?, have you not seen them, sir—
the crowd

his topic, his biggest needs, what are
they?, an ambulance?, IV fluid?, a guard
at the entrance?, can they just hold back
the crowd

—Capt. Benjamin Buchholz, U.S. Army
January 2007


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