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Title Index
“The 75th Ranger Regiment Military Intelligence Battalion: Modernizing for Multi-Domain Battle,” Maj. Paul A. Lushenko, U.S. Army (July-August): 6
“Accelerating Multi-Domain Operations: Evolution of an Idea,” Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, U.S. Army (September-October): 4
“An Alliance Divided? Five Factors That Could Fracture NATO,” Lt. Col. Aaron Bazin, PsyD, U.S. Army; and Dominika Kunertova (January-February): 80
“Are We There Yet? Implementing Best Practices in Assessments,” Col. Lynette M. B. Arnhart, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Marvin L. King, PhD, U.S. Army (May-June): 20
“An Army Overseas: Expeditionary Maneuver through the Maritime Domain,” Lt. Col. Trent J. Lythgoe, U.S. Army (March-April): 72
“The Army’s Role in the Future Pacific Theater,” Emily Martin; and Samantha Wooley (January-February): 102
“The Art of War: What the German and American Armies Can Learn from Each Other for the Education of Future Field Grade Officers,” Lt. Col. Dominik J. Schellenberger, German Army (August online exclusive)
“Basic Infantry Building Block,” Maj. Viktor Potočnik, Slovenian Armed Forces (May-June): 74
“Big Sky, Little Bullet: Tackling the Army’s Airspace and Joint Fires Integration Problem,” Maj. Daniel S. Threlkeld, U.S. Army (April online exclusive)
“Brazil-Russia Military-Technical Cooperation: A Fruit of the Post-Cold War World Order,” Imanuela Ionescu (November-December): 66
“Bringing Order to Chaos: Combined Arms Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Peter J. Schifferle, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 18
“Brothers and Strangers: A Strategy to Promote and Prepare for Normalized Relations with Iran,” Maj. Scott Harr, U.S. Army (October online exclusive)
“A Central Asian Perspective on Russian Soft Power: The View from Tashkent,” Robert F. Baumann, PhD (July-August): 48
“China-Latin America Arms Sales: Antagonizing the United States in the Western Hemisphere?,” Capt. George Gurrola, U.S. Army (July-August): 123
“Cognitive Therapy for Soldiers Suffering From Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury,” 2nd Lt. Noelle Walker, Illinois Army National Guard (May-June): 48
“Command Post Operations,” Maj. Adam S. Cecil, U.S. Army; Maj. Karl Butler Jr., U.S. Army (April online exclusive)
“Commanding in Multi-Domain Formations,” Maj. Anthony M. Clas, EdD, U.S. Army (March-April): 90
“Creating Powerful Minds: Army University Education Initiatives for Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Col. Thomas Bolen, U.S. Army; and Vince Carlisle, PhD (September-October): 82
“The Cubazuela Problem,” Geoff Demarest, JD, PhD (November-December): 50
“Cyber is the New Air: Domain Superiority in the Megacity,” Maj. Austin G. Commons, U.S. Army (January-February): 120
“The Decades-Long ‘Double-Double Game’: Pakistan, the United States, and the Taliban,” Thomas F. Lynch III, PhD (July-August): 64
“Deep Maneuver: Historical Case Studies of Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Jack D. Kem, PhD (September-October): 39
“The Democratic Coup d’État” (Review Essay), Robert F. Baumann, PhD (May–June): 104
“Design to Execution: Into the Suwalki Gap,” Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines (May-June): 6
“Developing a Light Infantry-Robotic Company as a System,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (July-August): 18
“Diasporas, Foreign Governments, and American Politics,” Samuel P. Huntington, PhD (March-April): 24
“Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan” (Review Essay), Kevin Rousseau (July-August): 133
“The European War,” Lt. Col. E. M. Benitez, U.S. Army (September-October): 94
“Fixing Army Doctrine: A Network Approach,” Capt. James Tollefson, Alaska Army National Guard (January-February): 71
“Fostering a Whole-of-Government Approach to National Security from the Bottom Up Interagency Training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center,” James W. Derleth, PhD (February online exclusive)
“A Four-Phase Approach to Developing Ethically Permissible Autonomous Weapons,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (May online exclusive)
“Geoeconomics,” Col. John F. Troxell, U.S. Army, Retired (January-February): 4
“Got COIN?: Counterinsurgency Debate Continues,” Lt. Col. Jesse McIntyre III, U.S. Army, Retired (September online exclusive)
“Government versus Governance: Why the U.S. Military Must Understand the Difference,” Maj. Jennifer Jantzi-Schlichter, U.S. Army (November-December): 89
“Guadalcanal: A Case Study for Multi-Domain Battle,” Chris Rein, PhD (May-June): 93
“A History of Operational Art,” Maj. Wilson C. Blythe Jr., U.S. Army (November-December): 37
“How Has the Joint Readiness Training Center Changed to Adapt to Large-Scale Combat Operations?,” Col. David Doyle, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Aaron Coombs, U.S. Army (September-October): 70
“Human Terrain System is Dead, Long Live … What? Building and Sustaining Military Cultural Competence in the Aftermath of the Human Terrain System,” Maj. Ben Connable, PhD, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired (January-February): 24
“Implacable Foes: War in the Pacific, 1944–1945” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. Jesse McIntyre III, U.S. Army, Retired (March–April): 140
“Into the Breach: Historical Case Studies of Mobility Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Florian L. Waitl (September-October): 46
“A Joint and Operational Approach for Security Assistance to Georgia and Ukraine,” Col. Tim Kreuttner, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Sami Alnaqbi, United Arab Emirates Navy; Lt. Col. Jarrod Knapp, U.S. Air Force; and Maj. James Woodard, U.S. Marine Corps (March-April): 118
“‘The Last Three Feet,’ Reinvesting in Tactical Information Operations,” Lt. Col. Gregory M. Tomlin, PhD, U.S. Army (August online exclusive)
“Lebanese Armed Forces Implementing Instruments of National Power as Lines of Effort to Engage a Palestinian Refugee Camp,” Maj. Jean Dagher, Lebanese Army (July-August): 96
“Lethal and Non-Lethal Fires: Historical Case Studies of Converging Cross-Domain Fires in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Thomas G. Bradbeer, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 26
“The Long Haul: Historical Case Studies of Sustainment Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Keith Beurskens, DM, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 34
“The Maneuver Enhancement Brigade is the Support Area Command Post,” Col. Patrick E. Proctor; U.S. Army; Maj. Matthew L. Wolverton, U.S. Army; and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephen R. Barber, U.S. Army (October online exclusive)
“Many Voices Telling One Story: Public Affairs Operations across Africa in Support of Combatant Commanders,” Capt. Jason Welch, U.S. Army (July-August): 79
“Meeting the Challenge of Large-Scale Ground Combat Operations Today and Tomorrow,” Lt. Gen. Michael D. Lundy, U.S. Army (September-October): 111
“Mexico’s Fight against Transnational Organized Crime,” Dr. R. Evan Ellis (July-August): 110
“Military Strategy Revisited: A Critique of the Lykke Formulation,” Lt. Col. Richard E. Berkebile, U.S. Air Force, Retired (May online exclusive)
“Mission before Comfort: A Mission-Focused Approach to Gender in the Army,” Capt. Molly Kovite, U.S. Army (March-April): 130
“National Guard Officers and Noncommissioned Officers Should Serve as Guest Observer Coach/Trainers,” Lt. Col. Brian Hildebrand, Texas Army National Guard (May online exclusive)
“The Neglected Role of Brideprice in Catalyzing Instability and Violent Conflict,” Valerie M. Hudson, PhD; and Hilary Matfess (January-February): 34
“North Korea Solution Changed Regime,” Col. James M. Minnich, U.S. Army (January online exclusive)
“Omar Nelson Bradley: America’s GI General, 1893–1981” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. Rick Baillergeon, U.S. Army, Retired (November-December): 147
“Overcoming the Challenges in Implementing Emerging Maneuver Concepts,” Dr. Brian M. Pierce and Col. James E. Zanol, U.S. Army, Retired (May-June): 84
“The Pagonis Effect: A Doctrinal Future for the Support Area Command Post,” Brig. Gen. Michael R. Fenzel, U.S. Army; and Capt. Benjamin H. Torgersen, U.S. Army (January-February): 48
“Partner of Choice: Cultural Property Protection in Military Engagement,” Dr. Laurie W. Rush; and Amanda Hemmingsen, (November-December): 102
“Perceptions and Courses of Actions toward Iran,” Jo-Anne Hart, Ph.D. (January online exclusive)
