2018 Online Exclusive Articles

Online Exclusive articles are published only online to support timely discussion on emerging time-sensitive issues. Online publication also allows us to publish more articles than before due to the unconstrained nature of the website. To view online exclusive articles from previous years, see https://www.armyupress.army.mil/journals/military-review/online-exclusive-archives/.

October 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

Use of the Brazilian Military Component in the Face of Venezuela’s Migration Crisis

Maj. George Alberto Garcia de Oliveira, Brazilian Army

The author provides a detailed overview of the actions taken by the Brazilian armed forces in response to directives of the Brazilian government to deal with the refugee crisis on Brazil's border with Venezuela resulting from the economic and political collapse of the Venezuelan state. 

Article published on: 29 October 2018

The Maneuver Enhancement Brigade is the Support Area Command Post

Col. Patrick E. Proctor, U.S. Army Maj. Matthew L. Wolverton, U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephen R. Barber, U.S. Army

The authors argue that in order for the division's maneuver brigades to maintain momentum during large-scale operations, a dedicated mission command node is required to control and assess operations in the support and consolidation areas.

Article published on: 22 October 2018

Seeing the Elephant: Improving Leader Visualization Skills through Simple War Games

Lt. Col. Richard A. McConnell, DM, U.S. Army, Retired Lt. Col. Mark T. Gerges, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired

The authors describe their research findings related to the experimental introduction of a nineteenth-century German wargame into the Command and General Staff College curriculum to assess the effectiveness of employing wargames to improve student critical thinking and staff military decision-making skills.

Article published on: 17 October 2018

Brothers and Strangers: A Strategy to Promote and Prepare for Normalized Relations with Iran

Maj. Scott Harr, U.S. Army

The author provides an analysis of the underlying cultural frames of reference that form the foundation of Iranian society and political motivations, and recommends using this better understanding to diffuse tensions and promote better relations between the United States and Iran.  

Article published on: 1 October 2018

September 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

Got COIN?: Counterinsurgency Debate Continues

Lt. Col. Jesse McIntyre III, U.S. Army, Retired

The author lays out a case for not allowing the lessons of counterinsurgency to be shelved and forgotten with regard to doctrine and training as they largely were after the Vietnam war, asserting that the conflicts the United States will most likely become involved in for the foreseeable future will be against insurgencies or insurgent-like irregular forces.

Article published on: 27 September 2018

Sword of Damocles: A Framework to Identify the Causes of and Preventive Measures for Leader Misconduct

Maj. Peyton C. Hurley, U.S. Army

The author discusses the causes and nature of ethical violations in the U.S. Army. He goes on to propose a significant change to the approach the Army uses to preempt violations and police ethical behavior, including development of the equivalent of an inspector general or accident investigation system to undertake a systematic rotational examination of the ethical climate of all units and organizations throughout the Army.

Article published on: 25 September 2018

August 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

Gun Devils in Kosovo: History, Lessons, and the Kosovo Force Missions

Capt. James M. McCabe Jr., U.S. Army

Military Review has retracted this article because of its failure to meet Army University Press standards for original content and proper documentation.

Article removed on: 4 December 2018

The Art of War: What the German and American Armies Can Learn from Each Other for the Education of Future Field Grade Officers

Lt. Col. Dominik J. Schellenberger, German Army

A German officer analyzes German and American field grade officer training with an eye toward enhancing the depth of understanding of the art of war by each gaining from the strengths of the other program of study.

Article republished on: 15 August 2018

Accelerating Multi-Domain Operations: Evolution of an Idea

Gen. Stephen Townsend, U.S. Army

The commanding general of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command discusses how the Multi-Domain Battle concept is evolving into Multi-Domain Operations.

Article republished on: 8 August 2018

“The Last Three Feet,” Reinvesting in Tactical Information Operations

Lt. Col. Gregory M. Tomlin, PhD, U.S. Army

The author argues that the brigade-level information operations officer billet should be reinstated as conducting tactical-level IO remains essential for dominating the entire spectrum involved in multi-domain operations.

