Call for Papers

The Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Army

Submission Deadline: Friday, January 5, 2024



Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly permeating many aspects of our society. But how should the U.S. military use AI to maintain an edge over our near-peer competitors as they race to develop AI applications that will give them an edge in a war with the United States? Military Review is soliciting papers for a special edition regarding military applications of AI and its future in the Army. Potential topics include the following:

  • AI support to the warfighting functions
  • C2, operations planning
  • Movement and maneuver
  • Intelligence collection and processing
  • Fires planning, targeting, and assessment
  • Sustainment operations
  • Protection
  • AI support to special operations
  • AI in information operations
  • Chinese and Russian AI development
  • AI versus AI: countering Chinese and Russian AI
  • AI in training
  • AI in professional military education
  • AI support to human resources/talent management
  • AI in joint or combined operations
  • Ethical considerations: benefits and/or hazards of arming AI platforms

Articles should be prepared in accordance with the Military Review Submission Guide at https://www.armyupress. Submission Deadline: Friday, January 5, 2024.

To propose a topic or request more information, please contact Army University Press at or call 913-684-9327/913-684-9329.


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