Global War on Terrorism, 2001–2021



I sat and stared,
At the destruction on the screen,
The waste of life.

The loss of families and dreams,
I couldn’t move.
I couldn’t run and hide the truth.
I sat and stared.
I sat and stared and thought of you.

I thought of you and me and everyone on this great planet Earth.
I know we all could be the other one the moment of our birth.
Instead we go on hating, killing, when instead we need to care,
And if we did,
I wouldn’t have to sit and stare.

I felt the pain, in all the faces that I saw.
Time and again,
Full of emptiness and shock,
My heart went out,
In hopes that some way I could share,
He peace I had,
Before I had to sit and stare.

This world is small.
This little world is all we know.
And why we fight,
Is something I will never know.
There’s love for all.
And all we have to do is share,
And if we did,
I wouldn’t have to sit and stare.

—Kevin Rowley and Tisdale Sask


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March 2023