Article republished on: 7 August 2018

July 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

The Return of the Bear? Russian Military Engagement in Latin America: The Case of Brazil

Augusto César Dall’Agnol Boris Perius Zabolotsky Fabiano Mielniczuk, PhD

The authors analyze the history of interactions between Brazil and Russia, painting a clear picture of the nature of the relationship.

Article republished on: 27 July 2018

June 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

Whither SAMS?

Col. Kevin Benson, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired

A former director of the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) provides a concise history of the Army University's foremost graduate-level school and offers recommendations for its future.

Article republished on: 15 June 2018

The Three-Generation Dilemma

Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army

The author defines the experience gap between a commander and staff, and provides analysis intended to assist commanders in better utilizing and developing staff skillsets.

Article republished on: 12 June 2018

May 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

A Four-Phase Approach to Developing Ethically Permissible Autonomous Weapons

Maj. Zachary L. Morris, U.S. Army

The author of the article advocates for a deliberate and comprehensive strategy for the gradual, phased incorporation of autonomous technology into the U.S. military.

Article republished on: 29 May 2018

National Guard Officers and Noncommissioned Officers Should Serve as Guest Observer Coach/Trainers

Lt. Col. Brian Hildebrand, Texas Army National Guard

An officer from the National Guard details the richness of experience provided to National Guard members participating in joint, multinational exercises.

Article republished on: 29 May 2018

The Cubazuela Problem

Lt. Col. Geoffrey Demarest, JD, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired

Cuban "Bolivarian" has significantly influenced the conditions in Venezuela. According to this Ibero-American expert, the impunity enjoyed by leaders of the Communist Party of Cuba and United Socialist Party of Venzuela must be challenged to avoid further tragedy in the region.

Article republished on: 29 May 2018

Mexico’s Fight against Transnational Organized Crime

Dr. R. Evan Ellis

The author discusses Mexico's security challenges and its progress in combatting criminal groups and associated flows of illegal goods, and he offers recommendations for U.S. policy makers regarding support for our southern neighbor.

Article republished on: 24 May 2018

Military Strategy Revisited: A Critique of the Lykke Formulation

Lt. Col. Richard E. Berkebile, U.S. Air Force, Retired

The author of the article explores current understanding of ends, ways, means, and risk to create a new formulation for developing a strategy toward a political end state.

Article republished on: 7 May 2018

Protecting, Not Just Reflecting, Society

Leonard Wong, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired Stephen J. Gerras, PhD, U.S. Army, Retired

The authors of this article outline six contemporary societal changes and provide insight into how military leaders need to account for societal values in their prioritizing of military readiness.

Article republished on: 3 May 2018

April 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

Big Sky, Little Bullet: Tackling the Army’s Airspace and Joint Fires Integration Problem

Maj. Daniel S. Threlkeld, U.S. Army

The author proposes using the concept of collision zones to improve military procedural controls and situational awareness in joint fires integration processes.

Article republished on: 17 April 2018

A Tactical Approach to Consolidating Gains in a Post-Caliphate Iraq

Lt. Col. Jonathan P. Graebener, U.S. Army

The author discusses efforts to adjust support in Iraq to ensure the Islamic State does not gain an opportunity for a new foothold in the region. The new operational approach focuses primarily on the utility and effects of using an integrated target cell to work with and support Iraqi Security Forces.

Article republished on: 16 April 2018

Command Post Operations

Maj. Adam S. Cecil, U.S. Army Maj. Karl Butler Jr., U.S. Army

Two observer/coach trainers provide their insights on how to more effectively incorporate staff into viable SOPs as well as how to make better use of mission command information systems

Article republished on: 2 April 2018

March 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

U.S. Army Information Operations and Cyber-Electromagnetic Activities Lessons from Atlantic Resolve

Lt. Col. Matthew J. Sheiffer, U.S. Army

A battalion commander in the 1st Information Operations Command provides lessons learned during Operation Atlantic Resolve to inform larger discussions on how the Army should fight and win in the information environment.

Article republished on: 19 March 2018

What’s in a Name? Psychological Operations versus Military Information Support Operations and an Analysis of Organizational Change

Maj. David Cowan, U.S. Army Maj. Chaveso Cook, U.S. Army

As an agent of influence, PSYOP compels the enemy to surrender or submit without the use of physicality. Now that the term PSYOP has returned, we can focus on PSYOP’s ability to operate both comfortably and obliquely in the psychological battlespace within the “gray matter” of the adversary and foreign populations instead of confusing ourselves.

