January-February 2024


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Intellectually Investing in the Army Profession in 2024 and Beyond

Col. Todd Schmidt, PhD, U.S. Army Director, Army University Press


A paratrooper with 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment, awaits transportation after a successful airborne operation and follow-on mission in Deadhorse, Alaska, 22 February 2017. The training simulated the recovery of a downed satellite and tested the unit's contingency operations ability


Write for Military Review: Suggested Writing Themes and Topics—2024


2024 General William E. DePuy Special Topics Writing Competition

This year’s theme is “The Russia-Ukraine War”


Brittle and Brutal: An Avoidable 2024 Civil-Military Relations Forecast

Col. Todd Schmidt, PhD, U.S. Army

U.S. military leaders at all levels must take action to avoid political storm damage as the United States enters the intense prime campaigning period of the 2024 presidential election.


Spotlight: China

Three Dates, Three Windows, and All of DOTMLPF-P: How the People’s Liberation Army Poses an All-of-Army Challenge

Ian M. Sullivan

In its quest to become the predominant nation in the world, China is creating an armed capability to defeat the United States regionally and eventually globally. China’s military modernization covers every part of doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy, or DOTMLPF-P.


Illustration by Dale Cordes

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Edward A. Lynch, PhD
Susanna Helms

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization defines as a core institutional objective the promotion of “multipolarity,” a code word for the supplanting of the United States as the world’s sole (or even dominant) superpower.


Chinese Propaganda: The Hollywood Effect

Cori E. Dauber, PhD
Professor Mark D. Robinson
D. Alexander Jones
Jolie Koonce
Steven A. Meeks III
Zane Mehta

The People’s Republic of China has slowly, consciously, and purposefully expended enormous effort to build an indigenous film industry. The effort is now paying off in terms of the quality of Chinese propaganda appearing on mainstream media-sharing platforms.


Red Carpet: Hollywood, China, and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy

Dr. Barry M. Stentiford

Complementing the article “Chinese Propaganda: The Hollywood Effect,” the author critiques a book by Erich Schwartzel that provides a detailed exploration of the overt and covert infiltration of the Chinese government into the American motion picture industry.


Your Bitter Lessons

Dr. Mahir J. Ibrahimov

A poem by Dr. Mahir J. Ibrahimov.


Featured Articles

Committing to the All-Volunteer Force: The Role of Economics in Its Adoption and Implementation

Maj. Vincent Shaw, U.S. Army
Capt. Theodore MacDonald, U.S. Army

Economic thought and the critical decisions made during turbulent period of the all-volunteer force’s first decade, 1973–1983, can better inform how to approach temporary, recurring, and systemic accessions issues in the military today.


U.S. Army soldiers with the Wichita Recruiting Company


America’s Call to Duty

Col. Dianna L. Carson, U.S. Army, Retired
Deseret Crane
Jack Dutton
Sven Karabegovic
Leah C. Mickelsen

America must come together through a model like the White House Conference on Small Business to overcome the military’s increasing isolation from the public it serves.


An Overlooked Ally: Observations and Lessons Learned from the First Persistent U.S. Artillery Forces Stationed in Estonia

Lt. Col. Andrew Underwood, U.S. Army
Maj. Scott Clark, U.S. Army
Capt. Dylan Karnedy, U.S. Army

A deployment to the Baltic State of Estonia provides unique lessons for a U.S. Army artillery battalion. Those lessons can serve as a groundwork for other U.S. units that will deploy to that country.


Rebalancing the Nation’s Center of Gravity: Interagency Challenges in the Wake of Pandemic Restrictions

Maj. Bradley H. Craycraft, U.S. Army

Pandemic restrictions exacerbated the vulnerabilities of young Americans, creating significant obstacles for military recruitment, potentially unbalancing the Nation’s center of gravity, and affecting the will of future Americans to support the government’s national objectives.


FM 3-0: A Step Forward in Approaching Operational Art

Maj. Christopher M. Salerno, U.S. Army

Field Manual 3-0, Operations, succeeds because it provides commanders with a doctrinal approach to operational art. Unlike operational concepts designed for a single operational environment (OE), the Army’s multidomain operations concept can and must be tailored by the commanders to succeed in diverse OEs. This article won second place in the 2023 General William E. DePuy Special Topics Writing Competition.


Spotlight: 11th Airborne Division

Soldiers survey the surrounding area while acting as opposition forces during Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center-Alaska 23-02 at Yukon Training Area

From Heaven to Hell: Fires Employment for the 11th Airborne Division “Arctic Angels”

Lt. Col. Chad W. Fitzgerald, U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Dan Graw, U.S. Army
Capt. Hannah Kuegler, U.S. Army

The Arctic’s severe conditions constrain the efficient deployment of artillery, but technological and tactical advancements can mitigate these challenges. The 11th Airborne Division’s two field artillery battalions are working diligently to assist the U.S. Army in developing and codifying the use of fires and field artillery in the Arctic during both airborne and air assault operations.


Assured Mobility in the Arctic

Lt. Col. Joshua P. Bost, U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Elizabeth A. Knox, U.S. Army
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jomar R. Perez, U.S. Army

11th Airborne Division engineers are focused on assured mobility in extreme cold weather and mountainous terrain; specifically, the macroeffects of terrain on movement and maneuver in extreme cold weather, the strengths and limitations of snow and ice on operations, and modern usage of airborne and air assault operations in subarctic and arctic environments.


Strategic Partnership in the Himalayan Mountains: Yudh Abhyas 2022

Lt. Col. Jake A. Hughes, U.S. Army

The “Denali Squadron” from the 11th Airborne Division partnered with the 9th Assam Battalion of the Indian army for high-altitude training in Auli, India, during Exercise Yudh Abhyas, an annual bilateral exercise directly focused on broadening ties with India.


Military Review Remembers Lt. Gen. Julius W. Becton Jr.


AI illustration by Gerardo Mena, Army University Press


A Prose Elegy on the Freedom of Thought

Glenn Corn

The author uses two twentieth-century examples to show how America’s cancel culture is not a new phenomenon.


Medal of Honor Capt. Larry L. Taylor

Capt. Larry L. Taylor was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions on 18 June 1968.







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