What is an EPUB?
EPUB is an acronym for Electronic Publication. You probably hear the term EPUB and EBOOK frequently used interchangeably. Electronic publications come in a variety of formats.
You probably have already read books in electronic formats like Adobe PDF, HTML and even Microsoft Word documents.
EPUB is an e-book file format with the extension .epub that can be downloaded and read on devices like smartphones, tablets, computers, or e-readers.
How do I read an EPUB?
EPUB files require special software or apps to be able to open them.
Typically, these applications are not always installed on a device when it is first purchased.
You will need to download EPUB Reader software to your device.
Where do I get EPUB Reader software?
Adobe Digital Editions is a free eReader software application that is available for use on a PC, MAC, tablet, and mobile devices.
Another option for desktop users is to install plugins in your browser. The Google Chrome Web Store and the Firefox Add-ons Store both have multiple free software plugins that can turn your browser into an EPUB Reader.
For mobile devices go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and search for EPUB apps. Apple has a default EPUB Reader app called iBooks.

CSI Press ePUB
By General (Ret) Frederick M. Franks, US Army
This book is an EPUB file and requires special software or apps to be able to open and read it. Be sure you have eReader software installed on your device so that the file opens correctly. See FAQ for more details.
Published: 2018
Print Length: 49 pages
General Frederick Franks commanded the victorious VII Corps in OPERATION DESERT STORM and was subsequently commander of the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). He combines those elements of personal history to bring the experience of corps command in combat to readers through the soul of a mentor and the heart of a warrior. A remarkable first person account.

The Deep Operation that Started Operation Desert Storm
By Col. Paul E. Berg and Kenneth E. Tilley
Published: 2022
This is a reprint of Chapter 8 from Deep Maneuver: Historical Case Studies of Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations, part of The Large-Scale Combat Operations Series.

Eisenhower and Operation Overlord's Airpower
Joe R. Bailey
This is an electronic book made available digitally in an HTML format.
Published: 2022
This is a reprint of Chapter 1 from Lethal and Non-Lethal Fires: Historical Case Studies of Converging Cross-Domain Fires in Large-Scale Combat Operations, part of The Large-Scale Combat Operations Series.

Combined Arms Adaptation in the Meuse-Argonne
CSI Press eBook
By Maj. John M. Nimmons
This is an electronic book made available digitally in an HTML format.
Published: 2022
This is a reprint of Chapter 5 from Bringing Order to Chaos: Historical Case Studies of Combined Arms Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations, part of The Large-Scale Combat Operations Series.

CSI Press eBook
By William C. Latham Jr.
This is an electronic book made available digitally in an HTML format.
Published: 2021
In "The Resupply of Duffer’s Drift" William Latham has pulled the lessons from the original 1905 fictional account into the 21st Century. Through a series of dream scenarios, 2LT Anderson relives a mission over and over again, each time failing and learning from those failures in the next scenario until he finally absorbs the lessons and accomplishes the mission. The lessons learned throughout the story provide a framework for young leaders in how to effectively manage time and personnel, while taking into account the importance of leadership in dangerous situations.

Deceiving Iraq in Operation DESERT STORM
CSI Press eBook
By Donald P. Wright, Ph. D.
This is an electronic book made available digitally in an HTML format.
Published: 2019
Dr. Don Wright’s analysis of coalition deception operations in Operation Desert Storm reveals time-honored techniques that led directly to overwhelming victory at minimal cost. Though Wright argues that it was impossible to conceal GEN Norman Schwarzkopf’s decisive “Left Hook” until the moment of implementation, the successful deception campaign pinned Iraqi forces in Kuwait long enough for Allied aircraft to gain air supremacy over the battlefield, preventing any reactive deployment. Thus, Deception in the Desert offers a model case study for a successful deception campaign that greatly facilitated the success of large-scale combat operations.

Eastern Europe, Russia, and the Development of Modern Warfare
CSI Press eBook
By Wesley P. White
This is an electronic book made available digitally in an HTML format.
Published: 2019
Wesley White's examination of Russia's cyber capabilities illustrates their increasingly effective methods in conducting real world operations and, simultaneously, obfuscating those actions. "The Cyber Crucible" offers an increasingly relevant lesson in Russia's continued evolution of modern warfare in the digital age. By following Russia's actions through Estonia, Georgia, and Ukraine via a crawl-walk-run framework, White's essay offers insights into where US military training scenarios might best prepare for international conflict via a cyber toolkit.

Getting the 4th Infantry Division to Iraq in 2003
CSI Press eBook
By Colonel (Retired) Christopher D. Croft and Kelvin D. Crow
This is an electronic book made available digitally in an HTML format.
Published: 2019
This account tells the story of how in early 2003 the leadership of the 4th Infantry Division - in the midst of deploying the division - was forced to make dramatic changes to the deployment process. When the government of Turkey decided to deny US forces access to its ports and permission for the 4th ID to transit its territory to attack Iraq, Major General Raymond Odierno, the division commander, redirected the division through the Suez Canal and to Kuwait. As this epub recounts, the key to this successful deployment was the division's organizational culture, especially its logistician's ability to plan for all contingencies.