“Perceptions Are Reality: Historical Case Studies of Information Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Col. Mark D. Vertuli, U.S. Army (September-October): 52
“Preparing Security Force Assistance Brigades for the Complexity of Human Interaction,” Lt. Col. Brent A. Kauffman, U.S. Army (July-August): 88
“Prospective Strategy for Baltic Defense: The Russian Public and War Termination in the Baltic States,” Lukas Milevski, PhD (January-February): 58
“Protecting, Not Just Reflecting, Society,” Leonard Wong, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Stephen J. Gerras, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (May online exclusive)
“Putting Concepts of Future Warfare to the Test,” Maj. John Spencer, U.S. Army; Lionel Beehner, PhD; and Capt. Brandon Thomas, U.S. Army (March-April): 81
“Raising the Bar: The Future of Individual Lift Devices in Warfare,” Lt. Col. Matthew P. Dirago, Australian Army (November-December): 132
“The Rapid Redesign of the Captains Career Course: An Example of Agility in Professional Military Education,” Col. Ken Hawley, U.S. Army; and William Kuchinski (September-October): 88
“Readiness and Interoperability in Operation Atlantic Resolve,” Lt. Col. Chad Foster, U.S. Army (January-February): 92
“‘Ready Now’—Our Number One Priority,” Col. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army; Maj. Thomas E. Lamb, U.S. Army; and Capt. Michael J. Culler, U.S. Army (September-October): 60
“Reconnaissance beyond the Coordinated Fire Line: Division Warfighter Trends,” Maj. Paul E. Roberts, U.S. Army (July-August): 30
“Rethinking the U.S. Army Infantry Rifle Squad,” Maj. Hassan Kamara, U.S. Army (March-April): 50
“The Return of the Bear? Russian Military Engagement in Latin America: The Case of Brazil,” Augusto César Dall’Agnol; Boris Perius Zabolotsky; and Fabiano Mielniczuk, PhD (July online exclusive)
“The Right Fit: Mission Command in the Twenty-First Century,” Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army; Capt. Franklin G. Peachey, U.S. Army; and Capt. Jennifer P. Sims, U.S. Army (January online exclusive)
“Russia’s Forms and Methods of Military Operations: The Implementers of Concepts,” Lt. Col. Timothy Thomas, U.S. Army, Retired (May-June): 30
“Russian Diaspora as a Means of Russian Foreign Policy,” Öncel Sencerman (March-April): 40
“The Russians of Latin America: Moscow’s Bid for Influence Over Russian-Speaking Communities in the Region,” Brian Fonseca and Vladimir Rouvinski, PhD (November-December): 80
“Seeing the Elephant: Improving Leader Visualization Skills through Simple War Games,” Lt. Col. Richard A. McConnell, DM, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Mark T. Gerges, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (October online exclusive)
“Setting the Theater: A Definition, Framework, and Rationale for Effective Resourcing at the Theater Army Level,” Lt. Col. Joseph John Shimerdla, U.S. Army; and Maj. Ryan Kort, U.S. Army (May-June): 55
“Soldier, Are You on My Friends List?: An Examination and Recommendations for the Military Leader-Subordinate Relationship on Social Media,” Maj. Gregory C. Mabry Jr., PsyD, LCSW, BCD, U.S. Army (January online exclusive)
“Space-Land Battle,” Trevor Brown, PhD (November-December): 120
“Strengthening Partnerships to Face the Complexities of Africa,” Maj. Matt Kuhlman, U.S. Army (November-December): 6
“The Suwalki Gap: A Proving Ground for Cluster Munitions,” Capt. Gregory Fetterman, U.S. Army (July-August): 39
“Sword of Damocles: A Framework to Identify the Causes of and Preventive Measures for Leader Misconduct,” Maj. Peyton C. Hurley, U.S. Army (September online exclusive)
“A Tactical Approach to Consolidating Gains in a Post-Caliphate Iraq,” Lt. Col. Jonathan P. Graebener, U.S. Army (April online exclusive)
“Taking A Bite of the Apple(W): Understanding the Defense Enterprise,” Col. Charles Allen, U.S. Army, Retired; and Col. Robert D. Bradford, U.S. Army (May-June): 64
“The Three-Generation Dilemma,” Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army (June online exclusive)
“The Tyranny of the Shores: Army Planning for the Asia-Pacific Theater,” Brian J. Dunn (March-April): 101
“Uncovering Hidden Patterns of Thought in War: Wei-Chi versus Chess,” Maj. Jamie Richard Schwandt, U.S. Army (November-December): 18
“Understanding Information as a Weapon: The Virtual Reality/Sand Table Model of Information Conflict,” Lt. Col. Brian L. Steed, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Jon Herrmann, U.S. Air Force Reserve (January 2018 online exclusive)
“The U.S. Army and Mission Command: Philosophy versus Practice,” Maj. Brett Matzenbacher, U.S. Army (March-April): 61
“U.S. Army Information Operations and Cyber-Electromagnetic Activities Lessons from Atlantic Resolve,” Lt. Col. Matthew J. Sheiffer, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
“U.S. Drones: Smaller, Less Capable Drones for the Near Future,” Capt. Zachary Morris, U.S. Army (May-June): 38
“Use of the Brazilian Military Component in the Face of Venezuela’s Migration Crisis,” Maj. George Alberto Garcia de Oliveira, Brazilian Army (October online exclusive)
“The Use of 'Stryker' in Doctrine Is Limiting and Symptomatic of Doctrinal Shortcomings that are Harmful to Small-Unit Leaders,” Capt. Matthew Allgeyer, U.S. Army (November-December): 30
“Warbots and Due Care: The Cognitive Limitations of Autonomous and Human Combatants,” Maj. Jules “Jay” Hurst, U.S. Army Reserve (March online exclusive)
“Weaving the Tangled Web: Military Deception in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Christopher M. Rein, PhD (September-October): 10
“Western Anbar after the Awakening: A Tale of Three Cities,” Maj. Michael W. Hein, U.S. Army (March-April): 108
“What Kind of Victory for Russia in Syria?,” Michael Kofman and Matthew Rojansky, JD (March-April): 6
“What’s in a Name? Psychological Operations versus Military Information Support Operations and an Analysis of Organizational Change,” Maj. David Cowan, U.S. Army; and Maj. Chaveso Cook, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
“Whither SAMS?,” Col. Kevin Benson, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (June online exclusive)
“Why Alaska and the Arctic are Critical to the National Security of the United States,” Col. Michael J. Forsyth, U.S. Army (January-February): 113
“Why They Hate Us: An Examination of al-wala’ wa-l-bara’in Salafi-Jihadist Ideology,” Chaplain (Maj.) Joshua Gilliam, U.S. Army (February online exclusive)
Author Index
Allen, Charles, Col., U.S. Army, Retired; and Col. Robert D. Bradford, U.S. Army, “Taking A Bite of the Apple(W): Understanding the Defense Enterprise” (May-June): 64
Allgeyer, Matthew, Capt., U.S. Army, “The Use of 'Stryker' in Doctrine Is Limiting and Symptomatic of Doctrinal Shortcomings that are Harmful to Small-Unit Leaders” (November-December): 30
Alnaqbi, Sami, Lt. Col., United Arab Emirates Navy; Col. Tim Kreuttner, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Jarrod Knapp, U.S. Air Force; and Maj. James Woodard, U.S. Marine Corps, “A Joint and Operational Approach for Security Assistance to Georgia and Ukraine” (March-April): 118
Archambault, Matthew T., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “The Three-Generation Dilemma” (June online exclusive)
Archambault, Matthew T., Lt. Col., U.S. Army; Capt. Franklin G. Peachey, U.S. Army; and Capt. Jennifer P. Sims, U.S. Army, “The Right Fit: Mission Command in the Twenty-First Century” (January online exclusive)
Arnhart, Lynette M. B., Col., PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Marvin L. King, PhD, U.S. Army, “Are We There Yet? Implementing Best Practices in Assessments” (May-June): 20
Baillergeon, Rick, Lt. Col., U.S. Army, Retired, “Omar Nelson Bradley: America’s GI General, 1893–1981” (Review Essay) (November-December): 147
Barber, Stephen R., Chief Warrant Officer 3, U.S. Army; Col. Patrick E. Proctor, U.S. Army; and Maj. Matthew L. Wolverton, U.S. Army “The Maneuver Enhancement Brigade is the Support Area Command Post” (October online exclusive)
Baumann, Robert F., PhD, “A Central Asian Perspective on Russian Soft Power: The View from Tashkent” (July-August): 48
Baumann, Robert F., PhD, “The Democratic Coup d’État” (Review Essay) (May–June): 104
Bazin, Aaron, Lt. Col., PsyD, U.S. Army; and Dominika Kunertova, “An Alliance Divided? Five Factors That Could Fracture NATO” (January-February): 80
Beehner, Lionel, PhD; Maj. John Spencer, U.S. Army; and Capt. Brandon Thomas, U.S. Army, “Putting Concepts of Future Warfare to the Test” (March-April): 81
