November-December 2016
Complete Edition 
The complete edition as well as all articles are in pdf format. Complete issues may have large file sizes that may take some time to download. Individual articles can be accessed by clicking on the article title below.
Letter from the Editor 
2 Themes for Future Editions 
4 Table of Contents 
10 The Crisis of National Identity
Samuel P. Huntington
The author discusses the salience of and threats to American national identity in this chapter extracted from his book Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity.
23 Migration as a Weapon in Theory and in Practice 
Dr. Kelly M. Greenhill
A Tufts University professor of political science, Harvard research fellow, and award-winning author provides an analysis of coercive engineered migrations, based on her book Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy.
37 Bridging the Gap between Policing and Counterinsurgency in Pakistan 
Yelena Biberman, PhD; Philip Hultquist, PhD; Farhan Zahid, PhD
Four case studies from Pakistan demonstrate that police can and should play a larger role in counterinsurgencies.
44 Transformative Staff Training in Ukraine 
Col. Nick Ducich, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Nathan Minami, U.S. Army; Maj. Ryan Riggin, U.S. Army; Capt. Jacob Austin, U.S. Army
A U.S. unit helped a Ukrainian battalion staff adopt a contemporary mission-command focus that optimized the staff’s warfighting function integration and staff functional capability.
52 Operational Contract Support: The Missing Ingredient in the Army Operating Concept 
Maj. Gen. Edward F. Dorman III, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. William C. Latham Jr., U.S. Army, Retired
The authors describe the importance of the operational contract support process within the Army operating concept and highlight several key points about the process that are relevant for Army commanders.
60 New Business Practices for Army Acquisition 
Lt. Col. Rafael Rodriguez, U.S. Army; Maj. William Shoemate, U.S. Army; Maj. Justin Barnes, U.S. Army; Karen Burke
A team from the Chief of Staff of the Army Strategic Studies Group discusses how new business practices could help the acquisition system field innovative capabilities quickly.
68 Conceptions of Leadership U.S. and African Models 
Maj. John D. McRae II, U.S. Army National Guard
The U.S. military must consider differences in culture, conceptions of leadership, and force capabilities to make its African partnerships successful.
72 Operation Sangaris: A Case Study in Limited Military Intervention 
Maj. Rémy Hémez, French Army
The French army’s Operation Sangaris in the Central African Republic illustrates how units can accomplish missions through adaptation.
81 The Area under the Curve Developing Strategic Leaders to Win in a Complex World 
Col. Valery C. Keaveny Jr., U.S. Army; Col. Michael R. Fenzel, U.S. Army
The authors use four well-known military leaders as examples of how the Army can cultivate exceptional strategic talent by providing specific, well-suited career paths and relevant professional education.
91 A Call for Research on the Impact of Dogs Deployed in Units to Reduce Posttraumatic Stress 
Rebecca Segal
Deploying support or service dogs to combat theaters may help speed diagnosis and treatment of individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder. The costs of this affliction in lost productivity, health care, and unit cohesion make this pet therapy initiative an imperative.
99 Transforming Unit Training with the Science of Learning 
Capt. Andrew P. Jenkins, U.S. Army
The 2016 DePuy writing contest winner describes how the Army could dramatically improve training across the force by creating a doctrinal construct for training design that incorporates learning science philosophy and theory with evidence-based instructional-design principles and processes.
106 Pathways: A Division Commander’s Observations in the Pacific 
Maj. Gen. Charles A. Flynn, U.S. Army
The former commander of the 25th Infantry Division describes the benefits of participation in Pacific Pathways exercises for soldiers, leaders, units, and partner nations in the Indo–Asia–Pacific Theater.
114 Lenin’s Formula for Agenda Setting 
Col. William M. Darley, U.S. Army, Retired
U.S. military leaders should become familiar with Lenin’s principles and tactics of revolutionary activism as they are frequently employed today by insurgents, authoritarian regimes, and many domestic lobbying and community organizing groups to obtain political and operational objectives.
125 Jacob L. Devers: A General’s Life 
Dr. John T. Kuehn
The reviewer critiques a biography of a highly successful but frequently overlooked World War II-era general, Jacob Devers. He discusses why Devers never reached the level of fame achieved by his peers, such as Bradley, Eisenhower, and Patton.
127 Book Reviews 
141 Annual Index 
149 Cover 3 
Albrecht Haushofer, German poet and former Nazi, who turned against the Nazi Party. Arrested and placed in prison, he was executed by Schutzstaffel (SS) guards April 1945.