May-June 2021

May-June 2021


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2021 General William E. DePuy Special Topics Writing Competition

Contest closes soon! Send in your entry by 12 July 2021!


Suggested Themes and Topics for Future Editions


Preparing for the Future: Marine Corps Support to Joint Operations in Contested Littorals

Gen. David H. Berger, U.S. Marine Corps

The commandant of the Marine Corps describes how the Marines are radically reorganizing and rearming to develop greatly expanded capabilities to support future joint operations in contested littoral areas of operation as a multi-domain reconnaissance and counterreconnaissance force.


Military Diversity: A Key American Strategic Asset

Gen. Michael X. Garrett, U.S. Army

The commander of U.S. Army Forces Command believes one of the most essential indicators of readiness is a unit’s ability to operate as a diverse, cohesive team and relates how he learned to value diversity during his career.


The Army in the Indo-Pacific: Relevant but Not a Tripwire

Maj. John Q. Bolton, U.S. Army

The author believes basing U.S. forces on Taiwan would inflame tensions with China without gaining advantage. He cautions against overestimating China’s capabilities, but he acknowledges the unique capabilities landpower brings to operations in the Indo-Pacific.


The Strategic Significance of the Chinese Fishing Fleet

Lt. Cmdr. James M. Landreth, U.S. Navy

A naval officer discusses why China’s massive fishing fleet should be closely monitored by military planners because of its harmful activities below the threshold of conflict and its potential use as a paramilitary force.


Preparing Theater Ammunition Supply Points for Large-Scale Combat Operations

Chief Warrant Officer 3 Michael K. Lima, DBA, U.S. Army

An ammunition warrant officer explains the need for an active duty conventional ammunition ordnance battalion that can provide the in-depth knowledge of munitions and the full span of support necessary to accomplish the ammunition mission during large-scale combat operations.


Fire Support in Time and Space: Lessons from the Ivy Division’s Joint Air-Ground Integration Center

Maj. Timothy P. Lewin, U.S. Army
Capt. Marc S. Melfi, U.S. Army

Two 4th Infantry Division artillery officers provide recommendations to facilitate responsive, permissive, and effective fire support during large-scale combat operations based on lessons learned during a Warfighter exercise.


The COVID-19 Lockdown as a Window of Opportunity to Degrade Transnational Organized Crime Groups in Colombia

Lt. Col. Jeferson Guarin, Colombian Army, Retired

A former Colombian army officer describes how the COVID-19 pandemic provided Colombian forces with an opportunity to increase operational effectiveness against transnational criminal organizations in that country.


Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Domain Operations: A Whole-of-Nation Approach Key to Success

Dan G. Cox, PhD

Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a key role in multi-domain operations, but despite early AI success, the potential it holds for civilian and military endeavors, and the positive economic impacts thereof, misconceptions in some military and civilian circles remain.


A New Foreign Area Officer Paradigm: Meta-Leadership and Security Cooperation

Lt. Col. Agustin E. Dominguez, U.S. Army
Maj. Ryan Kertis, U.S. Army

The Army and other services must develop a new framework that rebalances foreign area officer accession and training resources to focus on building the two core competencies of joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational leadership and security cooperation.



The U.S. Military Academy and the Africa Military Education Program

Col. Rich Morales, U.S. Army
Lt. Col. David W. Hughes, U.S. Army
Maj. Christine Krueger, U.S. Army
Maj. Daniel Newell, U.S. Army
Maj. Benjamin Showman, U.S. Army Reserve
Maj. Jay Brend, U.S. Army

The U.S. Military Academy’s Africa Military Education Program (AMEP) Niger team shares five lessons learned that were critical to the success of its partnership with the Nigerien Armed Forces Training School that could be useful for future AMEP teams.


Learning “The Dreadful Trade of Death”: Training the U.S. Army at Legionville, 1792-1793MacArthur 2020 Entry

Timothy C. Hemmis

The author describes how daily drilling and marksmanship at Legionville under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Anthony Wayne helped shape America’s first combined arms unit.


Understanding Assessments and their Relevance to the Future Success of the U.S. Army

Lt. Col. Anthony “Tony” Bianchi, U.S. Army

The author discusses how assessments are essential to the Army’s new information-age talent management system that is data-rich, flexible, and transparent; aligns personnel based on talent; and places the preferences of the individual at a premium.


Britain’s War: A New World, 1942-1947

Mark Montesclaros

The author critiques a book by historian Daniel Todman that analyzes the social, economic, informational, and other dynamic aspects of Great Britain during and immediately after World War II.


Special Feature

Letter from Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene to his wife, Catharine Greene



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