Benitez, E. M., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “The European War” (September-October): 94
Benson, Kevin, Col., PhD, U.S. Army, Retired, “Whither SAMS?” (June online exclusive)
Berkebile, Richard E., Lt. Col., U.S. Air Force, Retired, “Military Strategy Revisited: A Critique of the Lykke Formulation” (May online exclusive)
Beurskens, Keith, Lt. Col., DM, U.S. Army, Retired, “The Long Haul: Historical Case Studies of Sustainment Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 34
Blythe Jr., Wilson C., Maj., U.S. Army, “A History of Operational Art” (November-December): 37
Bolen, Thomas, Col., U.S. Army; and Vince Carlisle, PhD, “Creating Powerful Minds: Army University Education Initiatives for Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 82
Bradbeer, Thomas G., Lt. Col., PhD, U.S. Army, Retired, “Lethal and Non-Lethal Fires: Historical Case Studies of Converging Cross-Domain Fires in Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 26
Bradford, Robert D., Col., U.S. Army; and Col. Charles Allen, U.S. Army, Retired, “Taking A Bite of the Apple(W): Understanding the Defense Enterprise” (May-June): 64
Brown, Trevor, PhD, “Space-Land Battle” (November-December): 120
Butler Jr., Karl, Maj., U.S. Army; and Maj. Adam S. Cecil, U.S. Army, “Command Post Operations” (April online exclusive)
Carlisle, Vince, PhD; and Col. Thomas Bolen, U.S. Army, “Creating Powerful Minds: Army University Education Initiatives for Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 82
Cecil, Adam S., Maj., U.S. Army; and Maj. Karl Butler Jr., U.S. Army, “Command Post Operations” (April online exclusive)
Clas, Anthony M., Maj., EdD, U.S. Army, “Commanding in Multi-Domain Formations” (March-April): 90
Colvin, Nathan, Maj., U.S. Army; Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard; and Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines, “Design to Execution: Into the Suwalki Gap” (May-June): 6
Commons, Austin G., Maj., U.S. Army, “Cyber is the New Air: Domain Superiority in the Megacity” (January-February): 120
Connable, Ben, Maj., PhD, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired, “Human Terrain System is Dead, Long Live … What? Building and Sustaining Military Cultural Competence in the Aftermath of the Human Terrain System” (January-February): 24
Cook, Chaveso, Maj., U.S. Army; and Maj. David Cowan, U.S. Army, “What’s in a Name? Psychological Operations versus Military Information Support Operations and an Analysis of Organizational Change” (March online exclusive)
Coombs, Aaron, Lt. Col., U.S. Army; and Col. David Doyle, U.S. Army, “How Has the Joint Readiness Training Center Changed to Adapt to Large-Scale Combat Operations?” (September-October): 70
Cowan, David, Maj., U.S. Army; and Maj. Chaveso Cook, U.S. Army, “What’s in a Name? Psychological Operations versus Military Information Support Operations and an Analysis of Organizational Change” (March online exclusive)
Cox, Simon, Maj., British Royal Marines; Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard; and Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army, “Design to Execution: Into the Suwalki Gap” (May-June): 6
Culler, Michael J., Capt., U.S. Army; Col. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army; and Maj. Thomas E. Lamb, U.S. Army, “‘Ready Now’—Our Number One Priority” (September-October): 60
Dagher, Jean, Maj., Lebanese Army, “Lebanese Armed Forces Implementing Instruments of National Power as Lines of Effort to Engage a Palestinian Refugee Camp” (July-August): 96
Dall’Agnol, Augusto César; Fabiano Mielniczuk, PhD; and Boris Perius Zabolotsky, “The Return of the Bear? Russian Military Engagement in Latin America: The Case of Brazil” (July online exclusive)
Demarest, Geoff, JD, PhD, “The Cubazuela Problem” (November-December): 50
Derleth, James W., PhD, “Fostering a Whole-of-Government Approach to National Security from the Bottom Up Interagency Training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center” (February online exclusive)
Dirago, Matthew P., Lt. Col., Australian Army, “Raising the Bar: The Future of Individual Lift Devices in Warfare” (November-December): 132
Doyle, David, Col., U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Aaron Coombs, U.S. Army, “How Has the Joint Readiness Training Center Changed to Adapt to Large-Scale Combat Operations?” (September-October): 70
Dunn, Brian J., “The Tyranny of the Shores: Army Planning for the Asia-Pacific Theater” (March-April): 101
Ellis, R. Evan, Dr., “Mexico’s Fight against Transnational Organized Crime” (July-August): 110
Fenzel, Michael R., Brig. Gen., U.S. Army; and Capt. Benjamin H. Torgersen, U.S. Army, “The Pagonis Effect: A Doctrinal Future for the Support Area Command Post” (January-February): 48
Fetterman, Gregory, Capt., U.S. Army, “The Suwalki Gap: A Proving Ground for Cluster Munitions” (July-August): 39
Fonseca, Brian; and Vladimir Rouvinski, PhD, “The Russians of Latin America: Moscow’s Bid for Influence Over Russian-Speaking Communities in the Region” (November-December): 80
Forsyth, Michael J., Col., U.S. Army, “Why Alaska and the Arctic are Critical to the National Security of the United States” (January-February): 113
Foster, Chad, Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “Readiness and Interoperability in Operation Atlantic Resolve” (January-February): 92
Gerges, Mark T., Lt. Col., PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Richard A. McConnell, DM, U.S. Army, Retired, “Seeing the Elephant: Improving Leader Visualization Skills through Simple War Games” (October online exclusive)
Gerras, Stephen J., PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Leonard Wong, PhD, U.S. Army Retired, “Protecting, Not Just Reflecting, Society” (May online exclusive)
Gilliam, Joshua, Chaplain, (Maj.), U.S. Army, “Why They Hate Us: An Examination of al-wala’ wa-l-bara’in Salafi-Jihadist Ideology” (February online exclusive)
Graebener, Jonathan P., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “A Tactical Approach to Consolidating Gains in a Post-Caliphate Iraq” (April online exclusive)
Gurrola, George, Capt., U.S. Army, “China-Latin America Arms Sales: Antagonizing the United States in the Western Hemisphere?” (July-August): 123
Harr, Scott, Maj., “Brothers and Strangers: A Strategy to Promote and Prepare for Normalized Relations with Iran” (October online exclusive)
Hart, Jo-Anne, PhD, “Perceptions and Courses of Actions toward Iran” (January online exclusive)
Hawley, Ken, Col., U.S. Army; and William Kuchinski, “The Rapid Redesign of the Captains Career Course: An Example of Agility in Professional Military Education” (September-October): 88
Hein, Michael W., Maj., U.S. Army, “Western Anbar after the Awakening: A Tale of Three Cities” (March-April): 108
Helgestad, Jacob, Maj., Minnesota Army National Guard; Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines, “Design to Execution: Into the Suwalki Gap” (May-June): 6
Hemmingsen, Amanda; and Rush, Laurie W., Dr., “Partner of Choice: Cultural Property Protection in Military Engagement” (November-December): 102
Herrmann, Jon, Lt. Col., U.S. Air Force Reserve; and Lt. Col. Brian L. Steed, U.S. Army, “Understanding Information as a Weapon: The Virtual Reality/Sand Table Model of Information Conflict” (December 2017 online exclusive)
Hildebrand, Brian, Lt. Col., Texas Army National Guard, “National Guard Officers and Noncommissioned Officers Should Serve as Guest Observer Coach/Trainers” (May online exclusive)
Hudson, Valerie M., PhD; and Hilary Matfess, “The Neglected Role of Brideprice in Catalyzing Instability and Violent Conflict” (January-February): 34
Huntington, Samuel P., PhD, “Diasporas, Foreign Governments, and American Politics” (March-April): 24
Hurley, Peyton C., Maj., “Sword of Damocles: A Framework to Identify the Causes of and Preventive Measures for Leader Misconduct” (September online exclusive)
Hurst, Jules “Jay”, Maj., U.S. Army Reserve, “Warbots and Due Care: The Cognitive Limitations of Autonomous and Human Combatants” (March online exclusive)
Ionescu, Imanuela, “Brazil-Russia Military-Technical Cooperation: A Fruit of the Post-Cold War World Order” (November-December): 66
Jantzi-Schlichter, Jennifer, Maj., U.S. Army, “Government versus Governance: Why the U.S. Military Must Understand the Difference” (November-December): 89
Kamara, Hassan, Maj., U.S. Army, “Rethinking the U.S. Army Infantry Rifle Squad” (March-April): 50
Kauffman, Brent A., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “Preparing Security Force Assistance Brigades for the Complexity of Human Interaction” (July-August): 88