Article republished on: 6 March 2018

Warbots and Due Care The Cognitive Limitations of Autonomous and Human Combatants

Maj. Jules “Jay” Hurst, U.S. Army Reserve

The author of this article examines how jus in bello responsibility will have to shift as autonomous weapons grow in sophistication.

Article republished on: 5 March 2018

February 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

Fostering a Whole-of-Government Approach to National Security from the Bottom Up Interagency Training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center

James W. Derleth, PhD

The author of this article underscores the importance of various U.S. government agencies training together, and describes how the Joint Multinational Readiness Center, currently the only entity providing such training, readies its participants for a whole-of-government approach to fostering security.

Article republished on: 28 February 2018

Why They Hate Us: An Examination of al-wala’ wa-l-bara’ in Salafi-Jihadist Ideology

Chaplain (Maj.) Joshua Gilliam, U.S. Army

The concept of al-wala’ wa-l-bara’ ensures this. However, through the application of the correct instrument of national power (information)—and judicious use of the others—we may yet contain this hate.

Article republished on: 15 February 2018

January 2018 Online Exclusive Articles

What Kind of Victory for Russia in Syria?

Michael Kofman Matthew Rojansky, JD

The authors discuss in detail Russian actions during its intervention in Syria and whether Russia succeeded in meeting its military and political goals in that conflict.

Article republished on: 24 January 2018

Soldier, Are You on My Friends List?: An Examination and Recommendations for the Military Leader-Subordinate Relationship on Social Media

Maj. Gregory C. Mabry Jr., PsyD, LCSW, BCD, U.S. Army

The author argues that commanders should look to new ways to incorporate social media into rapport-building as well as monitoring the well-being of those in their command. He provides suggestions and insights for incorporating social media into leadership practices and behavioral health support.

Article republished on: 19 January 2018

North Korea Solution Changed Regime

Col. James M. Minnich, U.S. Army

Now is the time for Seoul and Washington to boldly assume risk by adopting a changed-regime policy that will genuinely align Pyongyang within their orbits if they are truly committed to avoiding war unless it is the absolute last resort.

Article republished on: 12 January 2018

Design to Execution Into the Suwalki Gap

Col. Charles Kemper, Minnesota Army National Guard Maj. Jacob Helgestad, Minnesota Army National Guard Maj. Nathan Colvin, U.S. Army Maj. Simon Cox, British Royal Marines

Officers from the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division describe the logistical effort to coordinate across partner nations and territories to achieve their objectives in Saber Strike 2017. The description of coordinating a multinational air assault, attack on an objective, and a forward passage of lines offers insight into contemporary challenges in preparing to achieve an objective.

Article republished on: 12 January 2018

The Right Fit: Mission Command in the Twenty-First Century

Lt. Col. Matthew T. Archambault, U.S. Army Capt. Franklin G. Peachey, U.S. Army Capt. Jennifer P. Sims, U.S. Army

A battalion commander, his intelligence officer, and his signals officer collaborate on a discussion of how their unit developed a mission command mindset while serving as the opposing force at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center, Hohenfels, Germany.

Article republished on: 8 January 2018

Perceptions and Courses of Actions toward Iran

Jo-Anne Hart, Ph.D.

Take this quick quiz: In which Islamic theocracy were there immediate and repeated public outpourings of sympathy for Americans following the 9/11 attacks in 2001? If you did not know about the several candlelight vigils in Iran, you are not alone. In fact, few Americans know that hundreds of Iranians gathered publicly to pay their respects and to show their solidarity with the American people, first on 13 September, then in two other vigils.

Article republished on: 4 January 2018 (Originally published Sept-Oct 2005)

Understanding Information as a Weapon: The Virtual Reality/Sand Table Model of Information Conflict

Lt. Col. Jon Herrmann, U.S. Air Force Reserve Lt. Col. Brian Steed, U.S. Army

The authors highlight the need for clear visual representations of the information environment, to help military thinkers better comprehend the complex information environment.

Article published on: 1 January 2018