DePuy Contest and Winners
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2018 General William E. DePuy
Special Topics Writing Competition
The 2018 theme was “World Hot Spots: Which of the world’s hot spots is the Army least prepared for? Should resources be diverted to prepare for them? What is the most efficient way to become ready for conflict in this region?”
For updates and information on the DePuy writing competition, please visit
1st Place
Maj. Matthew Kuhlman, U.S. Army
“Strengthening Partnerships to Face the Complexities of Africa”
2nd Place
Col. Eugenia Guilmartin, PhD, U.S. Army
“No ‘Ordinary Crimes’: An Alternative Approach to Securing Hotspots and Dense Urban Areas”
3rd Place
Col. Erik Claessen, Belgian Army
“Waging Wars Where War Feeds Itself”
Honorable Mentions
Maj. Amos Fox, U.S. Army
“Time, Power, and Principal-Agent Problems: Why the U.S. Army is Ill-Suited for Proxy Warfare Hotspots”
Jose Delgado
“Venezuela-A 'Black Swan' Hot Spot: Is a Potential Operation in Venezuela Comparable to Operation
Just Cause in Panama?”