Kem, Jack D., PhD, “Deep Maneuver: Historical Case Studies of Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 39
Kemper, Charles, Col., Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines, “Design to Execution: Into the Suwalki Gap” (May-June): 6
King, Marvin L., Lt. Col., PhD, U.S. Army; and Col. Lynette M. B. Arnhart, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired, “Are We There Yet? Implementing Best Practices in Assessments” (May-June): 20
Knapp, Jarrod, Lt. Col., U.S. Air Force; Col. Tim Kreuttner, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Sami Alnaqbi, United Arab Emirates Navy; and Maj. James Woodard, U.S. Marine Corps, “A Joint and Operational Approach for Security Assistance to Georgia and Ukraine” (March-April): 118
Kofman, Michael; and Matthew Rojansky, JD, “What Kind of Victory for Russia in Syria?” (March-April): 6
Kort, Ryan, Maj., U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Joseph John Shimerdla, U.S. Army, “Setting the Theater: A Definition, Framework, and Rationale for Effective Resourcing at the Theater Army Level” (May-June): 55
Kovite, Molly, Capt., U.S. Army, “Mission before Comfort: A Mission-Focused Approach to Gender in the Army” (March-April): 130
Kreuttner, Tim, Col., U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Sami Alnaqbi, United Arab Emirates Navy; Lt. Col. Jarrod Knapp, U.S. Air Force; and Maj. James Woodard, U.S. Marine Corps, “A Joint and Operational Approach for Security Assistance to Georgia and Ukraine” (March-April): 118
Kuchinski, William; and Col. Ken Hawley, U.S. Army, “The Rapid Redesign of the Captains Career Course: An Example of Agility in Professional Military Education” (September-October): 88
Kuhlman, Matt, Maj., U.S. Army, “Strengthening Partnerships to Face the Complexities of Africa” (November-December): 6
Kunertova, Dominika; and Lt. Col. Aaron Bazin, PsyD, U.S. Army, “An Alliance Divided? Five Factors That Could Fracture NATO” (January-February): 80
Lamb, Thomas E., Maj., U.S. Army; Col. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army; and Capt. Michael J. Culler, U.S. Army, “‘Ready Now’—Our Number One Priority” (September-October): 60
Lundy, Michael D., Lt. Gen., U.S. Army, “Meeting the Challenge of Large-Scale Ground Combat Operations Today and Tomorrow” (September-October): 111
Lushenko, Paul A., Maj., U.S. Army, “The 75th Ranger Regiment Military Intelligence Battalion: Modernizing for Multi-Domain Battle” (July-August): 6
Lynch, Thomas F. III, PhD, “The Decades-Long ‘Double-Double Game’: Pakistan, the United States, and the Taliban” (July-August): 64
Lythgoe, Trent J., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “An Army Overseas: Expeditionary Maneuver through the Maritime Domain” (March-April): 72
Mabry, Gregory C., Jr., Maj., PsyD, LCSW, BCD, U.S. Army, “Soldier, Are You on My Friends List?: An Examination and Recommendations for the Military Leader-Subordinate Relationship on Social Media” (January online exclusive)
Martin, Emily; and Samantha Wooley, “The Army’s Role in the Future Pacific Theater” (January-February): 102
Matfess, Hilary; and Valerie M. Hudson, PhD, “The Neglected Role of Brideprice in Catalyzing Instability and Violent Conflict” (January-February): 34
Matzenbacher, Brett, Maj., U.S. Army, “The U.S. Army and Mission Command: Philosophy versus Practice” (March-April): 61
McConnell, Richard A., Lt. Col., DM, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Mark T. Gerges, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired, “Seeing the Elephant: Improving Leader Visualization Skills through Simple War Games” (October online exclusive)
McIntyre III, Jesse, Lt. Col., “Got COIN?: Counterinsurgency Debate Continues” (September online exclusive)
McIntyre III, Jesse, Lt. Col., U.S. Army, Retired, “Implacable Foes: War in the Pacific, 1944–1945” (Review Essay) (March–April): 140
Mielniczuk, Fabiano, PhD; Augusto César Dall’Agnol; and Boris Perius Zabolotsky, “The Return of the Bear? Russian Military Engagement in Latin America: The Case of Brazil” (July online exclusive)
Milevski, Lukas, PhD, “Prospective Strategy for Baltic Defense: The Russian Public and War Termination in the Baltic States” (January-February): 58
Minnich, James M., Col., U.S. Army, “North Korea Solution Changed Regime” (January online exclusive)
Morris, Zachary, Capt., U.S. Army, “U.S. Drones: Smaller, Less Capable Drones for the Near Future” (May-June): 38
Morris, Zachary L., Maj., U.S. Army, “Developing a Light Infantry-Robotic Company as a System” (July-August): 18
Morris, Zachary L., Maj., U.S. Army, “A Four-Phase Approach to Developing Ethically Permissible Autonomous Weapons” (May online exclusive)
Norrie, Christopher R., Col., U.S. Army; Maj. Thomas E. Lamb, U.S. Army; and Capt. Michael J. Culler, U.S. Army, “‘Ready Now’—Our Number One Priority” (September-October): 60
Oliveira, George Alberto Garcia de, Maj., Brazilian Army, “Use of the Brazilian Military Component in the Face of Venezuela’s Migration Crisis,” (October online exclusive)
Peachey, Franklin G., Capt., U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army; and Capt. Jennifer P. Sims, U.S. Army, “The Right Fit: Mission Command in the Twenty-First Century” (January online exclusive)
Pierce Brian M., Dr.; and Col. James E. Zanol, U.S. Army, Retired, “Overcoming the Challenges in Implementing Emerging Maneuver Concepts” (May-June): 84
Potočnik, Viktor, Maj., Slovenian Armed Forces, “Basic Infantry Building Block” (May-June): 74
Proctor, Patrick E., Col., U.S. Army; Maj. Matthew L. Wolverton, U.S. Army; and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephen R. Barber, U.S. Army, “The Maneuver Enhancement Brigade is the Support Area Command Post” (October online exclusive)
Rein, Chris, PhD, “Guadalcanal: A Case Study for Multi-Domain Battle” (May-June): 93
Rein, Christopher M., PhD, “Weaving the Tangled Web: Military Deception in Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 10
Roberts, Paul E., Maj., U.S. Army, “Reconnaissance beyond the Coordinated Fire Line: Division Warfighter Trends” (July-August): 30
Rojansky, Matthew, JD; and Michael Kofman, “What Kind of Victory for Russia in Syria?” (March-April): 6
Rousseau, Kevin, “Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan” (Review Essay) (July-August): 133
Rouvinski, Vladimir, PhD; and Brian Fonseca, “The Russians of Latin America: Moscow’s Bid for Influence Over Russian-Speaking Communities in the Region” (November-December): 80
Rush, Laurie W., Dr.; and Amanda Hemmingsen, “Partner of Choice: Cultural Property Protection in Military Engagement” (November-December): 102
Schellenberger, Dominik J., Lt. Col., German Army, “The Art of War: What the German and American Armies Can Learn from Each Other for the Education of Future Field Grade Officers” (August online exclusive)
Schwandt, Jamie Richard, Maj., U.S. Army, “Uncovering Hidden Patterns of Thought in War: Wei-Chi versus Chess” (November-December): 18
Sheiffer, Matthew J., Lt. Col., U.S. Army, “U.S. Army Information Operations and Cyber-Electromagnetic Activities Lessons from Atlantic Resolve” (March online exclusive)
Schifferle, Peter J., Lt. Col., PhD, U.S. Army, Retired, “Bringing Order to Chaos: Combined Arms Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 18
Sencerman, Öncel, “Russian Diaspora as a Means of Russian Foreign Policy” (March-April): 40
Shimerdla, Joseph John, Lt. Col., U.S. Army; and Maj. Ryan Kort, U.S. Army, “Setting the Theater: A Definition, Framework, and Rationale for Effective Resourcing at the Theater Army Level” (May-June): 55
Sims, Jennifer P., Capt., U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army; and Capt. Franklin G. Peachey, U.S. Army, “The Right Fit: Mission Command in the Twenty-First Century” (January online exclusive)
Spencer, John, Maj., U.S. Army; Lionel Beehner, PhD; and Capt. Brandon Thomas, U.S. Army, “Putting Concepts of Future Warfare to the Test” (March-April): 81
Steed, Brian L., Lt. Col., U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Jon Herrmann, U.S. Air Force Reserve, “Understanding Information as a Weapon: The Virtual Reality/Sand Table Model of Information Conflict” (December 2017 online exclusive)
Thomas, Brandon, Capt., U.S. Army; Maj. John Spencer, U.S. Army; and Lionel Beehner, PhD, “Putting Concepts of Future Warfare to the Test,” (March-April): 81
Thomas, Timothy, Lt. Col., U.S. Army, Retired, “Russia’s Forms and Methods of Military Operations: The Implementers of Concepts” (May-June): 30
Threlkeld, Daniel S., Maj., U.S. Army, “Big Sky, Little Bullet: Tackling the Army’s Airspace and Joint Fires Integration Problem” (April online exclusive)
Tollefson, James, Capt., Alaska Army National Guard, “Fixing Army Doctrine: A Network Approach” (January-February): 71
Tomlin, Gregory M., Lt. Col., PhD, U.S. Army, “The Last Three Feet,” Reinvesting in Tactical Information Operations” (August online exclusive)
Torgersen, Benjamin H., Capt., U.S. Army; and Brig. Gen. Michael R. Fenzel, U.S. Army, “The Pagonis Effect: A Doctrinal Future for the Support Area Command Post” (January-February): 48
Townsend, Stephen J., Gen., U.S. Army, “Accelerating Multi-Domain Operations: Evolution of an Idea” (September-October): 4
Troxell, John F., Col., U.S. Army, Retired, “Geoeconomics” (January-February): 4
Vertuli, Mark D., Col., U.S. Army, “Perceptions Are Reality: Historical Case Studies of Information Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 52
Waitl, Florian L., “Into the Breach: Historical Case Studies of Mobility Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations” (September-October): 46
Walker, Noelle, 2nd Lt., Illinois Army National Guard, “Cognitive Therapy for Soldiers Suffering From Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury” (May-June): 48
Welch, Jason, Capt., U.S. Army, “Many Voices Telling One Story: Public Affairs Operations across Africa in Support of Combatant Commanders” (July-August): 79
Willard, Alex, Maj., U.S. Army, “A Response to Lessons Learned for Dealing with Toxic Leaders and Bad Bosses” (December 2017 online exclusive)
Wolverton, Matthew L., Maj., U.S. Army; Col. Patrick E. Proctor, U.S. Army; and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephen R. Barber, U.S. Army, “The Maneuver Enhancement Brigade is the Support Area Command Post” (October online exclusive)
Wong, Leonard, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Stephen J. Gerras, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired, “Protecting, Not Just Reflecting, Society” (May online exclusive)
Woodard, James, Maj., U.S. Marine Corps; Col. Tim Kreuttner, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Sami Alnaqbi, United Arab Emirates Navy; and Lt. Col. Jarrod Knapp, U.S. Air Force, “A Joint and Operational Approach for Security Assistance to Georgia and Ukraine” (March-April): 118
Wooley, Samantha; and Emily Martin, “The Army’s Role in the Future Pacific Theater” (January-February): 102
Zabolotsky, Boris Perius; Augusto César Dall’Agnol; and Fabiano Mielniczuk, PhD, “The Return of the Bear? Russian Military Engagement in Latin America: The Case of Brazil” (July online exclusive)
Zanol, James E., Col., U.S. Army, Retired; and Dr. Brian M. Pierce, “Overcoming the Challenges in Implementing Emerging Maneuver Concepts” (May-June): 84
Subject Index
75th Ranger Regiment
“The 75th Ranger Regiment Military Intelligence Battalion: Modernizing for Multi-Domain Battle,” Maj. Paul A. Lushenko, U.S. Army (July-August): 6
“Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan” (Review Essay), Kevin Rousseau (July-August): 133
“Government versus Governance: Why the U.S. Military Must Understand the Difference,” Maj. Jennifer Jantzi-Schlichter, U.S. Army (November-December): 89
“Many Voices Telling One Story: Public Affairs Operations across Africa in Support of Combatant Commanders,” Capt. Jason Welch, U.S. Army (July-August): 79
“Strengthening Partnerships to Face the Complexities of Africa,” Maj. Matt Kuhlman, U.S. Army (November-December): 6
Air and Missile Defense
“Big Sky, Little Bullet: Tackling the Army’s Airspace and Joint Fires Integration Problem,” Maj. Daniel S. Threlkeld, U.S. Army (April online exclusive)
“Why Alaska and the Arctic are Critical to the National Security of the United States,” Col. Michael J. Forsyth, U.S. Army (January-February): 113
“Why Alaska and the Arctic are Critical to the National Security of the United States,” Col. Michael J. Forsyth, U.S. Army (January-February): 113
Army National Guard and Army Reserve
“National Guard Officers and Noncommissioned Officers Should Serve as Guest Observer Coach/Trainers,” Lt. Col. Brian Hildebrand, Texas Army National Guard (May online exclusive)
“The Suwalki Gap: A Proving Ground for Cluster Munitions,” Capt. Gregory Fetterman, U.S. Army (July-August): 39
Asia-Pacific Theater
“The Tyranny of the Shores: Army Planning for the Asia-Pacific Theater,” Brian J. Dunn (March-April): 101
“Uncovering Hidden Patterns of Thought in War: Wei-Chi versus Chess,” Maj. Jamie Richard Schwandt, U.S. Army (November-December): 18
“Are We There Yet? Implementing Best Practices in Assessments,” Col. Lynette M. B. Arnhart, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired, and Lt. Col. Marvin L. King, PhD, U.S. Army (May-June): 20
Atlantic Resolve
“U.S. Army Information Operations and Cyber-Electromagnetic Activities Lessons from Atlantic Resolve,” Lt. Col. Matthew J. Sheiffer, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
Autonomous Weapons Systems
“A Four-Phase Approach to Developing Ethically Permissible Autonomous Weapons,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (May online exclusive)
“Warbots and Due Care: The Cognitive Limitations of Autonomous and Human Combatants,” Maj. Jules “Jay” Hurst, U.S. Army Reserve (March online exclusive)
Baltic Region
“Design to Execution: Into the Suwalki Gap,” Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines (May-June): 6
“Prospective Strategy for Baltic Defense: The Russian Public and War Termination in the Baltic States,” Lukas Milevski, PhD (January-February): 58
“Brazil-Russia Military-Technical Cooperation: A Fruit of the Post-Cold War World Order,” Imanuela Ionescu (November-December): 66
“The Return of the Bear? Russian Military Engagement in Latin America: The Case of Brazil”, Augusto César Dall’Agnol; Boris Perius Zabolotsky; and Fabiano Mielniczuk, PhD (July online exclusive)
“Use of the Brazilian Military Component in the Face of Venezuela’s Migration Crisis,” Maj. George Alberto Garcia de Oliveira, Brazilian Army (October online exclusive)
“The Neglected Role of Brideprice in Catalyzing Instability and Violent Conflict,” Valerie M. Hudson, PhD; and Hilary Matfess (January-February): 34
Captains Career Course
“The Rapid Redesign of the Captains Career Course: An Example of Agility in Professional Military Education,” Col. Ken Hawley, U.S. Army; and William Kuchinski (September-October): 88
“China-Latin America Arms Sales: Antagonizing the United States in the Western Hemisphere?” Capt. George Gurrola, U.S. Army (July-August): 123
“Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan” (Review Essay), Kevin Rousseau (July-August): 133
Cluster Munitions
“The Suwalki Gap: A Proving Ground for Cluster Munitions,” Capt. Gregory Fetterman, U.S. Army (July-August): 39
Cognitive Therapy
“Cognitive Therapy for Soldiers Suffering From Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury,” 2nd Lt. Noelle Walker, Illinois Army National Guard (May-June): 48
“Command Post Operations,” Maj. Adam S. Cecil, U.S. Army; and Maj. Karl Butler Jr., U.S. Army (April online exclusive)
“Got COIN?: Counterinsurgency Debate Continues,” Lt. Col. Jesse McIntyre III, U.S. Army, Retired (September online exclusive)
“The Cubazuela Problem,” Lt. Col. Geoffrey Demarest, JD, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (May online exclusive)
Cultural Property Protection
“Partner of Choice: Cultural Property Protection in Military Engagement,” Dr. Laurie W. Rush; and Amanda Hemmingsen, (November-December): 102
“Cyber is the New Air: Domain Superiority in the Megacity,” Maj. Austin G. Commons, U.S. Army (January-February): 120
“U.S. Army Information Operations and Cyber-Electromagnetic Activities Lessons from Atlantic Resolve,” Lt. Col. Matthew J. Sheiffer, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
Deception Operations
“Weaving the Tangled Web: Military Deception in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Christopher M. Rein, PhD (September-October): 10
Defense Enterprise
“Taking A Bite of the Apple(W): Understanding the Defense Enterprise,” Col. Charles Allen, U.S. Army, Retired; and Col. Robert D. Bradford, U.S. Army (May-June): 64
Democratic Coup d’État
“The Democratic Coup d’État” (Review Essay), Robert F. Baumann, PhD (May–June): 104
“Diasporas, Foreign Governments, and American Politics,” Samuel P. Huntington, PhD (March-April): 24
“Russian Diaspora as a Means of Russian Foreign Policy,” Öncel Sencerman (March-April): 40
“The Russians of Latin America: Moscow’s Bid for Influence Over Russian-Speaking Communities in the Region,” Brian Fonseca and Vladimir Rouvinski, PhD (November-December): 80
“Fixing Army Doctrine: A Network Approach,” Capt. James Tollefson, Alaska Army National Guard (January-February): 71
“The Pagonis Effect: A Doctrinal Future for the Support Area Command Post,” Brig. Gen. Michael R. Fenzel, U.S. Army; and Capt. Benjamin H. Torgersen, U.S. Army (January-February): 48
“The Use of 'Stryker' in Doctrine Is Limiting and Symptomatic of Doctrinal Shortcomings that are Harmful to Small-Unit Leaders,” Capt. Matthew Allgeyer, U.S. Army (November-December): 30
Eastern Way of War
“Uncovering Hidden Patterns of Thought in War: Wei-Chi versus Chess,” Maj. Jamie Richard Schwandt, U.S. Army (November-December): 18
“A Four-Phase Approach to Developing Ethically Permissible Autonomous Weapons,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (May online exclusive)
“Sword of Damocles: A Framework to Identify the Causes of and Preventive Measures for Leader Misconduct,” Maj. Peyton C. Hurley, U.S. Army (September online exclusive)
“Warbots and Due Care: The Cognitive Limitations of Autonomous and Human Combatants,” Maj. Jules “Jay” Hurst, U.S. Army Reserve (March online exclusive)
“Design to Execution Into the Suwalki Gap,” Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines (January online exclusive)
“Prospective Strategy for Baltic Defense: The Russian Public and War Termination in the Baltic States,” Lukas Milevski, PhD (January-February): 58
“Readiness and Interoperability in Operation Atlantic Resolve,” Lt. Col. Chad Foster, U.S. Army (January-February): 92
Expeditionary Land Power
“An Army Overseas: Expeditionary Maneuver through the Maritime Domain,” Lt. Col. Trent J. Lythgoe, U.S. Army (March-April): 72
“Lethal and Non-Lethal Fires: Historical Case Studies of Converging Cross-Domain Fires in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Thomas G. Bradbeer, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 26
Future Force
“Developing a Light Infantry-Robotic Company as a System,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (July-August): 18
“Raising the Bar: The Future of Individual Lift Devices in Warfare,” Lt. Col. Matthew P. Dirago, Australian Army (November-December): 132
Future Wars
“Putting Concepts of Future Warfare to the Test,” Maj. John Spencer, U.S. Army; Lionel Beehner, PhD; and Capt. Brandon Thomas, U.S. Army (March-April): 81
Gender Integration
“Mission before Comfort: A Mission-Focused Approach to Gender in the Army,” Capt. Molly Kovite, U.S. Army (March-April): 130
“Geoeconomics,” Col. John F. Troxell, U.S. Army, Retired (January-February): 4
“A Joint and Operational Approach for Security Assistance to Georgia and Ukraine” Col. Tim Kreuttner, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Sami Alnaqbi, United Arab Emirates Navy; Lt. Col. Jarrod Knapp, U.S. Air Force; and Maj. James Woodard, U.S. Marine Corps (March-April): 118
German Army
“The Art of War: What the German and American Armies Can Learn from Each Other for the Education of Future Field Grade Officers,” Lt. Col. Dominik J. Schellenberger, German Army (August online exclusive)
“Government versus Governance: Why the U.S. Military Must Understand the Difference,” Maj. Jennifer Jantzi-Schlichter, U.S. Army (November-December): 89
Human Terrain; Culture and Language
“Human Terrain System is Dead, Long Live … What? Building and Sustaining Military Cultural Competence in the Aftermath of the Human Terrain System,” Maj. Ben Connable, PhD, U.S. Marine Corps, Retired (January-February): 24
“The Neglected Role of Brideprice in Catalyzing Instability and Violent Conflict,” Valerie M. Hudson, PhD; and Hilary Matfess (January-February): 34
“Why They Hate Us: An Examination of al-wala’ wa-l-bara’ in Salafi-Jihadist Ideology,” Chaplain (Maj.) Joshua Gilliam, U.S. Army (February online exclusive)
Individual Lift Devices
“Raising the Bar: The Future of Individual Lift Devices in Warfare,” Lt. Col. Matthew P. Dirago, Australian Army (November-December): 132
“Basic Infantry Building Block,” Maj. Viktor Potočnik, Slovenian Armed Forces (May-June): 74
“Developing a Light Infantry-Robotic Company as a System,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (July-August): 18
Information Operations
“‘The Last Three Feet,’ Reinvesting in Tactical Information Operations,” Lt. Col. Gregory M. Tomlin, PhD, U.S. Army (August online exclusive)
“Perceptions Are Reality: Historical Case Studies of Information Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Col. Mark D. Vertuli, U.S. Army (September-October): 52
“Understanding Information as a Weapon: The Virtual Reality/Sand Table Model of Information Conflict,” Lt. Col. Brian L. Steed, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Jon Herrmann, U.S. Air Force Reserve (December 2017 online exclusive)
“U.S. Army Information Operations and Cyber-Electromagnetic Activities Lessons from Atlantic Resolve,” Lt. Col. Matthew J. Sheiffer, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
Information Technology
“Understanding Information as a Weapon: The Virtual Reality/Sand Table Model of Information Conflict,” Lt. Col. Brian L. Steed, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Jon Herrmann, U.S. Air Force Reserve (December 2017 online exclusive)
Instruments of National Power
“Lebanese Armed Forces Implementing Instruments of National Power as Lines of Effort to Engage a Palestinian Refugee Camp,” Maj. Jean Dagher, Lebanese Army (July-August): 96
“Fostering a Whole-of-Government Approach to National Security from the Bottom Up Interagency Training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center,” James W. Dereleth, PhD (February online exclusive)
“Brothers and Strangers: A Strategy to Promote and Prepare for Normalized Relations with Iran,” Maj. Scott Harr, U.S. Army (October online exclusive)
“Perceptions and Courses of Actions toward Iran,” Jo-Anne Hart, PhD (January online exclusive)
“A Tactical Approach to Consolidating Gains in a Post-Caliphate Iraq,” Lt. Col. Jonathan P. Graebener, U.S. Army (April online exclusive)
“Government versus Governance: Why the U.S. Military Must Understand the Difference,” Maj. Jennifer Jantzi-Schlichter, U.S. Army (November-December): 89
“Western Anbar after the Awakening: A Tale of Three Cities,” Maj. Michael W. Hein, U.S. Army (March-April): 108
“Why They Hate Us: An Examination of al-wala’ wa-l-bara’ in Salafi-Jihadist Ideology,” Chaplain (Maj.) Joshua Gilliam, U.S. Army (February online exclusive)
Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC)
“Fostering a Whole-of-Government Approach to National Security from the Bottom Up Interagency Training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center,” James W. Dereleth, PhD (February online exclusive)
“The Right Fit: Mission Command in the Twenty-First Century,” Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army; Capt., Franklin G. Peachey, U.S. Army; and Capt. Jennifer P. Sims, U.S. Army (January online exclusive)
Joint Operations
“Big Sky, Little Bullet: Tackling the Army’s Airspace and Joint Fires Integration Problem,” Maj. Daniel S. Threlkeld, U.S. Army (April online exclusive)
“Design to Execution: Into the Suwalki Gap,” Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines (January online exclusive)
Joint Readiness Training Center
“How Has the Joint Readiness Training Center Changed to Adapt to Large-Scale Combat Operations?,” Col. David Doyle, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Aaron Coombs, U.S. Army (September-October): 70
Large-Scale Combat Operations
“Bringing Order to Chaos: Combined Arms Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Peter J. Schifferle, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 18
“Creating Powerful Minds: Army University Education Initiatives for Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Col. Thomas Bolen, U.S. Army; and Vince Carlisle, PhD (September-October): 82
“Deep Maneuver: Historical Case Studies of Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Jack D. Kem, PhD (September-October): 39
“The European War,” Lt. Col. E. M. Benitez, U.S. Army (September-October): 94
“How Has the Joint Readiness Training Center Changed to Adapt to Large-Scale Combat Operations?,” Col. David Doyle, U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Aaron Coombs, U.S. Army (September-October): 70
“Into the Breach: Historical Case Studies of Mobility Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Florian L. Waitl (September-October): 46
“Lethal and Non-Lethal Fires: Historical Case Studies of Converging Cross-Domain Fires in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Thomas G. Bradbeer, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 26
“The Long Haul: Historical Case Studies of Sustainment Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Keith Beurskens, DM, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 34
“Meeting the Challenge of Large-Scale Ground Combat Operations Today and Tomorrow,” Lt. Gen. Michael D. Lundy, U.S. Army (September-October): 111
“Perceptions Are Reality: Historical Case Studies of Information Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Col. Mark D. Vertuli, U.S. Army (September-October): 52
“‘Ready Now’—Our Number One Priority,” Col. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army; Maj. Thomas E. Lamb, U.S. Army; and Capt. Michael J. Culler, U.S. Army (September-October): 60
“Weaving the Tangled Web: Military Deception in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Christopher M. Rein, PhD (September-October): 10
Latin America
“Brazil-Russia Military-Technical Cooperation: A Fruit of the Post-Cold War World Order,” Imanuela Ionescu (November-December): 66
“China-Latin America Arms Sales: Antagonizing the United States in the Western Hemisphere?,” Capt. George Gurrola, U.S. Army (July-August): 123
“The Cubazuela Problem,” Lt. Col. Geoffrey Demarest, JD, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (May online exclusive)
“The Return of the Bear? Russian Military Engagement in Latin America: The Case of Brazil”, Augusto César Dall’Agnol; Boris Perius Zabolotsky; and Fabiano Mielniczuk, PhD (July online exclusive)
“The Russians of Latin America: Moscow’s Bid for Influence Over Russian-Speaking Communities in the Region,” Brian Fonseca; and Vladimir Rouvinski, PhD (November-December): 80
“Commanding in Multi-Domain Formations,” Maj. Anthony M. Clas, EdD, U.S. Army (March-April): 90
“Mission before Comfort: A Mission-Focused Approach to Gender in the Army,” Capt. Molly Kovite, U.S. Army (March-April): 130
“Protecting, Not Just Reflecting, Society,” Leonard Wong, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Stephen J. Gerras, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (May online exclusive)
“A Response to Lessons Learned for Dealing with Toxic Leaders and Bad Bosses,” Maj. Alex Willard, U.S. Army (December 2017 online exclusive)
“Soldier, Are You on My Friends List?: An Examination and Recommendations for the Military Leader-Subordinate Relationship on Social Media,” Maj. Gregory C. Mabry Jr., PsyD, LCSW, BCD, U.S. Army (January online exclusive)
“Sword of Damocles: A Framework to Identify the Causes of and Preventive Measures for Leader Misconduct,” Maj. Peyton C. Hurley, U.S. Army (September online exclusive)
“The Three-Generation Dilemma,” Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army (June online exclusive)
“Lebanese Armed Forces Implementing Instruments of National Power as Lines of Effort to Engage a Palestinian Refugee Camp,” Maj. Jean Dagher, Lebanese Army (July-August): 96
“The Long Haul: Historical Case Studies of Sustainment Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Keith Beurskens, DM, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 34
“Bringing Order to Chaos: Combined Arms Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Lt. Col. Peter J. Schifferle, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (September-October): 18
“Deep Maneuver: Historical Case Studies of Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Jack D. Kem, PhD (September-October): 39
“Overcoming the Challenges in Implementing Emerging Maneuver Concepts,” Dr. Brian M. Pierce; and Col. James E. Zanol, U.S. Army, Retired (May-June): 84
Maritime Domain
“An Army Overseas: Expeditionary Maneuver through the Maritime Domain,” Lt. Col. Trent J. Lythgoe, U.S. Army (March-April): 72
“Cyber is the New Air: Domain Superiority in the Megacity,” Maj. Austin G. Commons, U.S. Army (January-February): 120
“Mexico’s Fight against Transnational Organized Crime,” Dr. R. Evan Ellis (July-August): 110
Military Intelligence
“The 75th Ranger Regiment Military Intelligence Battalion: Modernizing for Multi-Domain Battle,” Maj. Paul A. Lushenko, U.S. Army (July-August): 6
Military Strategy
“Military Strategy Revisited: A Critique of the Lykke Formulation,” Lt. Col. Richard E. Berkebile, U.S. Air Force, Retired (May online exclusive)
“What’s in a Name? Psychological Operations versus Military Information Support Operations and an Analysis of Organizational Change,” Maj. David Cowan, U.S. Army; and Maj. Chaveso Cook, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
Mission Command
“Command Post Operations,” Maj. Adam S. Cecil, U.S. Army; and Maj. Karl Butler Jr., U.S. Army (April online exclusive)
“The Right Fit: Mission Command in the Twenty-First Century,” Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army; Capt. Franklin G. Peachey, U.S. Army; and Capt. Jennifer P. Sims, U.S. Army (January online exclusive)
“The U.S. Army and Mission Command: Philosophy versus Practice,” Maj. Brett Matzenbacher, U.S. Army (March-April): 61
Mobility Operations
“Into the Breach: Historical Case Studies of Mobility Operations in Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Florian L. Waitl (September-October): 46
Multidomain Operations
“Accelerating Multi-Domain Operations: Evolution of an Idea,” Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, U.S. Army (September-October): 4
“The Army’s Role in the Future Pacific Theater,” Emily Martin; and Samantha Wooley (January-February): 102
“Commanding in Multi-Domain Formations,” Maj. Anthony M. Clas, EdD, U.S. Army (March-April): 90
“Cyber is the New Air: Domain Superiority in the Megacity,” Maj. Austin G. Commons, U.S. Army (January-February): 120
“Space-Land Battle,” Trevor Brown, PhD (November-December): 120
National Security
“Fostering a Whole-of-Government Approach to National Security from the Bottom Up Interagency Training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center,” James W. Dereleth, PhD (February online exclusive)
National Training Center
“‘Ready Now’—Our Number One Priority,” Col. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army; Maj. Thomas E. Lamb, U.S. Army; and Capt. Michael J. Culler, U.S. Army (September-October): 60
“An Alliance Divided? Five Factors That Could Fracture NATO,” Lt. Col. Aaron Bazin, PsyD, U.S. Army; and Dominika Kunertova (January-February): 80
“A Joint and Operational Approach for Security Assistance to Georgia and Ukraine” Col. Tim Kreuttner, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Sami Alnaqbi, United Arab Emirates Navy; Lt. Col. Jarrod Knapp, U.S. Air Force; and Maj. James Woodard, U.S. Marine Corps (March-April): 118
Noncommissioned Officers
“National Guard Officers and Noncommissioned Officers Should Serve as Guest Observer Coach/Trainers,” Lt. Col. Brian Hildebrand, Texas Army National Guard (May online exclusive)
North Korea
“North Korea Solution Changed Regime,” Col. James M. Minnich, U.S. Army (January online exclusive)
Officer Broadening
“The Three-Generation Dilemma,” Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army (June online exclusive)
“Whither SAMS?,” Col. Kevin Benson, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (June online exclusive)
Operational Art
“A History of Operational Art,” Maj. Wilson C. Blythe Jr., U.S. Army (November-December): 37
“Command Post Operations,” Maj. Adam S. Cecil, U.S. Army; and Maj. Karl Butler Jr., U.S. Army (April online exclusive)
“What’s in a Name? Psychological Operations versus Military Information Support Operations and an Analysis of Organizational Change,” Maj. David Cowan, U.S. Army; and Maj. Chaveso Cook, U.S. Army (March online exclusive)
“The Army’s Role in the Future Pacific Theater,” Emily Martin; and Samantha Wooley (January-February): 102
“The Tyranny of the Shores: Army Planning for the Asia-Pacific Theater,” Brian J. Dunn (March-April): 101
“The Decades-Long ‘Double-Double Game’: Pakistan, the United States, and the Taliban,” Thomas F. Lynch III, PhD (July-August): 64
“Directorate S: The C.I.A. and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan” (Review Essay), Kevin Rousseau (July-August): 133
Posttraumatic Stress
“Cognitive Therapy for Soldiers Suffering From Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury,” 2nd Lt. Noelle Walker, Illinois Army National Guard (May-June): 48
Public Affairs
“Many Voices Telling One Story: Public Affairs Operations across Africa in Support of Combatant Commanders,” Capt. Jason Welch, U.S. Army (July-August): 79
“Protecting, Not Just Reflecting, Society,” Leonard Wong, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired; and Stephen J. Gerras, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (May online exclusive)
“Readiness and Interoperability in Operation Atlantic Resolve,” Lt. Col. Chad Foster, U.S. Army (January-February): 92
Rear Area Operations
“The Maneuver Enhancement Brigade is the Support Area Command Post,” Col. Patrick E. Proctor, U.S. Army; Maj. Matthew L. Wolverton, U.S. Army; and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephen R. Barber, U.S. Army (October online exclusive)
“The Pagonis Effect: A Doctrinal Future for the Support Area Command Post,” Brig. Gen. Michael R. Fenzel, U.S. Army; and Capt. Benjamin H. Torgersen, U.S. Army (January-February): 48
“Reconnaissance beyond the Coordinated Fire Line: Division Warfighter Trends,” Maj. Paul E. Roberts, U.S. Army (July-August): 30
“Use of the Brazilian Military Component in the Face of Venezuela’s Migration Crisis,” Maj. George Alberto Garcia de Oliveira, Brazilian Army (October online exclusive)
Rifle Squad
“Rethinking the U.S. Army Infantry Rifle Squad,” Maj. Hassan Kamara, U.S. Army (March-April): 50
Russia/Soviet Union
“Brazil-Russia Military-Technical Cooperation: A Fruit of the Post-Cold War World Order,” Imanuela Ionescu (November-December): 66
“A Central Asian Perspective on Russian Soft Power: The View from Tashkent,” Robert F. Baumann, PhD (July-August): 48
“A History of Operational Art,” Maj. Wilson C. Blythe Jr., U.S. Army (November-December): 37
“Prospective Strategy for Baltic Defense: The Russian Public and War Termination in the Baltic States,” Lukas Milevski, PhD (January-February): 58
“The Return of the Bear? Russian Military Engagement in Latin America: The Case of Brazil,” Augusto César Dall’Agnol; Boris Perius Zabolotsky; and Fabiano Mielniczuk, PhD (online exclusive July)
“Russia’s Forms and Methods of Military Operations: The Implementers of Concepts,” Lt. Col. Timothy Thomas, U.S. Army, Retired (May-June): 30
“Russian Diaspora as a Means of Russian Foreign Policy,” Öncel Sencerman (March-April): 40
“The Russians of Latin America: Moscow’s Bid for Influence Over Russian-Speaking Communities in the Region,” Brian Fonseca and Vladimir Rouvinski, PhD (November-December): 80
“What Kind of Victory for Russia in Syria?,” Michael Kofman and Matthew Rojansky, JD (March-April): 6
School of Advanced Military Studies
“Whither SAMS?,” Col. Kevin Benson, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (June online exclusive)
Security Assistance
“A Joint and Operational Approach for Security Assistance to Georgia and Ukraine” Col. Tim Kreuttner, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Sami Alnaqbi, United Arab Emirates Navy; Lt. Col. Jarrod Knapp, U.S. Air Force; and Maj. James Woodard, U.S. Marine Corps (March-April): 118
Security Force Assistance Brigades
“Preparing Security Force Assistance Brigades for the Complexity of Human Interaction,” Lt. Col. Brent A. Kauffman, U.S. Army (July-August): 88
Social Media
“Soldier, Are You on My Friends List?: An Examination and Recommendations for the Military Leader-Subordinate Relationship on Social Media,” Maj. Gregory C. Mabry Jr., PsyD, LCSW, BCD, U.S. Army (January online exclusive)
Soft Power
“A Central Asian Perspective on Russian Soft Power: The View from Tashkent,” Robert F. Baumann, PhD (July-August): 48
Staff Operations
“The Three-Generation Dilemma,” Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army (June online exclusive)
“The Use of 'Stryker' in Doctrine Is Limiting and Symptomatic of Doctrinal Shortcomings that are Harmful to Small-Unit Leaders,” Capt. Matthew Allgeyer, U.S. Army (November-December): 30
Suwalki Gap
“Design to Execution: Into the Suwalki Gap,” Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines (May-June): 20
“The Suwalki Gap: A Proving Ground for Cluster Munitions,” Capt. Gregory Fetterman, U.S. Army (July-August): 39
“What Kind of Victory for Russia in Syria?,” Michael Kofman and Matthew Rojansky, JD (March-April): 6
Support Area Operations
“The Pagonis Effect: A Doctrinal Future for the Support Area Command Post,” Brig. Gen. Michael R. Fenzel, U.S. Army; and Capt. Benjamin H. Torgersen, U.S. Army (January-February): 48
“The Decades-Long ‘Double-Double Game’: Pakistan, the United States, and the Taliban,” Thomas F. Lynch III, PhD (July-August): 64
“Putting Concepts of Future Warfare to the Test,” Maj. John Spencer, U.S. Army; Lionel Beehner, PhD; and Capt. Brandon Thomas, U.S. Army (March-April): 81
“U.S. Drones: Smaller, Less Capable Drones for the Near Future,” Capt. Zachary Morris, U.S. Army (May-June): 38
Theater Army
“Setting the Theater: A Definition, Framework, and Rationale for Effective Resourcing at the Theater Army Level,” Lt. Col. Joseph John Shimerdla, U.S. Army; and Maj. Ryan Kort, U.S. Army (May-June): 55
Toxic Leadership
“A Response to Lessons Learned for Dealing with Toxic Leaders and Bad Bosses,” Maj. Alex Willard, U.S. Army (December 2017 online exclusive)
Training & Education
“The Art of War: What the German and American Armies Can Learn from Each Other for the Education of Future Field Grade Officers,” Lt. Col. Dominik J. Schellenberger, German Army (August online exclusive)
“Creating Powerful Minds: Army University Education Initiatives for Large-Scale Combat Operations,” Col. Thomas Bolen, U.S. Army; and Vince Carlisle, PhD (September-October): 82
“Design to Execution Into the Suwalki Gap,” Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard; Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army; and Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines (January online exclusive)
“National Guard Officers and Noncommissioned Officers Should Serve as Guest Observer Coach/Trainers,” Lt. Col. Brian Hildebrand, Texas Army National Guard (May online exclusive)
“Preparing Security Force Assistance Brigades for the Complexity of Human Interaction,” Lt. Col. Brent A. Kauffman, U.S. Army (July-August): 88
“Putting Concepts of Future Warfare to the Test,” Maj. John Spencer, U.S. Army; Lionel Beehner, PhD; and Capt. Brandon Thomas, U.S. Army (March-April): 81
“The Rapid Redesign of the Captains Career Course: An Example of Agility in Professional Military Education,” Col. Ken Hawley, U.S. Army; and William Kuchinski (September-October): 88
“Whither SAMS?,” Col. Kevin Benson, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (June online exclusive)
Transnational Crime
“Mexico’s Fight against Transnational Organized Crime,” Dr. R. Evan Ellis (July-August): 110
“A Joint and Operational Approach for Security Assistance to Georgia and Ukraine,” Col. Tim Kreuttner, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Sami Alnaqbi, United Arab Emirates Navy; Lt. Col. Jarrod Knapp, U.S. Air Force; and Maj. James Woodard, U.S. Marine Corps (March-April): 118
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
“U.S. Drones: Smaller, Less Capable Drones for the Near Future,” Capt. Zachary Morris, U.S. Army (May-June): 38
“Many Voices Telling One Story: Public Affairs Operations across Africa in Support of Combatant Commanders,” Capt. Jason Welch, U.S. Army (July-August): 79
“Prospective Strategy for Baltic Defense: The Russian Public and War Termination in the Baltic States,” Lukas Milevski, PhD (January-February): 58
“The Army’s Role in the Future Pacific Theater,” Emily Martin and Samantha Wooley (January-February): 102
“A Central Asian Perspective on Russian Soft Power: The View from Tashkent,” Robert F. Baumann, PhD (July-August): 48
“The Cubazuela Problem,” Lt. Col. Geoffrey Demarest, JD, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (May online exclusive)
Warfighter Exercise
“Reconnaissance beyond the Coordinated Fire Line: Division Warfighter Trends,” Maj. Paul E. Roberts, U.S. Army (July-August): 30
War Games
“Seeing the Elephant: Improving Leader Visualization Skills through Simple War Games,” Lt. Col. Richard A. McConnell, DM, U.S. Army, Retired; and Lt. Col. Mark T. Gerges, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired (October online exclusive)
“A Four-Phase Approach to Developing Ethically Permissible Autonomous Weapons,” Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army (May)
“Warbots and Due Care: The Cognitive Limitations of Autonomous and Human Combatants,” Maj. Jules “Jay” Hurst, U.S. Army Reserve (March online exclusive)
World War II
“The European War,” Lt. Col. E. M. Benitez, U.S. Army (September-October): 94
“Guadalcanal: A Case Study for Multi-Domain Battle,” Chris Rein, PhD (May-June): 93
“Implacable Foes: War in the Pacific, 1944–1945” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. Jesse McIntyre III, U.S. Army, Retired (March–April): 140
“Omar Nelson Bradley: America’s GI General, 1893–1981” (Review Essay), Lt. Col. Rick Baillergeon, U.S. Army, Retired (November-December): 147